Implicaciones de Ctenopharyngodon idella en la comunidad de peces del río Lacanjá, Chiapas (original) (raw)
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Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2022
A list of aquatic species belonging to 6 phyla (Platyhelminthes, Acanthocephala, Nematoda, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Chordata) sampled in the basin of the Lacantún River, in the region known as "Selva Lacandona", Chiapas, Mexico, is presented. The list represents a 10-year sampling program (2010-2020) conducted over a network of 13 permanent stations which covered a 74 km river section in the Lacantún River. A total of 236 species was registered, 220 (93.2%) are native, 25 (10.6%) endemic to the region and 16 (6.8%) introduced. The number of species per sampling station ranged from 41 in the Lacanjá River to 112 in the Lacantún River. Twenty-three new distribution records and 123 new host records for platyhelminths, acanthocephalans and nematodes are presented. The conservation status analysis shows that most of the recorded species lack a first assessment. The increment in the number of species recorded through time shows the importance of long-term studies. Despite the degradation of the aquatic ecosystems due to high deforestation rates in the Marqués de Comillas region, the pollution produced by the non-sustainable agricultural systems, and the introduction of invasive aquatic species, most of the studied aquatic species have maintained a healthy condition.
Revista de biología …, 2005
Toxic efect of DDT and endosulfan in white shrimp postlarvae Litopenaeus vannamei (Decapoda: Penaeidae) from Chiapas, Mexico. We analized acute toxicity in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) postlarvae exposed to two chlorinated pesticides, DDT and endosulfan, under laboratory conditions during 168 hours, with controlled temperature (29 ± 1°C), salinity (3 ±1‰) and pH (8 ± 1). Median lethal concentrations (LC 50), "incipient" LC 50 , median lethal time (LT 50) the "maximum acceptable concentration of the toxic compound" (MACT) and "the safety level" (SL) were determined. The concentration of the compounds at which organism growth was reduced by 5 and 50% (EC 5 and EC 50), as well as changes in oxygen consumption patterns were determined in the surviving postlarvae. They were very sensitive to both compounds and DDT was thrice as toxic as endosulfan. Growth rate decreased 50 % and 80 % with endosulfan and DDT, respectively, at the experimental pestice concentration. The low resistance of postlarvae to DDT and endosulfan suggests that additional inflow of these pesticides into the aquatic system could affect the rate of shrimp production in the area.
Estructura de la comunidad de peces en el sistema Candelaria-Panlau, Campeche, México
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2015
The environmental and ecological patterns of tbe fish community in Candelaria-Panlau system (Mexico) are described. Parameters of the water temperature, salinity and transparency, and density, biomass and diversity of the fish cornmunity were analyzed. Between April 1993 and April 1994 five stations were sampled monthly. The fish commu nity had 50 species (7 926 individuals, 144.7 kg of weight). The abundance and diversity values for the fish cornmuni ty were: 0.09 ind/m 2 ; 1.61 g/m 2 ; 18.25 g/ind; H'n = 1.879; J = 0.475 and D = 5.681. The species with ecological dom inance were: Cathorops melanopus, Diapterus rhombeus, Anchoa mitchilli, Sphoeroides testudineus, Bairdiella chry sura, B. ronchus, Cynoscion arenarius, and C. nebulosus. The matrixes of the environmental parameters and of fish abundance, were tested with a factor analysis (principal components extraction method); its graphical representation confmns the dominant species and indicates that salinity, station number five and February are tbe components that characterize the system and the fish community.
Los impactos de las sequías dependen de la vulnerabilidad y de las estrategias de las comunidades para enfrentar el fenómeno, lo que a su vez está influido por las condiciones socioeconómicas, productivas y de calidad de los recursos de las poblaciones. Esto conlleva, en forma general, a considerar que la sequía se origina de la deficiencia de precipitación sobre un periodo de tiempo largo, dando por resultado escasez de agua para el desarrollo de la vida humana y de manera específica para la realización de diversas actividades socioeconómicas. Es por ello, que la sequía no es solamente un fenómeno natural ya que sus impactos en la sociedad resultan de la interacción entre el déficit de precipitaciones y del grado de vulnerabilidad de la sociedad o sector afectado. Por otra parte, la sequía se establece de forma diferenciada sobre los territorios, donde las potencialidades naturales juegan un papel clave en el carácter de los impactos resultantes. De ahí el interés en este estudio: a identificar y caracterizar las amenazas existentes en el ámbito; al análisis de los actores involucrados en el territorio y sus condiciones de vulnerabilidad; y de las respuestas institucionales, de modo que se puedan esbozar líneas de acción y de política para conducir una gestión apropiada del riesgo.
The CONABIO reports for Mexico the establishment of six species of fish of the Loricariidae family, considered as invasive alien species. To this family belongs the plecos or suckermouth catfish (Pterygoplichthys spp) identified for the first time in the Mezcala River, in the State of Guerrero in 1995 and later in Lagunas de Catazajá for the year 2004.Currently, fishermen consider it as an invasive species that is causing damage to their economy. However, although it constitutes a serious threat to the ichthyological diversity and the freshwater fishery economy, studies on this species are scarce in the State of Chiapas. This work was carried out with the objective of identifying and describing the perception of fishermen towards the plecos, estimating the economic losses that it causes to the local fishery and describing the environmental impact due to its presence in the Catazajá lagoons. Three zones were delimited according to their environmental conditions: the Laguna Grande, which is a perennial lagoon since the dam was built; Laguna el Rosario, which is intermittent and El Tinto Bonshán, a community located between the Contreras lagoon and the El Tinto stream, within the flood zone. Surveys were applied to know the fishing volumes, their perception towards the plecos (suckermouth catfish) and about the environmental contamination of their environment. The results obtained show that the volume of total annual catch, the plecos occupies more than 80% in the three sites, which represents losses of more than eight million pesos per year. The abundance of the species is evident, but it is not used as per the perception they have about it and it is not commercialized because there is no one to buy it. It was concluded that the perception they have towards the plecos prevents them from seeing them as an opportunity. Due to factors such as overfishing, the introduction of exotic species for aquaculture, water pollution and climate change, it could not be concluded that the decline in commercial fishing is due exclusively to the presence of plecos.
Micobiota en la piel de anuros de la cuenca del río Coatán, Chiapas, México
Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios
Como consecuencia del cambio de uso de suelo, las poblaciones de anfibios han sido amenazadas por una especie de hongo patógeno, pero existen otras especies de hongos potencialmente mortales de las que poco se sabe de ellos. Las cuencas del estado de Chiapas han sido alteradas y las especies de anuros pueden estar expuestas a hongos patógenos, por ello, el objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la presencia y riqueza de hongos en la dermis de anuros de la cuenca del río Coatán, Chiapas, México. Se recolectaron 90 individuos de siete especies de anuros de las zonas baja, media y alta de la cuenca. Se obtuvieron fragmentos de piel del dorso y vientre de cada individuo y se cultivaron en medios PDA y TGhL. La riqueza de especies de hongos y las variables ambientales se compararon entre zonas. Se identificaron 24 especies en siete especies de anuros. La zona baja presentó la mayor riqueza de especies, el mayor número de especies por hospedero y en el tejido ventral el mayor número de espe...