Alexander and the eternal body of the king (original) (raw)
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Alexandre e o corpo eterno do rei
O sábio e a imagem: estudos sobre Plutarco e a arte, 2014
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MARTIN, Carlos Alcalde e FERREIRA, Luísa de Nazaré (org.) "O sábio e a imagem: estudos sobre Plutarco e a arte", 2015
Resumo – A partir da tese dos dois corpos do rei de Ernst H. Kantorowicz, que separa o corpo político, simbólico e imortal do monarca do seu corpo natural e mortal, os autores analisam a função icónica das representações de Alexandre da Macedónia nas artes visuais entre os séculos XVI e XVIII. Demonstram como no período considerado, a figura de Alexandre personificou as qualidades atribuídas pela literatura política, desde o final da Idade Média, ao rei ideal. A identificação de Alexandre com a figura do rei ideal levou a que os episódios da sua vida, tal como foram narrados por Plutarco nas Vidas Paralelas e por outros autores da Antiguidade, tenham sido temas recorrentes na pintura e na tape‐ çaria, representados com uma clara intenção propagandística de afirmação do poder real. Abstract – Based on Ernst H. Kantorowicz’s thesis of the King’s two bodies, witch separates the monarch politic, symbolic and immortal body of the natural and mortal, the authors discuss the iconic role of Alexander of Macedonia representations in the Visual Arts between the 16th and 18th centuries. They demonstrate how, in the con‐ sidered time frame, the figure of Alexander embodied the qualities attributed by the political literature to the ideal King since the Late Middle Ages. The identification of Alexander with the figure of the ideal King led to a recurrent presence of the episodes of his life, as recounted by Plutarch in the Parallel Lives and by other ancient authors, in painting and tapestry, in which they were represented with a clear propagandistic intent of affirmation of the royal power.
Alexander philosopher-king: from Philosophy to action
Plutarch, in his Life of Alexander and his speeches On the Fortune or Virtue of Alexander the Great, draws a portrait of a philosopher-king, inspired by Plato, Aristotle and Diogenes’ philosophies. This paper aims to analyse the dialogues between these philosophers and Alexander and to scrutinise the Macedonian’s political path whereby philosophical ideals were put in action. This study, therefore, may suggest that whilst in the encomiastic speeches Plutarch draws a king, enlightened by Philosophy, who made happier «all the inhabited earth», in the biography, contradictions of imposing a ‘blessed life’ are unveiled.
A presente obra é disponibilizada pela equipe Le Livros e seus diversos parceiros, com o objetivo de oferecer conteúdo para uso parcial em pesquisas e estudos acadêmicos, bem como o simples teste da qualidade da obra, com o fim exclusivo de compra futura.
Alfred the Great (849-899): The Formation of a Warrior King.
Alfred the Great (849-899): The Formation of a Warrior King., 2020
Education plays a fundamental role in the upbringing of the children of medieval nobility, especially those destined to assume the crown, and furthermore, it helps us understand the construction of monarchs' images. However, the education and upbringing of medieval monarchs, particularly in the Early Middle Ages, is a topic that has been seldom addressed by historiography. Therefore, this project aimed to study the formation of the Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great as a warrior-king. To achieve this, we investigated his childhood and youth, up to his accession to the throne of Wessex in the year 871. As sources for the research, we used the biography titled "Asser’s Life of King Alfred," written by a contemporary Welsh monk, and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, whose writing began during Alfred's reign. Both sources depict Alfred as a warrior-king and a remarkable knight.
Alexandre e a ideia de um império
Utopias & Distopias, 2007
ConCepç ão g r á f iC a António Barros pr é-i m pr e s s ão Tipograf ia Lousanense, Lda. ex e C uç ão g r á f iC a Tipograf ia Lousanense, Lda. isBn 978-989-8074-74-4 depósito l eg a l 289002/09 Obr a p u b l ic a da c O m O a p OiO d e :
Alexander Calder e a máscara do universo
sorrir com os lábios úmidos bem tesos, erguer a mão livre, a esquerda, mover com a palma a si o dedo índice em gancho, estender o braço em posição horizontal, tocar o que vinha olhando, uma boca, nuca, com os lábios sempre tesos abrir esta outra boca e destilar.
Historia, 2009
Since the beginnings of the medieval period, one of the most prominent characters in this kind of society is the king. His presence is extremely important to the social harmony, hence the king is not only the ruler of the people, but also represents the godly powers that manifest through him. So, we will show how this king dual-figure is represented in Anglo-Saxon literature, not as just a heroic symbol of war, but as the guardian of his folk e keeper of peace.