Proof-based coverage metrics for formal verification (original) (raw)

Coverage metrics for formal verification


In formal verification, we verify that a system is correct with respect to a specification. Even when the system is proven to be correct, there is still a question of how complete the specification is, and whether it really covers all the behaviors of the system. The challenge of making the verification process as exhaustive as possible is even more crucial in simulation-based verification, where the infeasible task of checking all input sequences is replaced by checking a test suite consisting of a finite subset of them.

Efficient generation of inductive validity cores for safety properties

Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering - FSE 2016, 2016

Symbolic model checkers can construct proofs of properties over very complex models. However, the results reported by the tool when a proof succeeds do not generally provide much insight to the user. It is often useful for users to have traceability information related to the proof: which portions of the model were necessary to construct it. This traceability information can be used to diagnose a variety of modeling problems such as overconstrained axioms and underconstrained properties, and can also be used to measure completeness of a set of requirements over a model. In this paper, we present a new algorithm to efficiently compute the inductive validity core (IVC) within a model necessary for inductive proofs of safety properties for sequential systems. The algorithm is based on the UNSAT core support built into current SMT solvers and a novel encoding of the inductive problem to try to generate a minimal inductive validity core. We prove our algorithm is correct, and describe its implementation in the JKind model checker for Lustre models. We then present an experiment in which we benchmark the algorithm in terms of speed, diversity of produced cores, and minimality, with promising results. CCS Concepts •Theory of computation → Verification by model checking; Automated reasoning; •Software and its engineering → Requirements analysis; Formal software verification;

Efficient generation of all minimal inductive validity cores

2017 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD), 2017

Symbolic model checkers can construct proofs of safety properties over complex models, but when a proof succeeds, the results do not generally provide much insight to the user. Recently, proof cores (alternately, for inductive model checkers, Inductive Validity Cores (IVCs)) were introduced to trace a property to a minimal set of model elements necessary for proof. Minimal IVCs facilitate several engineering tasks, including performing traceability and analyzing requirements completeness, that usually rely on the minimality of IVCs. However, existing algorithms for generating an IVC are either expensive or only able to find an approximately minimal IVC. Besides minimality, computing all minimal IVCs of a given property is an interesting problem that provides several useful analyses, including regression analysis for testing/proof, determination of the minimum (as opposed to minimal) number of model elements necessary for proof, the diversity examination of model elements leading to proof, and analyzing fault tolerance. This paper proposes an efficient method for finding all minimal IVCs of a given property proving its correctness and completeness. We benchmark our algorithm against existing IVCgenerating algorithms and show, in many cases, the cost of finding all minimal IVCs by our technique is similar to finding a single minimal IVC using existing algorithms.

Formal Methods for Analyzing the Completeness of an Assertion Suite against a High-Level Fault Model


One of the emerging challenges in formal property verification (FPV) technology is the problem of deciding whether sufficient properties have been written to cover the design intent. Existing literature on FPV coverage does not solve this problem adequately, since they primarily analyze the coverage of a specification against a given implementation. On the other hand, we consider the task of determining the coverage of a formal specification against a high-level fault model that is independent of any specific implementation. We show that such a coverage analysis discovers behavioral gaps in the specification and prompts the design architect to add more properties to close the behavioral gaps. Our results establish that the coverage analysis task at this level is computationally complex, but it is possible to obtain a conservative estimate of the coverage at low cost.

Coverage estimation for symbolic model checking

Proceedings of the 36th ACM/IEEE conference on Design automation conference - DAC '99, 1999

Although model checking is an exhaustive formal verification method, a bug can still escape detection if the erroneous behavior does not violate any verified property. We propose a coverage metric to estimate the "completeness" of a set of properties verified by model checking. A symbolic algorithm is presented to compute this metric for a subset of the CTL property specification language. It has the same order of computational complexity as a model checking algorithm. Our coverage estimator has been applied in the course of some real-world model checking projects. We uncovered several coverage holes including one that eventually led to the discovery of a bug that escaped the initial model checking effort.

A practical approach to coverage in model checking


In formal verification, we verify that a system is correct with respect to a specification. When verification succeeds and the system is proven to be correct, there is still a question of how complete the specification is, and whether it really covers all the behaviors of the system. In this paper we study coverage metrics for model checking from a practical point of view. Coverage metrics are based on modifications we apply to the system in order to check which parts of it were actually relevant for the verification process to succeed.

