Ermeni Terör Örgütü Taşnaksütyun'un 1918-1920 Yıllarında Güney Kafkasya Ve Yukarı Karabağ'da Yaptığı (original) (raw)

After the Ottoman Empire signed the Mondrus Armistice Treaty, she was forced to withdraw from the South Caucasus and Baku according to the agreement. Instead of the Ottoman army troops Allied Powers invaded the South Caucasus and Baku. Allied Powers General Tomson, the commander of South Caucasus gave the four-fifth of the Zenzegur district belonging to the Azerbaycan territory to Andronik, Armenian gang leader Andronik called the territories such as Zengezur, Karabakh and the Gence province situated in the North of Nagorno-Karabakh as "Little Armenia". His aim was to make some terror organizations to the people of Azerbaycan and wanted to add these territories by cleaning these lands from Muslims and Turkish people to his opinion. Andornik, making these lands as his heartquarter, started to massacres in South Caucasia and Nagorno-Karabakh. The massacre that such gand heads included in as Andronik, Balasan Ayrapetov, Arutyun Loğmanov, Usub Xaçıyev casued only in Zengezur distrct of Karabakh 115 villages to be burned and destroyed, dead of 3,257 men, 2,276 women, 2.196 children, the injury of, 794 women 845 children and it also caused more than 50.000 people are led to a be in fugitive status. More than fifty thousand people became refugee and were obliged to seek refuge different villages of Azerbaycan. In the Zengezur region these atrocities and massacres were made as a result of the organizations of the Andronik and the gangs under his commands. These massacres were known to be done by the leaders of the daschnakzoutıoun terrorist organization Andronik, his assistants Şamil Şahnazorov, Amazasp, Ağa Bey Melik Oqancanov, monks Ter-David, Terminasov and some others.