Human and Landscape of Scythian Time on the Forest-Steppe Dnieper Left-bank [Человек и ландшафт в скифское время в Днепровском лесостепном Левобережье] (original) (raw)

Ліплений посуд скіфського часу населення Дніпро-Донецького Лісостепу Hande-made pottery of the Scythian period of the population of the Dnipro-Donets Forest Steppe


Робота присвячена характеристиці ліпленого посуду і гончарних традицій населення, яке в скіфський час займало значну частину лісостепової смуги між річками Дніпро і Сіверський Донець. Здійснено історіографічний огляд і подано історію досліджень археологічних пам'яток скіфського часу в регіоні. Розроблено морфологічну типологію, проаналізовано орнаментацію та наведено територіально-хронологічну характеристику керамічних колекцій. Розглянуто використання ліпленого посуду в поховальній обрядовості. Зроблені висновки стосовно походження гончарних традицій, їх історичної долі та локальних відмінностей. Для істориків, археологів, працівників музеїв, краєзнавців, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, всіх, хто цікавиться давньою історією України.

Gejko Anatolij. Pottery of the Scythian epoch of the tribes of Dnipro Left-Bank Forest-Steppe Region / Гейко Анатолій. Гончарство населення скіфського часу Дніпровського Лісостепового Лівобережжя. - Полтава: "АСМІ", 2011. - 248 с.

The monograph is devoted to the complex studying of the hand-modelled pottery of the Scythian epoch of the tribes of Dnipro Left-Bank Forest-Steppe Region. The author has reconstructed all the stages of its producing and has determined the economical level of the pottery craft of the agricultural and stock-raising tribes of the Sula and Vorskla interfluve. The potters accumulated a considerable amount of experience, which was consolidated in the special rules, practices, and traditions, that were passed on from one generation to another. The similar cultural traditions and habits of work testify to the existence and mutual exchange of experience between potters of different regions. Master potters knew different kinds of clay well and discerned them according to their physical properties. They possessed dominant traditions of using clays and selecting admixtures. From the 7th century till the beginning of the 3rd century B.C. clay remained the main raw material for vessel making and made up more than 60 per cent of the ceramic mass. Potters used several formulas for the ceramic mass, the main of which being: clay (a mixture of clays)+organic matter+chamotte. This fact testifies to the common pottery tradition of different regions of the Dnipro Left-Bank Forest-Steppe Region. The earthenware was produced from separate pieces or bands of clay, which were put together describing a spiral path. Masters formed wares without using a potter’s wheel, but they often fitted wooden support or a piece of cloth out as a turntable. The processing of a surface (glossing, engobe coating, and plastering) possessed both the technological and decorative purposes. The thermal treatment of the earthenware was carried out аt a temperature of 450 to 650°C. The majority of clay vessels were processed in the open fires without temperature exposure and for a short time. Alternatively it could be carried out in stoves for cooking food and heating living quarters. In the 5th and the 6th century B.C. the population of Dnipro Left-Bank Forest- Steppe Region acquired dedicated kilns for making earthenware. With their appearance the producing of earthenware gradually transformed from a seasonal household activity in a trade. The agricultural and stock-raising tribes of Dnipro Left-Bank Forest- Steppe Region possessed vessels for cooking, eating, and storing food or drinking liquids. On the basis of the analysis of the archaeological data one can assert with confidence that since the 5th century B.C. the economic role of pottery was increasing. It became proto-handicraft, though preserved yet undeveloped 12 organization form. The created technological basis met the needs of the society of that time. The economic conditions, household producing, self-sustained household and direct barter, the lack of specialization in pottery did not provide significant incentives to development of the pottery production in the direction of its transforming from household producing to the handicraft. This process was procrastinated and interrupted by numerous shocks in the beginning of the 3rd century B.C.



У статті проведено огляд сучасного стану досліджень прикрас Лісостепової скіфії за матеріалами пам’яток Дніпровського Лівобережжя. Висвітлюється історія їх вивчення, зокрема із залученням світової практики. На прикладі відомих зразків шпильок та сережок описується специфіка дослідження прикрас з різних типів пам’яток, розглядаються питання типології та технології виготовлення. This paper focuses on the pins and earrings as the most popular and diverse type of Scythian jewelry. They are exactly the chronological and cultural markers used by researchers in the reconstruction of migrations and connections of the forest-steppe population. The adornments in ancient times, as well as nowadays, were one of the main cultural and social identity markers. First, they have been studied both in the context of the Scythian material remnants and the unique local variants. Vladimira Petrenko was one of the first who made the typology of these artifacts which led to the change in the field. Soon, new findings were discovered that developed the typology of the artifacts, which was based on the local variants and peculiar decorations, e. g. earrings. The common feature of the modern research is to lessen the number of taxa in the typological scheme and determine the precise and rare indicators of the type origin. Even though the adornment of Scythian Age were studied just as a part of the material culture, the consensus of the academia shows that jewelries can represent a wide range of social and cultural processes in ancient communities. Usually, the Scythian adornments are found in the burial and settled sites. Such material remnants combined with the anthropological data and certain fixation can enlarge our understanding of the usage and function of these artifacts. Furthermore, they give us knowledge of the possible popular costume of the time, the sex and age differences in fashion. In addition, new finds from the settlements widen the source base. The analysis of the jewelries in the context of the settlement structures gives a more precise chronology and modes of production. Today, it is sure that the main three technological methods were welding, casting, and smiting. Each method related to the distinct forms and metals the item was made of.

