Patient safety teaching in undergraduate health programs: reflections on knowledge and practice (original) (raw)

Teaching patient safety in the medical undergraduate program at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Einstein (São Paulo), 2015

Objective To analyze the Educational Project of the undergraduate medical course to verify what is taught regarding Patient Safety and to enable reflections on the educational practice. Methods A descriptive study, using document research as strategy. The document of investigation was the Educational Project of the medical course, in 2006, at the Escola Paulista de Medicina of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo. The theoretical framework adopted was the Multi-Professional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide of the World Health Organization, which led to the preparation of a list with 153 tracking terms. Results We identified 65 syllabus units in the Educational Project of the course, in which 40 (61.5%) addressed topics related to Patient Safety. Themes on the topic “Infection prevention and control” were found in 19 (47.5%) units and teaching of “Interaction with patients and caregivers” in 12 (32.5%); however content related to “Learning from errors to prevent harm” were not found....

Patient safety education of the graduation in Nursing from the teaching perspective

Escola Anna Nery

Objective: to identify contents related to Patient Safety contemplated in the curricular units of a Nursing undergraduate course, according to the teachers who work in it, and to know the teaching methodologies and evaluation strategies used. Method: descriptive case study, carried out with 15 professors of the Nursing undergraduate course of a Brazilian public institution, in 2014, who answered an online questionnaire. For data analysis, the guide of the World Health Organization was used as reference. Results: it was verified that patient safety contents are developed in the undergraduate course, referring to eight topics mentioned in the World Health Organization guide. There was a lack of contents of the topics “What is Patient Safety”, “Why applying human factors is important for Patient Safety”; and “Learning from errors to prevent harm”. The use of different teaching methodologies and evaluation strategies, both traditional and innovative, was identified. Conclusion and impli...

Theoretical-practical acquisition of topics relevant to patient safety: dilemmas in the training of nurses

Escola Anna Nery

Objective: To investigate content associated with patient safety included in the curricula of undergraduate nursing courses of two Brazilian higher educational institutions. Method: A descriptive survey study was carried out with 119 students of nursing courses (licentiate and bachelor degree), from August to September 2016. The topics investigated were based on the WHO patient safety curriculum guide: multi-professional edition. Armed with the data, univariate and bivariate analyses were carried out. Results: Of the 46 content areas investigated in the questionnaire, two scored high in non-achievement in theoretical or practical activities, namely "the culture of blame" and "community-acquired infection." Licentiate and bachelor degree students reported a higher acquisition in theoretical classes (p = 0.012), whereas bachelor degree students reported similar acquisition in theory and practice (p = 0.013). Conclusion: The content mostly included theoretical and p...

Are we teaching patient safety to our academics?

International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2020

Nowadays, one of the biggest concerns in the health care field is centered on patient safety with a primary focus on the errors of the medical team. In 2009, WHO created a guide for universities aimed at patient safety in which it suggests new ways of approaching patients, thus improving the quality of trained professionals and dramatically reducing adverse events. There is a consensus that there is a restructuring of a system that currently presents serious failures that result in permanent harm to the objective of the medical team, which is the well-being of the patient, as well as an efficient inspection of the Decree Number 529/13 in Brazilian universities. It is in this context that the present work proposes to highlight the gap currently existing in Brazilian universities, based on the sampling of one of them, located in the countryside of São Paulo. Prospective intervention study using a quantitative and qualitative methodology, carried out in two stages: analysis of teaching...

Patient Safety: Knowledge of Undergraduate Nursing Students


Study to identify the knowledge of Nursing students at a public university in the interior of the State of São Paulo about patient safety. Quantitative, cross-sectional study developed between May and June 2011. The participants were 118 students regularly enrolled in the third, fourth and fifth year. A self-applied questionnaire was analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics. The results indicate that part of the students consider that nursing care is unsafe and can entail risks. The team's lack of preparation is considered a factor that hampers safe care delivery. In addition, a large part of the students is unfamiliar with the term adverse event.

Learning of Patient Safety in Health Professions Education


The awareness of patient safety became one of the emerging topics over the last two decades. However, in medical curricula, the knowledge of its principles is still facing challenges concerning its proper timing and the suitable methods of instruction. Many studies have shown several trials dealing with the introduction, implementation, and evaluation of patient safety courses in health professions institutions. Moreover, the training of healthcare professionals focuses on the clinical and curative competencies rather than preventive skills. Therefore, the knowledge about patient safety is a necessity for all graduates in health professions careers. Thus the World Health Organization (WHO) have developed a curriculum guide for patient safety to help health professions institutions integrating patient safety principles in their curricula. This chapter will focus on the educational aspects of patient safety topics in health professions education.

