Retrospective analysis of the effect on vital signs of using local anesthesia during dental procedures on patients with epilepsy (original) (raw)
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Introduction. One of the indications for dental treatment in general anaesthesia of children and adolescents is the patients’ refusal to cooperate with the dentist; this concerns especially the so-called special care patients, and among them, those suffering from epilepsy. Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the structure of treatment procedures in conservative dentistry and dental surgery performed under general anaesthesia in children and adolescents with epilepsy. Material and methods. The analysis covered case histories of 109 patients with epilepsy, aged 3-18 years, who received dental treatment under general anaesthesia. The patients were divided into three age groups, according to the dentition type: patients with deciduous dentition - 3-5 years of age; with mixed dentition - 6-12 years, and with permanent dentition - 13-18 years. The analysis concerned the procedures on both deciduous and permanent teeth. Results. An average number of extractions in a child with full d...
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BMC Research Notes, 2016
Background: Local anesthesia could result in lethal complications if injected in highly vascularized area. Dentist should take care to avoid such complications. Case presentation: We present a case of 15 year old girl with a coma following convulsive status epilepticus which developed after inferior alveolar nerve blockade by a dentist. The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit ICU and recovered within several days. Conclusion: This case is reported to tell both of dentists and medical staff that although it is uncommon, such complications of local anesthesia should be in mind to be avoided and managed promptly if happened.
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology, 2011
Background and objectives: Epilepsy is one of the most frequent chronic neurological diseases. Although anesthesia for epilepsy patients is more common in neurosurgery, this group of patients needs, just as the general population, anesthesia for different diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. This article aims to address the issues of greatest interest to the anesthesiologist in the perioperative management of epileptic patients undergoing anesthesia for non-neurosurgical procedures. Content: We discuss relevant aspects of pathophysiology, classification and diagnosis of epilepsy; anticonvulsant therapy and interactions with anesthetic drugs; surgery and the ketogenic diet; pro-and anticonvulsant effects of drugs used in anesthesia; preoperative evaluation, intra-and postoperative conduct in epileptic patients, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of perioperative seizures. Conclusions: In the perioperative management of epileptic patients is important for anesthesiologists to identify the type of epilepsy, the frequency, severity and the factors triggering the epileptogenic crises; the use of anticonvulsant drugs and possible interactions with drugs used in anesthesia; the presence of ketogenic diet and stimulatory of the vagus nerve, and its implications in anesthetic techniques. It is essential the understanding of pro-and anticonvulsant properties of drugs used in anesthesia, minimizing the risk of seizure activity in the intra-and postoperative. Finally, it is important to outline the diagnosis and initiate treatment of seizures, perioperative, which offers lower both morbidity and mortality.
AIM This study aims to describe dental treatment provided to healthy and medically compromised patients treated under general anesthesia (GA) over a four-year period. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 97 patients who received dental treatment under GA at the Saint Joseph University, Lebanon, from 2016 to 2019 were included in the study. The study population was analyzed according to the patient's age, medical status, and type of treatment done accordingly. RESULTS The mean age of the patients was 9.15 ± 8.84 years. About 58.8% were aged below 6 years (primary dentition) and 48.5% had medical problems. Dental procedures performed were mostly extractions (4.00 ± 4.15 per patient) followed by resin composite restorations (3.66 ± 3.02 per patient). The mean number of pulpotomies per patient (p <0.001) and stainless steel crowns (p <0.001) were significantly higher in primary dentition, whereas in permanent dentition, the mean number of endodontic treatments per patient (p = 0.0...