Городища скіфського часу в Дніпровському лівобережному лісостепу: Загальна характеристика, каталог, типологія [Scythian Time Hillforts in the Dnieper Left-Bank Forest-Steppe: General Characterization, Catalogue, Typology]

The article represents general characteristics of the scythian time hillforts in the Dnieper left-bank forest-steppe. The reasons of building the hillforts, history of their investigations and existing typologies are described. Based on the investigation of constructive solutions which were used by scythian time population the typology of hillforts is offered. Analysys of natural conditions of the sites helped to construct typology of geomorphological position of the hillforts and analysys of the square of the sites gave the posibility to make classification by the square. Consequently any hillfort can be described by three main characteristics: construction, geomorphology, square. It helps to avoid subjective assessment of hillfort functions and to separate characteristics which form the type. Settlement system of the hillforts was analysed separately by main left Dneiper feeders. This approach allows to define a difference in settlement system and find out a special construction solutions which were used by scythian time population. In addition, the catalogue of the hillforts in left-bank Dnieper region is included in the article. Keywords: hillfort, scythian time, catalogue, typology.

О возможных вариантах развития укрепленных поселений скифского времени Днепро-Донской лесостепи (Presumable variants of the development of fortified settlements of the DnieperDon forest-steppe in the Scythian Age)

Археологія і давня історія України, 2020

The intensive constructing of fortified settlements has turned the Dnieper-Don forest-steppe into a huge building site since the second half of the 6th century BCE. Mass development of fortifications has begun. Despite the local features related with topography and the availability of building materials, it is possible to distinguish some common vectors. The hillforts are traditionally perceived by researchers as static structures that have «frozen» in their original forms. Recent archaeological researches on the Tsyrkuny, Bilsk and Mokhnach hillforts in the Forest-Steppe, confirmed by the series of planographic observations on the other sites, allow us to classify some features of the development of fortified settlements. On the one hand, hillforts are formed on the basis of the unfortified settlements. Another part was initially built as fortification. Simple forms of defensive structures and poorly saturated cultural layer are the characteristic features of the fortifications of so-called «shelter-fortresses». The review of the sources allowed us to say that these sites are hillforts which, for some unknown reasons, were not settled down, capturing the first stage of the existence of fortifications, and their specific cultural layer cannot be the evidence of their belonging to certain cultural and economic type. The series of cross-sections of fortifications indicated the traces of restructuring and repairing of individual defensive lines throughout the entire period of their use. There are examples of expanding the area of the hillfort due to constructing of the new defensive structure as an extension of the main line or the creation of the fortification on the next cape that could be united by the common rampart. Also are known the examples of the special reduction of the area of hillfort. Similar situation is observed at the last stage of the Bilsk archaeological complex. In the Late Scythian period, a new type of monuments appeared on the territory of the Dnieper-Don Forest-Steppe, fortifications consisting of the acropolis (central fortified part) and large household yard. The current research allows to critically evaluate the popular models of classifications and the validity of their application for historical reconstructions.

К вопросу об образе жизни населения лесостепного Подонья в скифское время (по материалам могильника Ксизово-19)

Краткие сообщения Института археологии, 2021

The paper provides an overview of paleoanthropological remnants from ground burials dating back to the mid I mill. BC located in the Upper Don region. The finds were obtained during excavations of the Ksizovo-19 multi-layer site. The excavations were carried out by the Early Slavic Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology, RAS, led by A. M. Oblomskiy. The study of the anthropological assemblages was performed according to a comprehensive bioarchaeological program. This makes it possible to cover a number of issues regarding the life style of the population at that time. The stress level and physical activity in the studied group were analyzed. A very high percentage of dental pathologies should be noted. Comparison of series from the ground burials and the kurgans burials revealed differences in the conditions of the dentofacial systems and presence of a greater number of pathological conditions of the teeth in the kurgan series.