Medical Student’s Knowledge on Patient Safety: A Systematic Review

Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science, 2021

The World Health Organization (WHO), in 2004, created the World Alliance for Patient Safety. Among the objectives of this program were the organization of concepts and definitions on patient safety and the proposition of measures to reduce risks and mitigate adverse events. Since then, the concept of patient safety aims to reduce to an acceptable minimum, the risk of unnecessary damage associated with health care [1]. Subsequently, the Ministry of Health established the National Program for Patient Safety (PNSP), through the Ordinance MS/GM No. 529 of April 1, 2013, in order to contribute to the qualification of care in all health facilities in the national territory. One of the objectives of the PNSP is to produce, systematize and disseminate knowledge about patient safety, encouraging the inclusion of the subject in technical education and undergraduate and graduate education in health care [2]. ABSTRACT

Avaliação das práticas seguras em hospital público do nordeste brasileiro [Evaluation of safe practices in a public hospital in the northeast of Brazil] [Evaluación de prácticas seguras en un hospital público en el noreste de Brasil]

Revista Enfermagem UERJ

Objetivo: avaliar instituição hospitalar quanto à implantação das práticas seguras. Método: estudo descritivo e observacional, realizado em 2019, em hospital público do nordeste do Brasil. Utilizou-se o questionário Avaliação da Gestão de Riscos Assistenciais em Serviços de Saúde (AGRASS), com 40 itens, e roteiro para a observação não participante. Amostra foi constituída por um gestor de risco, três farmacêuticos, quatro enfermeiros, nove técnicos de enfermagem e dois de farmácia. Resultados: na avaliação do grau de implantação da gestão de riscos, foi obtido um total de 22 itens com respostas positivas, indicando a completa adesão desta prática em mais de 50%. Na observação de campo, encontraram-se fragilidades na maioria dos achados, destacando-se a higienização das mãos e prescrição, uso e administração de medicamentos. Conclusão: as potencialidades e fragilidades referentes às práticas observadas exigem ações educativas contínuas e melhoria da gestão de riscos para alcance plen...

Segurança Do Paciente Na Percepção De Acadêmicos De Enfermagem

Cogitare Enfermagem, 2016

The study sought to determine the understanding of nursing students in relation to patient safety based on their practical nursing experience. This was an exploratory, descriptive, qualitative study conducted in 2014, with 103 undergraduate nursing students from a federal university in southern Brazil. The students reported that the main patient safety actions entailed precautions with medications and patient integrity. With regard to practices, they referred to precautions with patients and their individual and collective behaviors. They also mentioned errors committed by other professionals and the quality of empathy toward patients. They demonstrated knowledge of the patient safety culture, but more on an empirical level, with a need to delve deeper on a theoretical and scientific level. They also view safety as something ad hoc, not as procedural or pervasive.

Patient Safety in Medical Education: Students’ Perceptions, Knowledge and Attitudes

PLOS ONE, 2015

Patient safety is a new and challenging discipline in the Iranian health care industry. Among the challenges for patient safety improvement, education of medical and paramedical students is intimidating. The present study was designed to assess students' perceptions of patient safety, and their knowledge and attitudes to patient safety education. This crosssectional analytical study was conducted in 2012 at Urmia University of Medical Sciences, West Azerbaijan province, Iran. 134 students studying medicine, nursing, and midwifery were recruited through census for the study. A questionnaire was used for collecting data, which were then analyzed through SPSS statistical software (version 16.0), using Chisquare test, Spearman correlation coefficient, F and LSD tests. A total of 121 questionnaires were completed, and 50% of the students demonstrated good knowledge about patient safety. The relationships between students' attitudes to patient safety and years of study, sex and course were significant (0.003, 0.001 and 0.017, respectively). F and LSD tests indicated that regarding the difference between the mean scores of perceptions of patient safety and attitudes to patient safety education, there was a significant difference among medical and nursing/midwifery students. Little knowledge of students regarding patient safety indicates the inefficiency of informal education to fill the gap; therefore, it is recommended to consider patient safety in the curriculums of all medical and paramedical sciences and formulate better policies for patient safety.