Ländliche Lebensverhältnisse im Wandel 1952, 1972, 1993, 2012: Volume 3, Kindheit im Wandel (original) (raw)

Globale Kindheit. Eine Einführung

Zep Zeitschrift Fur Internationale Bildungsforschung Und Entwicklungspadagogik, 2008

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Kindheit und soziale Ungleichheit in den langen 1970er Jahren. Einleitung, in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft 46 (2020), Heft 2, S. 183-199

Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2020

Childhood and social inequality are inextricably linked in contemporary social imagination. Helping disadvantaged children is seen as the most efficient way to curb social inequality. However, this approach has its own history. This essay argues that it was not until around 1970 that changing notions of childhood centered around the idea of equality of opportunity (Chancengleichheit) opened up a vast field of economic, social and cultural interventions that fundamentally transformed both the debates on social inequality and the social organization of childhood. These changes were, however, contradictory. While ever-expanding initiatives attempted to erase differences in childhood, at the same time they created new social hierarchies and distinctions.