Opere edilen 51 fibrom/fibrotekom vakasının klinikopatolojik bulgularının değerlendirilmesi (original) (raw)
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Ovarian Fibrothecoma: Presented as a Large Pelvic Mass
https://www.ijhsr.org/IJHSR\_Vol.11\_Issue.3\_March2021/IJHSR-Abstract.023.html, 2021
Fibrothecomas are benign sex cord-stromal ovarian tumors. We present here with a rare case of large fibrothecoma of ovary. A 75 year female presented with complaints of pain abdomen, distension and irregular per vaginal bleeding. On radio imaging reported as solid cystic ovarian mass suggestive of neoplasm? ovarian cystadenoma? ovarian fibrothecoma. Her serum CA 125 was normal. The exploratory laparotomy was done. The excision of left ovarian tumor with total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with right oophorectomy was performed. On gross examination large left ovarian mass measuring 24 x 19 x 8 cm and weighing 950 gm was noted. The histopathological diagnosis was fibrothecoma with large simple cyst of left ovarian mass. We are presenting this case of aggressive behavior of fibrothecoma for it clinical, radiological and histopathological findings.
Case Reports in Medicine, 2009
Primary ovarian fibrosarcomas are very uncommon neoplasms. Since the diagnostic criteria were established in 1981, less than one hundred cases have been reported. This diagnosis can be difficult to establish and other similar appearing mesenchymal processes must be ruled out. In every case this diagnosis is under consideration. Multiple sections of the specimen and immunohistochemical stains will be necessary to support this diagnosis. The difficulty of recognition in frozen section in the majority of the situations implies that the diagnosis should be deferred to the definitive study of the permanent sections with immunohistochemical studies. There exists a histological resemblance between a primary ovarian fibrosarcoma and actively mitotic fibroma. In some cases, it can be impossible to separate exactly these two entities. We report a well-differentiated ovarian fibrosarcoma, with less than 1-2 mitosis ×10 HPF and low-grade cytological atypia, similar to active mitotic fibromas, developing liver metastasis one year later. Despite having distant metastasis, some cases with long survival rates have been reported in patients who received chemotherapy after surgery; so that the adjuvant chemotherapy should be considered, especially in young females.
A case of malignant fibrothecoma of the ovary
Fibrothecomas are mesenchymal tumors deriving from the ovarian stromal and consisting of theca-like elements and fibrous tissue. They are common, but their malignant counterpart is extraordinarily rare. Classical malignant fibrothecomas are said to show four or more mitotic figures per 10 high power fields. Here, we describe a rare case of malignant ovarian fibrothecoma in a perimenopausal woman who presented with a large pelvic mass and menorrhagia. Preoperative diagnosis was advanced ovarian malignancy. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and partial omentectomy, together with resection of a length of terminal ileum was done. Patient however died 9th postoperative day from complications related to the extensive surgery. Postoperative histology revealed mitotically active intestinal secondary with primary ovarian tumour containing four mitotic figure per 10 high power fields in keeping with malignant fibrothecoma.
Laparoscopic approach to a large ovarian fibroma: a case report
Journal of reproduction & infertility, 2014
Ovarian fibroma is the most common benign solid tumor of the ovary, which is often difficult to diagnose preoperatively. The choice treatment for ovarian fibroma is surgical removal, but discussions for the operative approach, laparoscopic or open, in the literature seem to be scant. We presented a unique clinical experience of laparoscopic approach to a case of 15 cm unilateral ovarian fibroma in a 24 year old patient, with a successful and complete resection of the tumor beside ovarian tissue preservation in December 2012 in Rasoul-e-Akram hospital, Tehran, Iran. In conclusion, we should not forget the role of laparoscopy as a diagnostic procedure even in suspicious cases of ovarian fibroma with solid tumor, ascites, and pleural effusion.
A rare presentation of ovarian fibrothecoma: a diagnosing dilemma
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2018
Ovarian Fibrothecoma are uncommon tumors of gonadal stromal cell origin accounting for 3-4% of all ovarian tumours. Ovarian fibrothecoma are composed of an admixture of fibrous and the comatous elements. The stromal cell tumors are probably the most inaccurately diagnosed tumor of the female gonad, clinically and histologically. Rarely benign tumours can present with elevated CA125. Here we discuss a rare presentation of Ovarian Fibrothecoma in a 52 years postmenopausal woman with large pelvic mass with ascites and elevated CA125 which we mistook for malignancy. Hence accurate diagnosis is more important before extensive surgical intervention.
