Valores de referencia del índice de pulsatilidad de la arteria uterina durante el embarazo (original) (raw)
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Ginecología y obstetricia de México, 2006
OBJECTIVE: To establish the normal reference values of the pulsatility index in the uterine (UtA PI) and umbilical (UmA PI) arteries during pregnancy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 2081 normal pregnancies with normal growth fetuses were evaluated with pulsed Doppler ultrasound (US) between 20 and 40 weeks of gestation (WG). Both, UtA and UmA, were located with color Doppler US and PI measured in 5 consecutive and uniform cardiac cycles. In the uterine arteries, mean PI from the left and right arteries (Mean UtAPI) was calculated and the prevalence of unilateral or bilateral "notch" documented. Normal reference values for each gestational week were constructed, and reproducibility analyzed. RESULTS: There was a negative correlation between the gestational age and PI values from both arteries (Mean UtAPI = 1.57 + -0.02 X WG, r2= 0.07; PI UmA = 1.56 + -0.02 X WG, r2= 0.15). The prevalence of unilateral and bilateral "notch" in the uterine arteries was (median) 5%...
Ginecología y obstetricia de México, 2006
To establish the normal reference values of the pulsatility index in the uterine (UtA PI) and umbilical (UmA PI) arteries during pregnancy. A total of 2081 normal pregnancies with normal growth fetuses were evaluated with pulsed Doppler ultrasound (US) between 20 and 40 weeks of gestation (WG). Both, UtA and UmA, were located with color Doppler US and PI measured in 5 consecutive and uniform cardiac cycles. In the uterine arteries, mean PI from the left and right arteries (Mean UtAPI) was calculated and the prevalence of unilateral or bilateral "notch" documented. Normal reference values for each gestational week were constructed, and reproducibility analyzed. There was a negative correlation between the gestational age and PI values from both arteries (Mean UtAPI = 1.57 + -0.02 X WG, r2= 0.07; PI UmA = 1.56 + -0.02 X WG, r2= 0.15). The prevalence of unilateral and bilateral "notch" in the uterine arteries was (median) 5% (range 3-10%), and 17% (range 4-23%), res...
Revista Médica Panacea, 2020
Introducción: El índice de pulsatilidad de la arteria uterina puede usarse para estimar el riesgo de preeclampsia. En el segundo y tercer trimestre del embarazo. Objetivo: Generar conocimiento sobre el índice de pulsatilidad de las arterias uterinas en la predicción de la preeclampsia en gestantes entre 11 y 14 semanas. Materiales y métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo de búsqueda bibliografía y se ha realizado en Pubmed, Medline, Scielo, bibliotecas de universidades nacionales e internacionales. Resultados: La media del índice de pulsatilidad en las gestantes con preeclampsia encontrado fue variada que va de 1.92 a 2.41, teniendo como puntos de corte de IP > 1.71 (p<0,05), en el doppler color de la arteria uterina a las 11-14 semanas de gestación. La asociación de pre-eclampsia según el índice de pulsatilidad de la arteria uterina entre las 11 y 14 semanas, es un buen método para el cribado de mujeres en riesgo de desarrollar preeclampsia, ya que presenta una sensibilidad, espe...
Índice De Pulsatilidad De La Arteria Uterina y Parto Pretérmino Inminente en Pacientes Sintomáticas
Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela
Objective: To establish the association between pulsatility index of the uterine artery and imminent preterm delivery in symptomatic patients. Methods: Women with single pregnancies of 24 - 35 weeks were selected, with threat of preterm delivery and intact membranes. Before the start of any treatment, all were submitted to Doppler ultrasound evaluation. The main variable of the study was the frequency of imminent delivery (in the 7 days following the evaluation). General characteristics and values of the pulsatility index of the uterine artery were evaluated. Results: 481 patients were selected for the study. 119 participants presented imminent preterm delivery (group A) and 362 patients presented deliveries beyond 7 days (group B). Pulsatility index of the uterine artery at rest (2.24 +/- 0.51 compared to 1.57 +/- 0.36) and during uterine contractions (0.94 +/- 0.21 compared to 0, 75 +/- 0.12) were higher in patients in group A compared with those in group B (p <0.0001). It was ...
