Peran Zakat Dalam Mendorong Perekonomian dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan The Role of Zakat in Driving the Economy and Alleviating Poverty (original) (raw)

Assessing the Role of Zakat for Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia

This paper analyzes, the role of zakat as an effective program to eradicate poverty. First, this paper examines the conventional approach to dealing with poverty, in particular it analyses the role of economic growth in relation to poverty and inequality. Then there is an analysis of the role and scope of zakat in dealing with the problem of poverty. Given the pervasiveness of poverty in Muslim countries, it is important to investigate how the institution of zakat can be used in contemporary times to alleviate poverty. The result of this study shows that although Indonesia began tackling poverty in the 1970s, its achievements in poverty reduction have been inadequate. This study also found that Indonesia still has serious problems in reducing poverty although the role and management of zakat in Indonesia is essentially successful in terms of the capability of zakat institutions to create pragmatic variations in zakat utilisation.

Investigating the Impact of Zakat on Poverty Alleviation: A Case from West Sumatra, Indonesia


Muslim population in West Sumatra is vast, thus, it has significant potential of zakat. In the province, the regulation of compulsory zakat which is directly deducted from the local State Civil Apparatus (ASN) salaries has been practiced. This regulation has a positive impact on the collection of zakat funds in West Sumatra, yet the position of zakat in reducing poverty in the province demands a discussion in scholarly work. This study appointed 200 respondents and employed poverty indicators to investigate the impact of Zakat on poverty alleviation in the province. The results indicated that zakat promotes poverty reduction. This research also proves concisely the poor can exit the poverty line with Zakat. This work implies the role of government in supporting Zakat as monetary tool in poverty alleviation. Keyword: Zakat, West Sumatera, Exit Poverty, BAZNAS

Zakat as an Instrument of Eradicating Poverty (Indonesian Case)

International Journal of Nusantara Islam, 2012

This paper describes more clearly about the charity as an instrument of poverty alleviation. Said to be more pronounced because zakat is not only described from the aspect of Islamic law, but also from the aspect of Islamic Economics. Starting from the idea of a content analysis of two professors of Economic Development, Prahalad and Yuyun Wirasasmita, this paper reveals the fundamental aspects of the causes of poverty, namely culture, alienation and exploitation. In this paper, the charity manages to pack in a comprehensive manner to a complementary instrument, whether Islamic law, and even Islamic Economics. Among the novelties in this paper is a substantive interpretation of zakat which is connected with the theory of economic development, compared with tax and economic-mathematical analysis to find a charity to further its position in the study of economics. As for other things that were outlined in this paper is the normative aspects of zakat, as where made explicit, as an inst...

The Influence of Zakat on Economic Growth and Welfare Society in Indonesia

Integrated Journal of Business and Economics

Indonesia as a one of the most significant Muslim population in the world has developed zakat rapidly; it is shown by the development of the zakat regulation and establishes of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS). Zakat has many benefit for economic both of macro and micro aspect, such as foster inclusive economic growth. The objective of this study are 1) to examine the influence of zakat on economic growth and welfare society which uses 3 (three) indicators i.e.HDI, Percentage of Poor People, and GINI Index and 2) to investigate whether items of Theory Planned Behavior influence of zakat payment. The researcher used Structural Equation Model (SEM) with PLS software. The result showed that zakat in Indonesia does not influence economic growth and welfare society. Besides that, welfare society Indonesia as a developing country has a negative value to HDI and GINI index but has a positive value to Percentage of Poor People.

Zakat for Economic Empowerment (Analyzing the Models, Strategy and Implications of Zakat Productive Program in Baitul Mal Aceh and Baznas Indonesia)


Sustainable wellbeing is one of the goals of zakat distribution whereby the poor (<em>mustahiq</em>) are not only able to survive by having the basic needs fulfilled, but also are able to work and fulfill his needs and his family independently. The <em>mustahiq </em>independency is important to solve the problem of inequalities in society, marginalization, unemployemnt and poverty. This can only be achieved if zakat is able to used as a means for economic empowerment of the poor that would increase their capacity and enable them to become enterpreneur and hence able to fulfil their needs by themselves. This article attempts to observe various zakat productive programs initiated by zakat institutions in Indonesia and also analyze their implications in empowering the poors and increase their level of wellbeing. The case study in this paper is Baitul Mal Aceh and Baznas Indonesia.



