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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of organizational culture and commitment to employee performance at the Education Office of Pematangsiantar City. This study used literature and field research designs. The research method used was the causality method with a quantitative approach. The type of data used in this study was qualitative data and quantitative data. The data sources consisted of primary data and secondary data. The population and sample used in this study were 81 permanent employees. The data collection was carried out by questionnaire, interview and documentation. The analysis technique used was qualitative descriptive and quantitative descriptive analysis consisting of multiple linear regression, correlation test and determination and hypothesis tests. The results of this study concluded that the organizational culture, commitment and employee performance were good. Besides, the organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on employ...
Police officers duties and roles in today’s democratic society are getting complex. As theparty whose responsibility is to enforce law and order, it makes their performance matter themost. This research is aimed to figure out the effect of organizational culture on employeeperformance with the mediating role of organizational commitment. The researchmethodology that used in this study is a case study with survey research method. Purposivesampling technique is used to determine the sample for this research. The sample of thisresearch are 200 police officers of Polres Ciamis. SPSS and Amos statistical software arebeing used for data analysis purpose. The results of this study indicate that organizationalculture has a positive effect on both organizational commitment and employee performance.Additionally, organizational commitment has a positive effect on employee performance aswell as mediating the causal relationship between organizational culture and jobperformance. The result of th...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the innovation of an organization’s management, strategic factors that support organizational management, efforts made, relationships with human resource development and application to human resource development. This research is a qualitative research with content analysis method. The data source in this research are document of five international articles, data collection, data analysis up to the presentation of data adopting Huberman and Milles model. Level of management maturity, organizational culture concepts and organizational performance and Information Technology systems in service to support their management. The success of the institution in carrying out its vision and mission cannot be separated from the readiness of human resources and facilities available. Innovation of an organizational management, Strategic factors that support organizational management, efforts undertaken, relationships with human resource development and appl...
Journal Research of Social Science, Economics, and Management, 2022
The study was conducted to know the meadiating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between organizational commitment on employee performance. This research was used quantitave methods and questionannaire as a data collection tool. The population of this research was 1500 and the sample was 327 employees. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire with google form. Purposive random was used as a sampling methode, with purposive employees who have at least one year of service. F test, t-test, simple and multiple linear regression analysis and path analysis was used as analysis data methode. This research resulted that organizational culture has a postive influence on employee performance. Job satisfaction could mediate the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. Job satisfaction could mediate the relationship between organizational commitment to employee performance.
The Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Performance
Organizational culture is a very important thing in building an organizational performance. Commitment of each employee in the organization is needed in building an organizational performance. This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture, employee commitment, on employee performance. This research was conducted on MNC‟s employees. The research method uses multiple regression methods. The results of this study indicate that the direct influence of organizational culture on organizational performance. Organizational Commitment significantly to organizational performance. Keywords: 1 Organizational Culture 2 Organizational Commitment 3 Organizational Performance
Abstrak -The purpose of this research was to analyze the employee performance of Dinas Pengairan Provinsi Aceh. This research uses the variables of organizational culture and motivation to analyze the influence of employee performance. This study also used organizational commitment as the intervening variables to analyze the influence of the level of employee commitment to the organization. The population of this research are all the employees Dinas Pengairan Provinsi Aceh, amounting to 472. While the sample taken in this research were as many as 100 people drawn from the population. The collected data used questionnaire method is to provide a list of questions or questionnaires directly to respondents. The Analysis data techniques in this study use SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis which is operate by AMOS 20 program. The results of the show that the organizational culture variables have a positive influence of 0.83 on the performance of employees with a good level of significant (P = 0.015), the variable of organizational commitment have a positive influence of 0.33 on the performance of employees with significant levels of good (P = 0.012), but the motivation variable has a negative influence of -0.51 and no significant influence on employee performance (P = 0.239). Motivational variables have a positive influence of 0.34 for organizational commitment to the values that are not significant (P = 0.428), but organizational cultural variables have a negative influence of -0.32 and no significant influence on organizational commitment (P = 0.321).
European Journal of Business and Management, 2017
This research aims to know the influence of organizational culture, organizational commitment toward employee’s performance of PT Aisan Namasco Industri. The population of this research is consisted of 1357 respondents by sample obtained in this study amounted to 93 respondents were distributed to employees of PT Aisan Nasmoco Industri. The method of data analysis uses quantitative analysis test which is consist of validity test, reliability test, classic assumptions test and hypothesis test. Independent variables in this research are of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment. The dependent variable in this research is the Employee Performance.The results of this research shows that either simoultantly or partially the variable of organizational culture and organizational commitment influence to the performance of employee of PT Aisan Nasmoco Industri significantly and positively. It has been proven from the result of (F) simoultant test and the result of (t) partia...
This study aims to determine the effect of organizational culture and work environment on employee performance simultaneously, to know the influence of organizational culture on partial employee performance, to know the influence of work environment on partial employee performance, to know influence of organizational commitment to partial employee performance, organization on employee performance through organizational commitment variable and know the influence of work environment on employee performance through organizational commitment. Research conducted on employees of PT. CiwangiBerlian Motor. The sampling technique used saturated sample method involving 152 people. Data analysis using path analysis. Based on the results of the research note that the variables of organizational culture and work environment affect the performance of employees simultaneously. The effect of organizational culture on employee performance is 0.252. The influence of organizational culture on employee performance through organizational commitment is 0.427 x 0.403 = 0.172.The direct effect of work environment on employee performance is 0.798. While the influence of work environment on employee performance through organizational commitment is 0,305 x 0,403 = 0,123. In this case, the direct influence is greater than the indirect effect so that it can be said that the organizational commitment variable is not an intervening variable.
Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of employee’s organizational commitment on the relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance. This study was descriptive and correlational research that was conducted through the survey method. The study population consisted of all employees in education office of Kerman province and 190 persons were selected as volume of sample by using Cochran’s formula. The data gathering tools were organizational culture, organizational commitment, and organizational performance questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics (structural equation modeling through path analysis) were used to analyze the data. The data was analyzed using SPSS and AMOS softwares. The findings of the research indicated that suggested model had appropriate fit and organizational culture beyond its direct impact exerted indirect impact on organizational performance through the mediation of employee’s organizational commitment that the extent of indirect impact was significantly higher than direct impact.
Association between the Organizational Culture and Employees" Performance
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2020|ISSN 2454-6186 , 2020
Organizational Culture expresses to which extent the members of organization are willing to support each other and also the goals and development of their organization. It has been shown by the organizational psychology to influence important aspect of staff behaviour. Therefore, this study was carried out to measure the association between Organizational culture and Employees' Performance of Eastern Provincial Council Institutions. For this purpose of measuring five variables of organizational culture are considered such as Employee participation, Job security, Supervision, Work environment and Employee benefits. Hundred sample was selected in the method of systemic random sampling from secondary level employees. And also SPSS package used for analysis purpose. The study found that the discussed in five dimensions mostly indicate moderate organizational culture and staff performance. Therefore, it was known from the conclusion, the result shows that managing and improving the organizational culture could contribute to the performance of staff.