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The Impact of Social Media on Public Communication by Government Ministries in Kenya
This study sought to investigate government ministries‘ use of social media in disseminating public information. The specific objective for the research was to examine the levels of engagement that government ministries‘ social media managers exhibit on social media sites and its influence on citizen engagement.The mixed method approach of data collection and analysis was utilized in the study. The research design adopted was a descriptive survey. It targeted the managers of government ministries‘ social media pages and the conversations on social media for respective government ministries in Kenya. Content analysis focused on the conversations that were undertaken online in 2015 on Facebook and Twitter for the Respective Ministries. A sample of 4 ministries was selected from the population of 13 ministries with Facebook and Twitter accounts. The data was collected through structured interviews and content analysis of conversations that were held online on the Social media pages. Th...
East African Journal of Information Technology, 2021
This paper investigates the use of Social Media by Public Relations departments in two large private universities in Kenya. Social media are web-based applications where the creation of profiles and connections of people takes place. Social media use is constantly growing amongst organizations, as technology and globalization evolve, so do the role of Public Relations hence becoming inevitable in everyday practice. Despite the availability of social media platforms, little is known on how they are used to communicate. Contrariwise, the extant literature discloses that at present, there is moderately negligible research with focus on the use of social media in public relations in private organizations. This study is grounded on the outcomes of a research submitted in lieu of a Doctoral degree in Mass Communication at the St Augustine University of Tanzania involving 270 survey participants and 2 in-depth interviews. Data was generated using questionnaires and analysed using SPSS vers...
Journal of New Media and Mass Communication, 2022
Contribution/Originality: This research adds to the current literature by analytically examining the use of social media by Nigeria's national and subnational governments. As a result, it demonstrates how social media technologies are employed for digital public relations in Nigeria's democratic administration to promote egovernance and e-participation. 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Public relations can be described as the projection of a positive image of an organization, institution, product, person, or idea to the general public, which may include the internal public or the external public, as the case may be. Public relations, abbreviated as PR, is a managerial function to ensure that communication flows from one person, group of persons, or institution to another, as a breakdown of communication could affect not only the
Abstract This term paper focused on the Influence of social media platforms as Public Relations tools by selected companies in Nigeria. The research was informed by the growing usage of social media platforms such as facebook, twitter, blog, LinkedIn among others, as a veritable tool of marketing communication. Taking into account the speed of change associated with this new media adoption, the authors examine 3 companies in three sectors of the Nigerian economy who have galvanised the effective usage of these social media tools. The companies are MTN in the telecommunications sector, Guaranty Trust Bank, GTB, in the banking sector and Jumia from the services sector. From my findings, on social media tracking of these companies, 2.8 million viewers on facebook,270,000 on Twitter and over 500,000 viewers on YouTube. The theoretical underpinning of this research is the development communication theory covering Technology Determinism and information processing theory. This theory shows that people are driven by social change occasioned by technology and quick access to information which invariably determines their preferences or choices for product and services. This study takes a narrative approach, based on a critical analysis of review of literatures on public relations, social media, and spiced it with interviews with the former chairman of institute of Public Relations, members of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR)working as PR Managers or Corporate Marketing Officer in some of these companies and lastly, some Nigerians who have used these social media tools to enjoy the services of these companies. While my findings indicate a growing demand for social media platforms, as public relations tools by three Nigerian companies, there still exist mixtures of traditional media outlets as one of the major tools of PR due to technological, infrastructural and level of literacy in the country. Suggestions were given on the way forward for more value addition on the usage of social media platforms by Public Relations firms for corporate organisations in Nigeria.
New media and mass communication, 2015
The technological advancement of the 21 st century has revolutionized the business environment in such a way that corporate communication has been migrated from offline into online. The use of social media in corporate communication has resulted in the use of Facebook as a Public relations (PR) tool for organizations. The purpose of this research is to find out how organizations use Facebook as a PR tool to foster relationship with current and potential customers as well as the general public. Purposive sampling is used to select four companies from the financial services sector of the Ghana club 100. Content analysis is used for data collection and both qualitative and quantitative analysis are utilised for data analysis. The results indicate that all the selected companies use Facebook often as PR tool; however there is more one way communication resulting in less interaction to increase the relationship and foster closer relationship between the organization and its public. The ...
