The Implementation of Good University Governance in State Universities (original) (raw)

Implementation of Good University Governance in State University of South Sumatera and Bangka Belitung, Indonesia


1 Faculty of Economy, Bangka Belitung University, Gg. IV No.1, Balun Ijuk, Merawang, Kabupaten Bangka, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33172, Indonesia 2 Faculty Economy, Sriwijaya University, Jalan Palembang-Prabumulih km 32, Indralaya, Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, 30662, Indonesia 3 Faculty Economy, Muhammadiyah University, Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani, 13 Ulu, Seberang Ulu II, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, 30116, Indonesia 4 Fakulty of Technic, Bangka Belitung University, Gg. IV No.1, Balun Ijuk, Merawang, Kabupaten Bangka, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33172, Indonesia 5 Faculty Economy, Raden Fatah Islamic University, Jalan Prof. K.H Zainal Abidin Fikri, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, 30151, Indonesia

Good University Governance of PTKIN Public Services Agency in Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, 2022

This study aims to prove the effect of the role of internal auditors, organizational commitment, on good university governance and its implications for the quality of financial reports at PTKIN-BLU. The independent variables of this study are good university governance and the quality of financial reports, while the dependent variable in this study is the role of internal auditors and organizational commitment. The sample of this study used data from 60 respondents from the Head of Study Programs from the State Islamic University (UIN) in Indonesia. Data collection has been carried out since 2019 using the questionnaire survey method. After the data is collected, data analysis is carried out using SmartPLS software. This study concludes that the role of the internal audit unit, organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on good university governance. Good University Governance has a positive and significant effect on the quality of BLU financial reports. If the ...

Good University Governance and Its Implication on Managerial Performance


This study aims to identify and analyse: 1) the influence of internal control effectiveness (EPI), organizational commitment partially or simultaneously on the implementation of good university governance (GUG); and 2) the effect of EPI, organizational commitment, and GUG implementation on managerial performance. This study uses descriptive method and explanatory survey with sample size of 220 respondents. Unit of analysis are the structural leadership of 7 public universities in Southern Sumatra. The data analysis method used is SEM. The results show that: 1) EPI has significant effect on the application of GUG, 2) Organizational commitment has significant effect on GUG implementation; 3) EPI and organizational commitment simultaneously have a significant effect on the application of GUG of 68%, partially, EPI is more dominant in influencing the application of GUG; 4) EPI has significant effect on managerial performance; 5) Organizational commitment has a significant effect on mana...


Governance means the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented or not implemented. This research study was a descriptive method and quantitative in its analysis. It revealed the governance among state universities in Region 3, Philippines. The subjects of the study included a total of 406 respondents. There were One hundred twenty-six (126) educational administrators from all levels of the organization and two hundred eighty (280) instructors/professors drawn among the State Universities (SUs) in Region III. In the light of the findings in this study, conclusions were made. Results revealed that the perception of the respondents towards the level of achievement in governance in the university in terms of its principles, participation and voice, accountability, transparency and fairness are described as moderately achieved. There is no significant difference in the perception of the respondents in governance as described to its principles. Based on the findings and conclusions, the researched highly recommended that the administration amongst State University in Region III, Philippines may enhance good governance practices.

Implementation of Good University Governance Policy in State Islamic Institute (IAIN) in Indonesia

International Journal of Education, Culture and Society, 2019

Good University Governance (GUG) is a concept adopted from Good Corporate Governance (GCG). At present, the study of Corporate Governance is a concept that has been implemented by large companies and is not a new issue when compared to the issue of University Governance, because previous studies on Good University Governance are still poorly publicized. The study of University Governance is not preceded by an important event about the bankruptcy of a college. Some researchers argue that Corporate Governance plays an important role in the supervision of companies related to corruption and bankruptcy cases. Likewise, the study of university governance makes an important contribution to the managers of higher education as one of the references in managing higher education institutions. This study asks how the policy implementation in the IAIN environment is from the perspective of Good University Governance (GUG). The approach used in this study is qualitative, namely interviews and documentation as data collection techniques. Meanwhile, the sample is a number of leading sectors in the State Islamic Institute in Indonesia. The scope of the results of this study on non-academic covers three fields, namely the financial reporting system and financial performance standardization have not been conducted by a review, human resource management has not been reviewed and standardized performance and work performance, and management of State Property.

Quality and University Governance in Indonesia

International Journal of Higher Education

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of quality in university governance in Indonesia. The researcher designed this study with an approach of qualitative research approach with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. Participants come from 25 universities throughout Indonesia. Participants are leaders of higher education ranging from the head of the study program to the rector. The result of the focus group discussion shows that the quality of higher education will decrease if there is the scarcity of qualified lecturers. Declining quality of higher education will affect the number of students. Finally, if the student decline happens continuously, then higher education can close. So quality is a top priority in university governance.

Good Governance in Private University in Medan


The purpose of this study was to create transparency, accountability, participation, effectiveness and consistency in private universities in the city of Medan. To obtain the data needed in this study, researchers used data collection techniques by means of surveys. Researchers do this by distributing questionnaires to lecturers and / or employees at Private Universities in Medan City. The results of the study showed that Good Governance has been running well at Private Universities in Medan City, and most respondents stated their agreement that aspects of transparency, participation, accountability, and effectiveness have gone well. This was supported by the results of research that good governance at private universities in Medan city 87% have applied the aspect of transparency, 90% have applied the aspect of Participation, 51% have implemented accountability, and 87% have applied the aspect of effectiveness.

Encouraging Good University Governance (GUG) at Study Program Level

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2019 – Humanity, Education and Social Sciences (IcoSIHESS 2019), 2019

This paper aims to describe the implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) at Higher Education Institutions (HEI). This study compared the strategy of two educational institutions, namely the Department of Government Science – Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Ilmu Pemerintahan/ IP UMY), and the Department of Public Policy and Management – Universitas Gadjah Mada (Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik / MKP-UGM) in implementing Good University Governance concept of study programs. The research method used was a qualitative approach with the process of collecting data using interview techniques, documentation, and observation. The result showed that the implementation of the GUG institutionalization strategy at the department of government science UMY and MKP UGM had gone well. There are eight GUG principles, namely participation, law enforcement, transparency, responsiveness, consensus orientation, equality, inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, and accountability in mana...

Developing Integrity University Governance Model in Indonesia

International Journal of Higher Education

This paper aims to explain and design a model for university governance with integrity that is focused on the core and business processes of university organizations. NVivo applacation had been used in this research. This study revealed that universities have not shown governance with integrity. The colleges have not established the values of integrity as key content at the core of their business and the business processes of a university, namely education, research, society services, human resource management, budgeting, cooperation, infrastructure, and leadership. Furthermore, corruption practices in university governance have been widespread. Therefore, by using method of Strategic Analysis Surfacing and Testing (SAST), this paper also formulates a model of university governance with integrity that puts emphasis on strengthening the core and business processes of university organizations and strengthening the organizational values of university institutions including culture, nor...