Abstracting formal specifications to generate software tests via model checking


A recent method combines model checkers with specification-based mutation analysis to generate test cases from formal software specifications. However high-level software specifications usually must be reduced to make analysis with a model checker feasible. We propose a new reduction, parts of which can be applied mechanically, to soundly reduce some large, even infinite, state machines to manageable pieces. Our work differs from other work in that we use the reduction for generating test sets, as opposed to the typical goal of analyzing for properties. Consequently, we have different criteria, and we prove a different soundness rule. Informally, the rule is that counterexamples from the model checker are test cases for the original specification. The reduction changes both the state machine and temporal logic constraints in the model checking specification to avoid generating unsound test cases. We give an example of the reduction and test generation. 1 * Partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number CCR-99-01030 feasible. Our approach is to define a reduction from a given specification to a smaller one that is more likely to be tractable for a model checker. We tailor the reduction for test generation, as opposed to the usual goal of analysis. A broad span of research from early work on algebraic specifications [13] to more recent work such as [21] addresses the problem of relating tests to formal specifications. In particular, counterexamples from model checkers are potentially useful test cases. In addition to our use of the Symbolic Model Verifier (SMV) model checker [19] to generate mutation adequate tests [2], Callahan, Schneider, and Easterbrook use the Simple PROMELA Interpreter (SPIN) model checker [16] to generate tests that cover each block in a certain partitioning of the input domain [8]. Gargantini and Heitmeyer use both SPIN and SMV to generate branch-adequate tests from Software Cost Reduction (SCR) requirements specifications [14]. The model checking approach to formal methods has received considerable attention in the literature, and readily available tools such as SMV and SPIN are capable of handling the state spaces associated with realistic problems [11]. Although model checking began as a method for verifying hardware designs, there is growing evidence that model checking can be applied with considerable automation to specifications for relatively large software systems, such as the Traffic Alert &: Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) II [9]. The increasing usefulness of model checkers for software systems makes them attractive targets for use in aspects of software development other than pure analysis, which is their primary role today. Model checking has been successfully applied to a wide variety of practical problems, including hardware design, protocol analysis, operating systems, reactive system analysis, fault tolerance, and security. The chief advantage of

Design-Intent Coverage—A New Paradigm for Formal Property Verification

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2000

It is essential to formally ascertain whether the register-transfer level (RTL) validation effort effectively guarantees the correctness with respect to the design's architectural intent. The design's architectural intent can be expressed in formal properties. However, due to the capacity limitations of formal verification, these architectural properties cannot be directly verified on the RTL. As a result, a set of lower level RTL properties are developed and verified against the RTL modules. In a top-down design approach, the architect would ideally like to formally guarantee the coverage of the architectural intent at the time of creating the specifications for the component RTL modules (that is, before they are passed to the designers for implementation). In this paper, the authors present: 1) a method for checking whether the RTL properties are covering the architectural properties, that is, whether verifying the RTL properties guarantees the correctness of the design's architectural intent; 2) a method to identify which architectural properties are still uncovered, that is, not guaranteed by the RTL properties; and 3) a methodology for representing the gap between the specifications in a legible form.

Theory Refinement for Program Verification

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017

Recent progress in automated formal verification is to a large degree due to the development of constraint languages that are sufficiently lightweight for reasoning but still expressive enough to prove properties of programs. Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers implement efficient decision procedures, but offer little direct support for adapting the constraint language to the task at hand. Theory refinement is a new approach that modularly adjusts the modeling precision based on the properties being verified through the use of combination of theories. We implement the approach using an augmented version of the theory of bit-vectors and uninterpreted functions capable of directly injecting non-clausal refinements to the inherent Boolean structure of SMT. In our comparison to a state-of-the-art model checker, our prototype implementation is in general competitive, being several orders of magnitudes faster on some instances that are challenging for flattening, while computing models that are significantly more succinct.

Speeding up the Proof Strategy in Formal Software Verification

Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion

The functional correctness of safety-and security-critical software is of utmost importance. Nowadays, this can be achieved through computer assisted verification. While formal verification itself typically poses a steep learning-curve for anyone who wants to apply it, its applicability is further hindered by its (typically) low runtime performance. With the increasing popularity of algorithm parameter tuning and genetic improvement, we see a great opportunity for assisting verification engineers in their daily tasks.