11-macnamara public relations and the social how practitioners are using or abusing social media
Widespread discussion of interactive social media and social networks enabled by what is termed Web 2.0 has led to discussion of 'PR 2.0' denoting the potential for these new forms of media and public spaces to realise the two-way symmetrical model of communication recommended in Excellence Theory of public relations, but hitherto regarded as normative and impractical by some scholars, or to reconceptualise public relations in some significant way. However, despite considerable excitement surrounding the potential of interactive social media, there is a lack of empirical data on the ways in which public relations practitioners are utilising these media and how they are influencing or changing PR practice. A number of reported case studies suggest that there are grounds for concern that some organisations are attempting to engage in public communication in the Web 2.0 environment using oneway information transmission and a control paradigm of communication characteristic of mass media and Web 1.0. Furthermore, case studies show that, in some instances, inappropriate and unethical practices are being adopted in social media and social networks. On the other hand, there are case studies of some organisations engaging in new productive ways with their stakeholders using interactive social media and social networks. This article reviews contemporary literature in relation to social media and social networks as well as recent case studies to identify their key characteristics, potentialities, and uses, and report findings of a survey and interviews with senior public relations practitioners in Australia investigating their views and practices in social media.
This study employs a comparative quantitative content analysis to investigate the public relations strategies used by five leading Kenyan corporations in the telecommunications, banking, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco sectors on Twitter during January 2023. The research examines these corporations' public relations approaches, content types, and relationship-building strategies using Grunig and Hunt's (1984) four models of public relations, Dann's (2010) content categorization framework, and Childers and Grunig's (1999) relationship indicators. The findings reveal that the most predominant public relations style is the public information model, which emphasizes one-way communication of accurate information. With the exception of the alcoholic beverage company, which predominantly employs the status content style to communicate ongoing organizational activities, the other corporations rely on the news content style, focusing on the dissemination of timely information updates. The telecommunications company and the two banks prioritize the communal relationship style, emphasizing community, shared values, and trust. In contrast, the alcoholic beverage company and the tobacco company concentrate on trust-building, highlighting integrity and competence. This study addresses a gap in Kenyan research regarding the use of social media by organizations and provides practical insights into the effective use of Twitter for public relations purposes. By examining relevant theoretical models and indicators, this research enhances our understanding of public relations in the digital era.
Social Media Tools, Trends, Opportunities for Public Relations Practice in Lagos State, Nigeria
This study examined the influence of social media on PR. Specifically, it examined the social media analytic tools, trends, opportunities as well as implications of social media adoption on PR with focus on practitioners in Lagos State. Interviews were conducted with selected PR practitioners in Lagos to obtain facts and views for this study. Findings revealed that social media has greatly influenced the practice of PR. However, social media use is shaped by communication strategy, objectives, engagement strategy, and the target audience. Furthermore, the common trends in use among practitioners include influencer push/influencer PR, listening and analytic (software) tools, brand neutralization, hashtagging, sponsored tweet/posts and use of social media pages of established news outlets. The result also showed that analytic tools like Hootsuite, Meltwater, Sprout Social are used for social media management and engagement. Therefore, social media has completely altered the pattern of...
In the digital era, public organizations are inevitably required to adapt interactions with the public and manage information through online communication. This activity became one of the tasks carried by government public relations (PR). The objective of this research describes how the use of micro-level social media in public organizations to achieve PR objectives. The research locus is the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI). The research method used is qualitative. Data were collected through interviews and document studies. The result indicates that micro social media has been used ANRI since 2014, namely: Twitter and Facebook. In managing of social media, it is found that the PR model is asymmetric, the PR strategy is dominated by the proactive strategy with transparent communication type. The reactive strategy used deliberate inaction strategy. Social engagement in social media is still considered minimal. There is some information content that has signifi...
Public relations practitioners and social media: themes in a global context
Abstract Social media has dramatically impacted the public relations industry in the last few years. Publics are increasingly geographically dispersed, traditional media and user-generated content are converging, and the discrete titles of 'consumer'and 'producer'often no longer apply. There is also a growing emphasis on social media as an effective vehicle for two-way symmetrical communication between practitioners and publics. However, it is too early to assume the public relations industry has become 'borderless'.