Birational Geometry of the Space of Complete Quadrics (original) (raw)
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In these notes, we discuss the cones of ample and effective divisors on various moduli spaces such as the Kontsevich moduli spaces of stable maps and the moduli space of curves. We describe the stable base locus decomposition of the effective cone in explicit examples and determine the corresponding birational models.
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On birational trivial families and Adjoint quadrics
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The Birational Geometry of the Hilbert Scheme of Points on Surfaces
Birational Geometry, Rational Curves, and Arithmetic, 2013
In this paper, we study the birational geometry of the Hilbert scheme of points on a smooth, projective surface, with special emphasis on rational surfaces such as P 2 , P 1 × P 1 and F 1. We discuss constructions of ample divisors and determine the ample cone for Hirzebruch surfaces and del Pezzo surfaces with K 2 ≥ 2. As a corollary, we show that the Hilbert scheme of points on a Fano surface is a Mori dream space. We then discuss effective divisors on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces and determine the stable base locus decomposition completely in a number of examples. Finally, we interpret certain birational models as moduli spaces of Bridgeland stable objects. When the surface is P 1 × P 1 or F 1 , we find a precise correspondence between the Mori walls and the Bridgeland walls, extending the results of [ABCH] to these surfaces. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The ample cone of the Hilbert scheme 4 3. The effective cone of the Hilbert scheme 10 4. Stable base locus decomposition of the effective cone of X [n] 13 5. Preliminaries on Bridgeland stability and Bridgeland walls 23 6. The correspondence between Bridgeland walls and Mori walls 27 References 32
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The usual Castelnuovo's argument and special subhomaloidal systems of quadric
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