Anklets in suits Scythia population (in the Forest-Steppe Left Bank Dnipro region)/Ножні браслети в костюмах населення Скіфії (з регіону Лісостепового Лівобережжя) - Праці Центру пам'яткознавста, вип. 29, Київ, 2016

Klochko L.S. Anklets in suits Scythia population (in the Forest-Steppe Left Bank Dnipro region) Complete sets of decorative elements that make up the characteristic costumes Scythia population attest to its heterogeneity of social and ethnic origin. In particular, as part of sets of jewellery researchers identify items specifi c to Scythian women orders from certain regions, id.e. some ethnolocal indicators. These women, who have lived on promises were bronze anklet. We consider artistic features anklets, made assumptions about the origin of this category of jewellery, their semantics. Key words: costume complexes, removable ornaments, anklets, zoomorphic images ethnolocal elements. Подано до друку: 03.10.2015 р.

Александр Назаров, Сергей Скорый, Денис Гречко. Новое о погребениях скифской архаики в Днепровском Лесостепном Правобережье/Aleksandr Nazarov, Sergey Skory, Denis Grechko. New dates about the graves of Scythian archaic in the Dnieper’s Right-Bank Forest-Steppe

В статье публикуются два новых комплекса раннескифского времени из Днепровского Лесостепного Правобережья. Захоронение в кургане у с. Почапинцы, вероятно, принадлежало представителю местного земледельческого населения. Пинтадера, найденная в данном комплексе, могла попасть в данный регион вместе с мигрантами с Северного Кавказа и Закавказья после окончания переднеазиатских походов кочевников. Захоронение воина с кинжалом, топором и копьем в срубе у с. Вороновка принадлежало представителям номадов, которые пришли с юго-востока и привнесли комплекс материальной культуры раннескифского типа. Данные комплексы пополняют источниковую базу для изучения сложных этнокультурных процессов, которые происходили на юге Восточной Европы в раннескифское время. Two new complexes of the early Scythian time from the Dnieper’s Right-Bank Forest-Steppe are published. Burial in the burrow near village Pochapinci, probably, belonged to the representative of the local agricultural population. Pintaderae, which was found in this complex, may got in the region along with migrants from the Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia after the end of the Front-Asian campaigns of the nomads. The warrior burial with dagger, axe and spear in the frame near village Voronovka belonged to the representative of the nomads, which came from the southeast and brought the early Scythian material complex. These complexes complement the source base for studying complex processes, which occurred in the east of Eastern Europe in the early Scythian time.

Городища-убежища скифского времени Днепро-Донской лесостепи.(Scythian-time fortified refuges from the Dnieper-Don forest-steppe)

Revista Arheologică nr. 1-2(13), 2017

Today more than 227 Scythian-time hillforts are known in the Dnieper-Don forest-steppe. Among them 33 enclosures considered as fortified refuge were distinguished in special group. Poor cultural stratum and lack of permanent constructions are typical for these monuments. Analysis of the known fortified refuges shows absence of common opinion about such a meaningful feature as thickness of the cultural layer. But this criterion could be very useful. There are no detected artifacts on some of the fortified refuges whereas on another monuments cultural layer could have thickness not more than 0,25-0,3 m. There are several reasons for origination a fortified refuge. External invasions and internal conflicts are among them. In addition, progress in social and economy field should be noted. One can considered that thickness of the cultural layer was conditioned by short-term habitation. Also it is impossible to agree with symbolic or religious significance of the fortified refuges because of lack of material. And possible hypothesis about their usage as fortified pastures requires more proofs. Due to presented in this article material one can suppose that so-called fortified refuges it is remains of the fortified settlements. But life activity here was interrupted on the initial stage of monuments development. Analysis of the hillforts with poor cultural layer shows that they function was primarily as defensive structures. В настоящее время в Днепро-Донской лесостепи известно не менее 227 городищ скифского времени, 33 из них исследователи выделяют в отдельную группу убежищ. Для этой категории памятников характерен слабонасыщенный культурный слой и отсутствие долговременных сооружений жизнедеятельности человека. Обзор материалов известных убежищ показывает отсутствие среди учёных единого мнения о таком важном для выделения данной группы признаке, как мощность культурного слоя. В одних случаях находки интересующей нас эпохи не обнаружены вовсе, в других мощность слоя, хоть и невыразительного, достигает 0,25–0,3 м. К причинам появления убежищ относят как факторы внешней агрессии и внутренних междоусобиц, так и изменения в социальной и экономической сферах. По нашему мнению, именно кратковременное использование городищ обусловило слабую насыщенность их культурного слоя. На вопрос «Выполняли ли городища-убежища культовые функции?» в свете имеющегося материала ответить невозможно. А гипотеза об их использовании в качестве загонов для скота требует дополнительной аргументации. На основе изложенного в статье материала мы можем предположить, что городища-убежища являются свидетельствами первых фаз развития (становления) укреплённых поселений, то есть теми памятниками, развитие которых по неизвестным причинам прервалось на начальном этапе. Рассматривая функциональное назначение всех укреплений со слабонасыщенным культурным слоем, мы не видим убедительных доказательств какой-либо иной их функции, кроме оборонительной.