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International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2023
psychic seizures, and autonomic seizures. Complex partial seizures are of two types-seizure with simple partial-onset, after which awareness is impaired, and seizure in which awareness is impaired at the onset of a seizure. In simple partial seizures, consciousness is not impaired, and only part of the cortex is disrupted by the seizure. In complex partial seizures, the memory associated with partial seizures is lost, and the partial seizure develops into a secondary generalized seizure later on. Generalized seizures usually lead to loss of consciousness, and convulsions can or might not occur. Generalized seizures have the following subtypes-absence, generalized myoclonic tonic-clonic, and atonic. Absence seizures, also known as petit mal seizures, are characterized by staring without any reaction to an external verbal stimulus with the blinking of eyes or nodding of the head. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures [formerly called grand mal (GTCS)] involve bilateral symmetric convulsive movements in which muscles stiffen, followed by jerking of all limbs along with impaired consciousness. IntroductIon According to World Health Organization (WHO), epilepsy is defined as a chronic association of multiple etiologies which involves recurring episodes of paroxysmal brain dysfunction, which occur due to sudden disorder and excessive neuronal discharge. 1 Epilepsy is characterized by seizures along with certain features such as altered perception, behavior, and mental activities, involuntary muscle contractions, transient loss of consciousness, and chronic changes in neurological functions. Epileptic seizures are reversible and have a tendency to recur. 2-4 Seizures can be defined as the discontinuation of normal brain functions due to excessive or inadequate electrical discharges, which occur suddenly and result in episodic convulsions with certain other features, such as involuntary movements, altered consciousness, or disturbed perception. 5,6 The occurrence of atleast two or more seizure episodes is necessary for the diagnosis of epilepsy. 7 A total of 50 million people worldwide are suffering from epilepsy (WHO). 1 The incidence of epilepsy in the pediatric population varies from 41 to 187 cases/100,000 children. The prevalence of epilepsy in children ranges from 3.2 to 5.5/1,000 in developed countries and 3.6-44/1,000 in underdeveloped countries. 8 About 25% of cases of epilepsy occur due to brain damage caused by infection, injury, cerebrovascular accident, or birth trauma. Idiopathic epilepsy involves the remaining 75% of cases for which there are no identifiable causes (Table 1). 3 The etiology of epileptic seizures depends upon the individual seizure threshold, which is genetically determined and it interacts with the precipitating factors or triggers (Table 2). Seizures are classified into three categories-focal (formerly called partial), followed by lethargy and confusion. Aberrant neuronal activity is more widespread in generalized seizures. In 30% of patients with generalized and unclassified (Table 3). Focal/partial seizures are further of two types-simple and complex. Simple partial seizures are divided into motor seizures, sensory seizures,
International Journal of Pedodontic Rehabilitation
Aim - To determine the demographic and clinical profile of children treated under general anaesthesia in last 7 years. Methodology - A Medical-record department (MRD) based retrospective study was planned. Dental records all the pediatric patients treated under general anaesthesia in past 7 years (2012-2019) were reviewed and evaluated in the current retrospective analysis. For each patient, detailed clinical and demographic details were extracted and analysed using descriptive statistical analysis and chi-square test. Results – In the current study, dental records of total 93 patients were included. These were divided into 2 groups – based on patient’s medical history, wherein group A included healthy children and group B included children with special health care with mean age of 5.40 ± 2.1 years and 10.3 ± 6.3 years respectively. Dental anxiety and un-cooperative behaviour (57%) were the main indication for treating pediatric patient under general anaesthesia and stainless-steel ...
Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2014
Elektrokonvülsif terapide anestezik ajanların ve tanıların nöbet süreleri, derlenme süreleri ve komplikasyonlar üzerine olan etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi Amaç: Bu çalışmada elektrokonvulzif terapi (EKT) anestezisinde kullanılan üç farklı anestezik ajanın ve tanıların nöbet süreleri, hemodinamik parametreler, derlenme süreleri ve yan etkiler üzerine olan etkilerinin retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Yöntem: 1 Eylül 2009-30 Haziran 2012 tarihleri arasında Dicle Üniversitesi Psikiyatri Kliniğinde EKT endikasyonu konulan ve genel anestezi altında EKT uygulanan toplam 179 hastanın 1342 EKT seansı retrospektif olarak incelendi. EKT endikasyonları ve kullanılan anestezik ajanların, uygulanan EKT sayısı, motor ve EEG nöbet süreleri, anesteziden derlenme süreleri, hemodinamik değişiklikler ve komplikasyonlar ile ilişkisi analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 179 hastanın yaş ortalaması 36.7±7.3 yıl idi. %50.8'i (n=91) erkek, %49.2'si (n=88) kadındı. En çok kullanılan anestezik ajan propofol idi (%73.2). Hastaların %50.8 major depresyon, %28.5'i bipolar bozukluk, %12.8'i şizofreni tanısıyla takip edilmekteydi. Uygulanan toplam 1342 EKT seansının 179'u (%13.3) başarısız olarak kabul edildi. Başarısız EKT'lerin %92.2'sinde propofol anestezisi kullanılmıştı. Elektrokonvulzif terapi endikasyonu koyduran tanıların motor ve EEG nöbet süreleri, spontan solunum başlangıcı, göz açma, sözel uyaranlara yanıt verme süreleri, hemodinamik parametrelerdeki değişiklikler ve komplikasyonlar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı. Propofol grubunda nöbet ve derlenme süreleri ketamin ve etomidat gruplarına göre anlamlı olarak daha kısaydı (p<0.05). Etomidat grubunda ise EEG nöbet süreleri propofol ve ketamin grubuna göre daha uzundu (sırasıyla p<0.001, p<0.05). Sonuç: Sonuç olarak motor ve EEG nöbet süreleri, spontan solunum başlangıcı, göz açma, sözel uyaranlara yanıt verme süreleri, hemodinamik parametrelerdeki değişiklikler ve komplikasyonlar üzerine tanıların bir etkisi bulunmamaktadır. Ancak kullanılan anestezik ajanlar tüm bu parametreleri etkilemektedirler.