Schreiben in drei Sprachen: Sprachenübergreifender Erwerb von Textkompetenz im schulischen Kontext (original) (raw)
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DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2017
Dieser Beitrag präsentiert eine Untersuchung zur Textproduktion in den Fremdsprachen Französisch und Englisch sowie in der Schulsprache Deutsch bei Deutschschweizer Schülerinnen und Schülern der 7. Klasse. Verglichen werden zwei Gruppen, die sich hinsichtlich der Erwerbsreihenfolge der beiden Fremdsprachen und der Verlängerung der Lerndauer von Englisch als Folge einer Curriculumsreform unterscheiden. Die Lernenden mit Frühbeginn Englisch schreiben durchschnittlich längere Texte, subordinieren mehr und verwenden mehr und diversere Konnektoren, jedoch unterscheiden sich ihre französischen Texte hinsichtlich der untersuchten Variablen gegenüber den Spätbeginnern nicht, obwohl Korrelationen auf die Transversalität der festgestellten Fertigkeiten hinweisen. Mögliche didaktische Konsequenzen der Resultate werden diskutiert. This article presents some results of a quasi-experimental study on the production of written texts in French and English as foreign languages as well as German as language of schooling by German-speaking seventh graders in Switzerland. Two groups of learners are compared, differing in terms of the order of foreign language acquisition-French as a first or second foreign languageand the duration of learning of English, as a result of a curriculum reform. The learners with an early beginning of English write longer texts, subordinate more and use more and more diverse connectives on average, but their French and German texts do not differ with regard to the variables examined in comparison to the late beginners of English. Significant interlingual correlations indicate the transversality of the skills identified in both groups. Possible didactic consequences of the results are discussed.
Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 2014
Im Fokus dieses Artikels stehen Verfahren zur Erarbeitung von Basisstandards (Grundkompetenzen) fur die Schreibkompetenz in Deutsch in einem mehrsprachigen Kontext. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen ist die bilinguale Schule der bundnerromanischen Minderheit der Schweiz. Basierend auf qualitativ validierten Kann-Beschreibungen wurden kommunikative Testaufgaben entwickelt und bei einer grossen Stichprobe (N = 325) eingesetzt; die entstandenen Lernertexte wurden mithilfe eines analytischen Ratings eingestuft. Nebst dem Verfahren des Standard-Settings werden an dieser Stelle auch Resultate der quantitativen Auswertung der Daten diskutiert. Beispielsweise zeigte sich im Rahmen von Multifa cetten-Rasch-Analysen, dass die Bewertungskriterien ‚lexikalisches Spektrum‘, ,grammatikalisches Spektrum‘ und ‚Koharenz‘ besonders hoch korrelieren und somit tentativ als eine Schreibkompetenz-Dimension interpretiert werden konnen. Using the example of the bilingual school for the Romansh- German minority...
– This article presents possibilities for supporting textual competence in German as a foreign language, using the wiki-based platform Wikispaces, for Italian school and university-level learners of German who are confronted with writing tasks. The focus will be on the potential of writing-based learning arrangements in which the learners engage in collaborative writing activities in situational contexts. The aim and addressee of the required text are clearly recognisable and learners are able to reflect collectively and by themselves on the effects of their texts. Building on their existing competencies, they can also gain the necessary knowledge to complete the respective writing tasks. This makes it possible to take account of process, product and action orientation at the same time by focusing on the different phases of the writing process and on the functional and linguistic features of texts during the completion of the writing tasks. These are all important elements of effect...
Fachsprache. Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication, Vol. 43, 3–4, 2021, 2021
This article outlines approaches on how to support writing skills and text competence when teaching German as a foreign language. The main question is whether and how dealing in detail with one's own mistakes and actively analysing one's own writing process can contribute to improving writing skills in teaching German as a foreign language. Reflections which were written down during the 2013/14 winter and 2016 summer semester at the University of Graz by students studying German as a foreign language, level C1, serve as basis for this article. These reflections refer to texts gathered within one semester respectively. They address subjects relevant to the daily life of a translator in training, such as economics, law, culture, medicine and technology. During this period of reflection, students addressed the question of whether their approach to writing texts has changed in the course of one semester. In addition, they were asked to focus on which mistakes were made repeatedly and to which error category they belonged. Furthermore, they examined the areas in which they feel that they have personally improved and see their strengths. This article aims to demonstrate to what extent this teaching approach succeeded.