Domain of Exotic Laplacian Constructed by Wiener Integrals of Exponential White Noise Distributions (original) (raw)

Exotic Laplacians and associated stochastic processes

In this paper, we give a decomposition of the space of tempered distributions by the Cesàro norm, and for any a > 1 2 we construct directly from the exotic trace an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space H c,2a−1 on which the exotic trace plays the role as the usual trace. This implies that the Exotic Laplacian coincides with the Volterra-Gross Laplacian in the Boson Fock space Γ(H c,2a−1 ) over the Hilbert space H c,2a−1 . Finally we construct the Brownian motion naturally associated to the Exotic Laplacian of order 2a − 1 and we find an explicit expression for the associated heat semigroup. : 60H40

The exotic (higher order Levy) Laplacians generate the Markov processes given by distribution derivatives of white noise

We introduce, for each a ∈ R+, the Brownian motion associated to the distribution derivative of order a of white noise. We prove that the generator of this Markov process is the exotic Laplacian of order 2a, given by the Cesaro mean of order 2a of the second derivatives along the elements of an orthonormal basis of a suitable Hilbert space (the Cesaro space of order 2a). In particular, for a = 1=2 one nds the usual Levy Laplacian, but also in this case the connection with the 1=2{derivative of white noise is new. The main technical tool, used to achieve these goals, is a generalization of a result due to Accardi and Smolyanov 5 extending the well known Cesaro theorem to higher order arithmetic means. These and other estimates allow to prove existence of the heat semi{ group associated to any exotic Laplacian of order ≥ 1=2 and to give its explicit expression in terms of in nite dimensional Fourier transform.

Recent Progress on the White Noise Approach to the Lévy Laplacian

Quantum Information and Complexity - Proceedings of the Meijo Winter School 2003, 2004

Let φ be a function defined on L 2 (0, 1). In 1922 P. Lévy introduced the Laplacian ∆ L φ of φ for harmonic analysis on the space L 2 (0, 1) by ∆φ(x) = lim N →∞ 1 N N X n=1 φ (x)e n , e n , where {en; n ≥ 1} is an orthonormal basis for L 2 (0, 1). This Laplacian, called the Lévy Laplacian, has no finite dimensional analogue. It is intrinsically infinite dimensional and possesses peculiar properties. In 1975 T. Hida introduced white noise theory which can be used to study Lévy's functional analysis. In this paper we study recent progress on some properties of the Lévy Laplacian from the white noise viewpoint, e.g., its relationships to the Lévy group, the spherical mean, Wiener processes, Gross Laplacian, and the Fourier transform. More significantly, we discuss K. Saitô's novel idea on the diagonalization of the Lévy Laplacian operator to construct a domain of this operator and to find semigroups and stochastic processes generated by the Lévy Laplacian. We present some of recent results due to Saitô and his collaborators.

White Noise Analysis Based on the Levy Laplacian (Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Quantum Probability Theory)

数理解析研究所講究録, 2001

Eigenfunctions of the Levy Laplacian with an arbitrary complex number as an eigenvalue are constructed by means of acoordinate change of white noise distributions. The Levy Laplacian is diagonalized on the direct integral Hilbert space of such eigenfunctions and the corresponding equi-continuous semigroup is obtained. Moreover, an infinite dimensional stochastic process related to the L\'evy Laplacian is constructed from some one-dimensional stochastic process.

Exotic Laplacians and derivatives of white noise

In this paper, we give a relationship between the Exotic Laplacians and the Lévy Lapla-27 cians in terms of the higher order derivatives of white noise by introducing an injective 28 and continuous linear operator acting on white noise functionals. Moreover, we study 29 a relationship between Exotic Laplacians, acting on higher order singular functionals, 30 each other in terms of the constructed operator. 31 1 16-18, 25, 26 and references therein). The Exotic Laplacians were introduced by 2 Accardi and Smolyanov in Ref. 3 as natural generalizations of the Lévy Laplacian, 3 defined by Cesàro means of higher order. Recently, in Refs. 1 and 14, it was proved 4 that the Lévy Laplacian can be considered as a particular Volterra-Gross Laplacian. 5 This result was extended in Ref. 6 to the hierarchy of Exotic and this extension 6 was used to solve the associated heat equations and to construct the corresponding 7 Brownian motions.

Diagonalization of the Lévy Laplacian and Related Stable Processes

Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 2002

Eigenfunctions of the Lévy Laplacian with an arbitrary real number as an eigenvalue are constructed by means of a coordinate change of white noise distributions. The Lévy Laplacian is diagonalized on the direct integral Hilbert space of such eigenfunctions and the corresponding equi-continuous semigroup is obtained. Moreover, an infinite dimensional stochastic process related to the Lévy Laplacian is constructed from a one-dimensional stable process.

A Gauss-Poisson Correspondence and the Lévy Laplacian

Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, 2009

In this paper we present recent results on infinite dimensional Laplacians. In particular, by introducing the operator which transfers regular white noise functionals to functionals of exponential white noise, we give a relationship between an infinite dimensional Fourier-Mehler transform and the Lévy Laplacian. The operator implies a Gauss-Poisson correspondence if we consider the Lévy Laplacian acting on multiple Wiener integrals by some Lévy process. We also give an infinite dimensional random field associated with the Lévy Laplacian.

The product of distributions and white noise distribution-valued stochastic differential equations


In this paper we introduce a new locally convex space of distributions, as a generalization of the space from [12], in which we have the product of any distributions as a series expansion. Then we discuss higher powers of the complex white noise on the space consisting of distributions without any renormalization. We also extend the Lévy and Voltera Laplacians to operators on a locally convex space taking the completion of the set of all distribution-coefficient polynomials on distributions with respect to some topology, and give an infinite dimensional Brownian motion generated by the Lévy Laplacian with a divergent part as a distribution. Based on those results, we obtain white noise distribution-valued stochastic differential equations, for the delta distribution centered at the infinite dimensional Brownian motion and also a sum of delta distributions centered at one dimensional Brownian motions.

Brownian motion generated by the Levy Laplacian

Mathematical Notes, 1993

An existence and uniqueness theorem for the the heat equation associated to the Levy-Laplacian is proved and a simple explicit formula is derived. The associated Levy heat semigroup is used to construct a classical Markov process called the Levy Brownian motion.