Excommunicating Hamas: Why Differences between Globalist and Nationalist Armed Islamist Groups Matter (original) (raw)

Hamas and Israel: Conflicting Strategies of Group-Based Politics

This monograph considers the changing fortunes of the Palestinian movement, HAMAS, and the recent outcomes of Israeli strategies aimed against this group and Palestinian nationalism external to the Fatah faction of the Palestinian Authority. The example of HAMAS challenges much of the current wisdom on "insurgencies" and their containment.

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Hamas and Israel:  Conflicting Strategies of Group-Based Politics Cover Page

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Hamas vs. Global Jihad Organizations: Rivals or Partners Cover Page


ANNUR Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Yobe State University, 2012

This paper analyses and consider the changing fortunes of Palestinian movement, HAMAS, through the proper understanding of its evolution, methods and strategies and impact and role it is playing in the liberation of the Palestinian state. The example of HAMAS challenges demonstrates in the paper have also show how efforts have been made by internal and external forces to separate HAMAS from its popular support and network of social, charitable and political activities but to no avail. The paper equally considers this Islamist political movement in the context of local, national and international goals, which can be persuaded to achieve a political and religious goal. HAMAS offers a fascinating instance of the dynamics of political and strategic action and reactions, and the modification of its modus operandi away from aggressive deterrence, as well as its evolution in the Islamist movement planning and operations in the political arena. Therefore, this work in its descriptive approach is offered to those who wish to consider this particular aspect of the Palestinian-Israeli-Arab conflict which has attracted much attention to the world.

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The October 7 th Attacks: Examining the Role of Jihadist Ideology in Hamas 'New' War Strategy Cover Page

Hamas through its words

Paper presented at International Conference Glocal Islamism - Institute of Civic Education, 15-17 October, Potsdam, Germany.

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Hamas through its words Cover Page

"Hamas, Islam, and Israel," Journal of Conflict Studies, Volume 26, No. 1, Summer 2006, pp. 3-15

The electoral triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections of January 2006 has made it imperative for policy makers around the world to understand this group and its ideology. Is Hamas likely to soften its hostility to Israel? Is Hamas likely to receive significant support from the Muslim world? What are the odds that Hamas can be either placated or isolated? If Hamas can make a strong claim to be authentically Islamic in its ideological underpinnings, then it is more likely to receive support from portions of the Muslim world and less likely to be conciliatory vis-à-vis Israel. Unfortunately, a careful study of the ideology of Hamas and its parent, the Muslim Brotherhood, shows that that ideology is firmly rooted in traditional Islamic principles. Far from distorting or perverting classical Islamic law, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood can claim very plausibly that shari'a requires implacable and violent resistance to Israel, including terrorism, and denial of Israel's right to exist as a non-Muslim state located on Islamic territory. Efforts to placate or isolate Hamas are therefore unlikely to succeed.

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"Hamas, Islam, and Israel," Journal of Conflict Studies, Volume 26, No. 1, Summer 2006, pp. 3-15 Cover Page

The Hamas Tightrope: Between Political Institutionalization and Armed Struggle

Strategic Assessment - The Institute for National Security Studies, 2018

Hamas, which was established as a social-religious movement, has evolved from a terror organization and violent non-state actor into a semi-state actor in control of the Gaza Strip and its population, endowed with the political and national responsibility of a national actor. This development has handed Hamas the obligation to maneuver between realizing its identity as an ideological resistance movement and implementing its responsibilities as a governing entity. In particular, it must balance elements that encourage violence against others that seek to restrain violence, while managing the tension between the need to institutionalize itself as a national actor and what it sees as its duty to maintain the ethos of resistance. The relatively restrained manner in which it faces these tensions gives external players, particularly Israel and Egypt, opportunities to limit the movement’s level of violence and focus on its institutionalization processes.

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The Hamas Tightrope: Between Political Institutionalization and Armed Struggle Cover Page

Hamas: Between Pragmatism and Radicalism

Routledge Handbook of Political Islam, 2012

What is Hamas and how does it behave strategically as its political and international environment changes? This paper explores the history of Hamas and analyzes its shifts between pragmatism and radicalism. It argues that the regional and international context, as well as its domestic considerations, shape the struggle between hawks and doves within the movement. Ultimately, however, Hamas is a rational strategic actor that is motivated by narrow political considerations that religious dogma.

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Hamas: Between Pragmatism and Radicalism Cover Page

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Legitimizing Pragmatism: Hamas' Framing Efforts From Militancy to Moderation and Back (2010)

Terrorism and Political Violence, 2010

This article shows how Hamas legitimized its policy choices during the Al-Aqsa intifada and the Gaza war. The organization's policy moved from violent during the initial stages of the uprising to more moderate during later years. While this entailed huge changes in the organization's course of action, Hamas nevertheless always managed to frame its choices in a way that seemed consistent with its long-held beliefs. The same occurred during the Gaza war, when Hamas moderated its discourse even further. This shows Hamas' flexibility and pragmatism but also that seemingly rigid ideological views can change quite dramatically when circumstances change too.

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Legitimizing Pragmatism: Hamas' Framing Efforts From Militancy to Moderation and Back (2010) Cover Page