MedUNAB Vol. 24 Num. (3); diciembre 2021-marzo 2022: COVID-19; Embolia y Trombosis; Neoplasias, 2022
Introducción. La preeclampsia es la primera causa de muerte materna directa en Colombia y la segunda a nivel mundial. El desarrollo de estrategias de predicción y prevención puede disminuir las complicaciones y secuelas ocasionadas por dicha enfermedad. El Doppler de arterias uterinas entre las semanas 11 y 13+6 como prueba independiente o en combinación con factores maternos o pruebas bioquímicas permite tasas de detección de preeclampsia temprana ≥ 90% a partir de la implementación de distintos cribados. La validez de dicha prueba diagnóstica presenta una sensibilidad del 47.8% y especificidad del 92.1% para la detección de preeclampsia temprana; con una sensibilidad del 26.4% y especificidad del 93.4% para predecir preeclampsia en cualquier etapa. División de los temas tratados. En esta revisión de tema se aborda la utilidad de esta medición, se habla de la realización de la técnica en cuestión y, por último, se revisan las herramientas estandarizadas que están disponibles en la actualidad junto con su accesibilidad y precisión. Conclusiones. La evidencia empírica que respalda la validez de las herramientas disponibles hoy en día para el tamizaje de preeclampsia a través de la evaluación por ultrasonografía Doppler de las arterias uterinas es significativa. Al ser Colombia un país que presenta una prevalencia alta de preeclampsia, conocer la utilidad de esta medición favorece una vigilancia temprana y oportuna, lo que disminuye los posibles desenlaces desfavorables para las maternas. ABSTRACT Introduction. Preeclampsia is the primary cause of direct maternal death in Colombia and the second globally. The development of prediction and prevention strategies can reduce complications and consequences caused by this disease. The uterine arteries Doppler between weeks 11 and 13+6 as an independent test or in combination with maternal factors or biochemical tests allows for early detection rates for preeclampsia of ≥90% from the implementation of different sieving. The validity of this diagnostic test has a sensitivity of 47.8% and specificity of 92.1% for the early detection of preeclampsia; with a sensitivity of 26.4% and specificity of 93.4% to predict preeclampsia at any stage. Division of Covered Topics. This topic review covers the usefulness of this measurement. It discusses the performance of the technique in question and, lastly, the standardized tools currently available are reviewed together with the accessibility and accuracy. Conclusions. The empirical evidence that supports the validity of the tools available today for the screening of preeclampsia via Doppler ultrasound evaluation of the uterine arteries is significant. As Colombia is a country with a high prevalence of preeclampsia, knowing the usefulness of this measurement favors early and timely surveillance, which reduces possible unfavorable outcomes for mothers. RESUMO Introdução. A pré-eclâmpsia é a principal causa de morte materna direta na Colômbia e a segunda no mundo. O desenvolvimento de estratégias de predição e prevenção pode reduzir as complicações e sequelas causadas pela doença. O Doppler da artéria uterina entre as semanas 11 e 13+6 como um teste independente ou em combinação com fatores maternos ou testes bioquímicos permite taxas de detecção de pré-eclâmpsia precoce≥90% a partir da implementação de diferentes exames. A validade desse teste diagnóstico tem sensibilidade de 47,8% e especificidade de 92,1% para a detecção de pré-eclâmpsia precoce; com uma sensibilidade de 26,4% e especificidade de 93,4% para prever pré-eclâmpsia em qualquer fase. Divisão dos tópicos abordados. Esta revisão de tópicos aborda a utilidade desta medição, discute a realização da técnica em questão e, por fim, são revisadas as ferramentas padronizadas que estão disponíveis atualmente, juntamente com sua acessibilidade e precisão. Conclusões. A evidência empírica que apoia a validade das ferramentas disponíveis atualmente para rastreamento de pré-eclâmpsia por meio da avaliação de ultrassom Doppler das artérias uterinas é significativa. Como a Colômbia é um país com alta prevalência de pré-eclâmpsia, conhecer a utilidade dessa medição favorece a vigilância precoce e oportuna, o que reduz possíveis resultados desfavoráveis para mulheres maternas.