Mitotically active cellular fibroma of the ovary: A case report
Journal of Turkish Society of Obstetric and Gynecology, 2015
Fibromlar, içerdikleri mitoz sayısına göre klasik fibromdan, fibrosarkoma kadar giden bir yelpazede sıralanırlar. Yüksek mitoz ve nükleer atipi, daha agresif seyirli ve malign natürlü fibrosarkomdan sorumludur. Mitozun 10 büyük büyütmede 4'ün altında olduğu olgular, yani selüler fibromlar iyi huyludur. Fibrosarkom ve selüler fibrom arasında yer alan, 4 ve üzerinde mitoza sahip olan ama nükleer atipi barındırmayan ve literatürde "mitotik aktif selüler fibrom" olarak adlandırılan ara grup, literatürde az sayıda ve olgu sunumları şeklinde bildirilmiştir. Bu olgu sunumunda da kliniğimize pelvik kitle nedeniyle başvurmuş ve operasyon sonrası overde "mitotik aktif selüler fibrom" tanısı almış bir olgu tartışılacaktır.
A rare presentation of ovarian fibrothecoma in a middle age female: case report
International Journal of Women's Health, 2019
Fibromas/fibrothecomas are considered to be benign ovarian tumors. We describe a rare case of recurrent fibrothecoma with a clinically malignant course. A 42-year-old woman, with no family history of malignancy, operated multiple times for tumor that recurred three times within 4 years despite radical surgical removal. Initially, she presented with 9×7×10 cm right ovarian mass, frozen section was consistent with fibrothecoma and thus right salpingoophorectomy was performed. At the last two recurrences, she was found to have recurrent multiple abdomino-pelvic fibrothecomas and two long major operations were performed. This malignant behavior of a benign tumor is very rare. Further genetic analysis and immunohistochemistry studies are recommended to be conducted. Furthermore, new modalities of treatment should be considered, eg, high-intensity focused ultrasound and/or hormonal treatment.
Ovarian fibrosarcoma: Diagnostic challenges and treatment options, a case report
mraihi fathi, 2023
Introduction: Ovarian fibrosarcoma is a rare cancer. In the literature, there have been very few occurrences of fibrosarcoma with ascites. The presence of ascites complicates the diagnosis further, and is associated with a poor prognosis and has been linked to chemoresistance and metastasis. We present this case of an ovarian fibrosarcoma with ascites to provide a comprehensive overview of the clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation and management of this pathology, which remains a challenge given the rarity of this entity. Presentation of case: We report the case of a 60-year-old woman who was referred to our unit, because of abdominal bloating, sporadic pelvic pain and abdominal distension. Ultrasound showed a heterogeneous mass over the right adnexa with ascites. Serum tumour markers were within normal limits. During surgery, a total abdominal hysterectomy plus bilateral adnexectomy was performed. The final histopathological findings showed a well-differentiated fibrosarcoma. The patient was followed up regularly and no recurrence was seen 2 years after surgery. Discussion: Ovarian fibrosarcomas are uncommon cancers with no known risk factors. Diagnosis can be difficult, especially in the presence of ascites, and other diagnostic options should be considered. Pathological and immunohistochemistry investigations are required for a clear diagnosis. Early metastases and resistance to adjuvant chemotherapy characterize the prognosis of ovarian fibrosarcoma with ascites. Conclusions: Ovarian fibrosarcoma with ascites is a rare and challenging ovarian disease, highlighting the need for postoperative pathology to make a clear diagnosis, complete cytoreductive surgery and individual consideration of adjuvant radiochemotherapy should be included in the management.
Diagnostic pathology, 2016
Mitotically active cellular fibroma (MACF) of the ovary, characterized by relatively high mitotic activity without severe atypia, represents a relatively new disease entity. MACF is categorized as a benign ovarian tumor. However, due to a limited number of case reports, its clinical and pathological features and optimum management remains largely undetermined. Herein, we report on a rare case of MACF that grew rapidly in size and was diagnosed on detailed pathological examination. A 44-year-old Japanese woman, who detected a myoma-like lesion 1-year earlier, was referred to our hospital when the follow-up examination demonstrated that the mass had increased in size. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a T1 isointense and T2 hyperintense tumor (11 cm in diameter) in the right pelvic cavity. Laparoscopy confirmed the presence of a right ovarian tumor and laparoscopic right adnexectomy was performed. The tumor cells consisted of dense cellular proliferations of spindle fibroblast-like ...