Zakat is considered a financial resource in addition to being a cult. It is one of the most important acts of worship and hence its dual role as a cult and a development tool Islamic economics is a remedy for the disruption of wealth distribution by human societies Income, and the extent to which this regular financial instrument is absent and that there is no surplus. The purpose of this study is to study the role of the Zakat in economic sustainability in order to reach welfare and prosperity for citizens of Indonesia. The researcher uses the method of qualitative and qualitative research, reviewing traditional and contemporary Islamic sources to clarify the importance of Zakat as an institution, and the detailed impact of Zakat on the economics of the prosperity Indonesian as the main subject of the study. The studies are important in creating awareness about the role of Zakat from economic and investment side, and to encourage further research on the impact of Zakat on the prosperity of the Islamic society worldwide and in Indonesia especially as a model for other Muslim country.

Zakat as an Instrument of Eradicating Poverty (Indonesian Case) Zakat as an Instrument of Eradicating Poverty (Indonesian Case

I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l o f N u s a n t a r a I s l a m 73 Abstract This paper describes more clearly about the charity as an instrument of poverty alleviation. Said to be more pronounced because zakat is not only described from the aspect of Islamic law, but also from the aspect of Islamic Economics. Starting from the idea of a content analysis of two professors of Economic Development, Prahalad and Yuyun Wirasasmita, this paper reveals the fundamental aspects of the causes of poverty, namely culture, alienation and exploitation. In this paper, the charity manages to pack in a comprehensive manner to a complementary instrument, whether Islamic law, and even Islamic Economics. Among the novelties in this paper is a substantive interpretation of zakat which is connected with the theory of economic development, comparated with tax and economic-mathematical analysis to find a charity to further its position in the study of economics. As for other things that were outlined in this paper is the normative aspects of zakat, as where explicit, as an instrument of poverty alleviation for various sectors, as seen from its usability goals.

Utilization of Zakat as a Means Empowering People In Indonesia


Indonesia is one of the countries that has considerable population potential that can be used to support the achievement of national development goals and regional economic development. One of the main objectives of economic development is the reduction in the number of poor people. This is because poverty in some regions in Indonesia is still relatively high. One of the policies that can be taken is the utilization of zakat to finance MSMEs to improve people’s welfare. The analytical method used is descriptive explorative. The data used is secondary data. The results are supported by optimal and systematic empowerment of MSMEs with sources of funding from zakat which are expected to overcome income inequality and economic development. Empowerment of MSMEs who stand on the cooperative system will influence the partnership very closely. The government should participate so that poverty can be resolved immediately.

Productive Zakat as a Financial Instrument in Economic Empowerment in Indonesia

International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration (IJEBAS)

The Muslim population who has great potential in tithing is Indonesia. As the largest Muslim country in Asia, one of the financial instruments that should be appreciated is productive zakat. This program can not only help underprivileged people but also can make people who have been lacking in the economy and have always been recipients of zakat can change their positions into muzakki. This study describes the extent of research on productive zakat and its empowerment in Indonesia by obtaining the results of 375 published articles that have been eliminated according to search data from 2017 to 2021. Besides that, it also shows that productive zakat is very great in playing its role as one of the Islamic financial instruments in Indonesia in empowering and alleviating poverty through philanthropic institutions that shelter it.

Impact of Zakat Distribution as a Reduction In Poverty Case Study in the Province of West Sumatra

International Journal of Zakat

West Sumatra Province has a high Muslim population and also has a high amount of zakat funds even though it is not yet potential. Regulation of zakat which is different from other provinces in West Sumatra is the existence of compulsory zakat regulations which are directly deducted from salaries for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). This has a positive impact on the collection of zakat funds in West Sumatra. This should be accompanied by the application of good zakat to reduce poverty. This study used questionnaire to obtain primary data in the province of West Sumatera. This study had 200 respondents, uses poverty indicators and the average time taken to exit poverty as an analysis tool. The results of this study indicate that zakat can be an instrument to reduce poverty, by empowering zakat effectively and increasing economic growth. This research also proves more concisely when the poor can exit of poverty if compared with the absence of zakat application. As for the implications ...