Mehrstufige reversible Redoxsysteme, LIV. Leitfähige CT-Komplexe des Tetrathiafulvalens (TTF) mit Tetracyanchinodimethan (TCNQ) undN,N′-Dicyanbenzochinondiimin (DCNQI) - ein Vergleich

Chemische Berichte, 1991

Charge-transfer complexes / Electrical conductivity / Tetrathiafulvalenes / Tetracyanobenzoquinodimethane / Dicyanobenzoquinodiimine Multi-Step Redox Systems, LIV').-Conducting CT Complexes of Tetrathiafulvalene VTF) with Tetracyanobenzoquinodimethane (TCNQ) and N,N'-Dicyanobenzoquinodiimine (DCNQI)-A Comparison X-ray structure analysis and electrical conductivity together 2 HzO) are presented and compared with those of the wellwith ESR data of the CT complex DCNQI/TTF. 2 HzO (3/2. known TCNQ/TTF (1/2), Fur die Unterstiitzung dieser Arbeit danken wir der Stftung Volkswagenwerk, der BASF AG, LudwigshafenIRhein, sowie dem Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, der zusatzlich P.E. ein Promotionsstipendium gewahrte.

Mehrstufige reversible Redoxsysteme, LVI. Kristallstruktur und Leitfähigkeiten der CT-Komplexe TTF/2-X-5-Me-DCNQI (X = Cl, Br, I) aus Tetrathiafulvalen und 2-Halogen-N,N′-dicyan-5-methyl-1,4-benzochinondiimin

Chemische Berichte, 1991

Multi-Step Redox Systems, LVI').-Crystal Structures and Conductivities of the CT Complexes TTF/2-X-5-Me-DCNQI (X = C1. Br, I) from Tetrathiafulvalene and 2-Halogeno-N,N'-dicyano-5-methyl-l,4-benzoquinone Diimine In contrast to microcrystalline powders single crystals of the ment of donor and acceptor molecules within the crystal lattitle complexes show low conductivities ((T < These properties are based on a peculiar mixed stack arrange-Scm-I). tice (space group PZ,/n). 1. Elektrische Leitfahigkeiten einiger TTFDCNQI-Komplexe U Abb. 3. Kristallpackung in der Elementarzelle von TTF/2-Br-5-Me-DCNQI, Blickrichtung parallel zur a,c-Ebene, ungeordnete CHJ Br als Kugeln gleicher GroDe dargestellt

Ein neuer Zugang zu Tetrathiooxalaten. Die Kristallstruktur von (NEt4)2[C2S4] / A Novel Access to Tetrathiooxalates. Crystal Structure of (NEt4)2[C2S4]

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, 1992

Ein neuer Zugang zu Tetrathiooxalaten. Die Kristallstruktur von (NEt4)2[C2S4] A N ovel Access to T etrathiooxalates. C rystal S tructure o f (N E t4)2[C2S4] A lfred D. Bacher, Irin a Sens und U lrich M üller* Fachbereich Chemie der Universität Marburg, Hans-M eerwein-Straße, D-W-3550 Marburg Z. Naturforsch. 47b, 7 0 2-7 0 5 (1992); eingegangen am 21. Oktober 1991 Tetraethylammoniun Pentasulfide, Tetraethylammonium Tetrathiooxalate, Benzyltriethylammonium Tetrathiooxalate, Crystal Structure (N E t4)2S5 was prepared from N E t4Cl and N a 2S4 in ethanol. Its reaction with boiling acetonitrile yielded tetraethylammonium tetrathiooxalate. (N E t4)2[C2S4] was also obtained by heating (N E t4)2S5 with tetraethylammonium dithioacetate in ethanol. Benzyltriethylammonium tetra thiooxalate, (N E t3Bz)2[C2S4] • 2 toluene, crystallized after N E t3BzCl and N a 2S4 were heated in acetonitrile on subsequent addition o f toluene. The crystal structure o f (N E t4)2[C2S4] was de termined by X-ray diffraction (454 independent observed reflexions, R = 0.047). Crystal data: tetragonal, a = 871.2(1) pm, c = 1566.0(3) pm, space group P 4 2/nmc, Z = 2. The [C2S4]2-ion has point symmetry 4 m 2 (D 2d), i.e. the dihedral angle between the two CS2 groups is 90°. The ethyl groups o f the N E t4+ ions are disordered in two orientations.

Reaktionen von 2,2,4,4-Tetrakis(trifluormethyl)-1,3-dithietan mit KNCS und KNCO – Struktur des Triphenylphosphan-Gold(I)-Komplexes eines Thiazolin-4-thiolats

Chemische Berichte, 1990

Reactions of 2.2,4,4-Tetrakis(trifluoromethyl)-1.3-dithfetane phosphane Gold(1) Complex of a Thiazoline-4-thiolate 2,2,4,4-Tetrakis(trifluoromethyl)-1,3-dithietane (1) reacts with KNCS to yield the potassium salt of 4-mercapto-2,2,5,5-tetrakis(trifluoromethy1)-A3-thiazoline (2). An oxidative workup procedure results in the formation of the disulfide 6. The salt 2 reacts with methyl bromoacetate, benzyl bromide, 3-bromo-1 -phenylpropene, and 1,3-diiodopropane to form the thioethers 3-5 and 7, respectively. Protonation of 2 results in the formation of the thio-with KNCS and KNCO -Crystal Structure of a Triphenyllactam 9. Disulfide 6 reacts with C12 in the presence of FeC13 to yield the sulfenyl chloride 8. C-S bond formation (410) is observed by treating 8 with Me,SiCN. The gold(1) complex 11 is formed from 2 and Ph,PAuCI. 11 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2!/n and contains a linear P-Au-S unit. The reaction of 1 with KNCO leads after protonation to the perfluorinated lactam 12 and the cyanuric acid derivative 13.