Danube Loess Stratigraphy: Serbian Viewpoint (original) (raw)
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Danube loess stratigraphy - Towards a pan-European loess stratigraphic model
Earth-Science Reviews, 2015
Abbreviations CLP -Chinese Loess Plateau CLPS -Chinese loess-palaeosol sequences DB -Danube Basin DLPS -Danube loess-palaeosol sequences ELSA -Eifel Laminated Sediment Archive EMF -Earth's magnetic field MS -Magnetic susceptibility MBB -Matuyama-Brunhes palaeomagnetic polarity boundary MSS -Mošorin/Stari Slankamen post IR IRSL -Post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence dating OSL -Opticaly stimulated luminescecne TL -Thermoluminescence TT OSL -Thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence dating VADM -virtual axial dipole moment
Late Pleistocene loess stratigraphy of the region of Ba ˇ cka and Srem attracted numerous geoscientists in the past century. The first results of investigations were mainly based on descriptions of loess-paleosol sequences and their correlation with other sites in the Danube Valley of Central Europe. Pecsi and Bronger’s studies were the first to be based on mineralogy, micromorphology and soil development of paleosols. Later with the development of luminescence dating techniques SINGHVI and his team suggest the revision of previous results, because the results show that the chernozem and chernozem-like soils are older (interglacial age). In the last decade after international investigations lead by MARKOVI ´ C and his group, the multidisciplinary research of loess-paleosol sequences proves the MIS 5 age of the developed chernozem pedocomplex. According to the recent developments and the derived data the regional loess stratigraphical nomenclature of Pleistocene formations is changed...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018
In Europe, the most complete loess-paleosol sequences over the past million years are preserved in the Serbian part of the Danube River drainage basin. The similarity in stratigraphy and climatic cycles between the Serbian and the Chinese loess sequences suggests that the loess deposits in these two regions could play an important role in the study of intercontinental climatic correlations and linkage. However, previous magnetostratigraphic studies of the Serbian loess, mainly conducted using the alternating field (AF) demagnetization approach, show significant differences with the Chinese loess, especially the stratigraphic positioning of the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary (MBB). Here, we conduct a detailed magnetostratigraphic investigation of a composite Titel-Stari Slankamen loess section in the Vojvodina (northern Serbia), using thermal and hybrid demagnetization methods, aiming to establish new chronological constraints for the Danube Basin loess. Based on the analyses of the mineral magnetic properties, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, progressive thermal and hybrid demagnetization, the MBB was determined within S8, broadly consistent with the MBB position seen in the Chinese loess. Present evidence supports the hypothesis that the overall normal polarity in the upper part of L9, with a thickness of 2.1 m, was possibly caused by a combination of the remagnetization of remanence-carrying coarsegrained magnetite during the Brunhes normal chron and bioturbation during the forming of the overlying paleosol S8. Thus, our magnetostratigraphic results provide solid chronological evidence for the coherence of pedostratigraphy and climatostratigraphy for the loess deposits in the Danube Basin and China. The synchronous occurrence of the strongest developed paleosol S5 (corresponding to MISs 15-13) and the least weathered thick loess unit L9 (corresponding to MISs 24-22) in the two regions confirms that extreme climatic events during these two intervals are possibly common features of the climate in the Northern Hemisphere at those times.
Geologie en Mijnbouw
Loess deposits in the Vojvodina region, northern Serbia, are among the oldest and most complete loess-paleosol sequences in Europe to date. These thick sequences contain a detailed paleoclimatic record from the late Early Pleistocene. Based on the correlation of detailed magnetic susceptibility (MS) records from Vojvodina with the Chinese loess record and deep-sea isotope stratigraphy we here reconfirm and expand on a stratigraphic model of the Vojvodinian loess-paleosol chronostratigraphic sequence following the Chinese loess stratigraphic system. Variations in MS, dust accumulation rates, and the intensity of pedogenesis demonstrate evidence for a Middle Pleistocene climatic and environmental transition. The onset of loess deposition in Vojvodina also indicates a direct link between dust generation in Europe and that in the interior of Eurasia since the Early Pleistocene. The youngest part of the Early Pleistocene and oldest part of the Middle Pleistocene is characterized by relat...
Frontiers in Earth Science
In mid-latitude Eurasia, loess-paleosol sequences (LPS) provide the most widespread sedimentary records of Quaternary paleoenvironmental evolution. In the Middle Danube Basin (MDB), these archives cover at least the last million years of climate history, and occasionally contain archeological findings. The studied Zemun LPS is located on the right bank of the Danube in Northern Serbia. The site was declared as a protected site, based on Paleolithic artifacts found on the riverbank and stemming from unknown stratigraphic levels of the loess cliffs exposed along the Danube. The present study aims to provide a stratigraphic, paleoenvironmental, and temporal context for the Zemun LPS by means of environmental magnetic and colorimetric methods. Our investigations result in a chronostratigraphic scheme allowing direct comparison with other well-established reference records in the MDB and elsewhere. Two potential tephra layers tentatively assigned to the so-called L2 and Bag tephras, whic...