The Pancasila and Civic Education curriculum model at 21st century (original) (raw)
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21st Century Competences in Civic Education Curriculum of Indonesia
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2019), 2020
This article reviews the 21st century competence of the Civic Education curriculum in Indonesia. It is deemed necessary to be examined considering the industrial Era characterized by very strict competition, demanding that every citizen have adequate ability to deal with global competition. This study aims to see how the Civic Education Curriculum in Indonesia accommodates 21st century competences that must be possessed by students. The method used in this study used a qualitative approach to identify the curriculum of Civic Education 2013 revised with the competency indicator of the 21st century citizen and see what competencies have been accommodated in implementing Curriculum 2013. The findings are generated by this research that in principle the basic concept of 21st century skills is present in the ongoing curriculum. The conclucion of the study shows that in the 2013 Curriculum document, 21st century citizen competences are accommodated, both affective competences such as attitude and characters as well as cognitive and psychomotor abilities such as the ability to be creative and innovate, critical thinking, problem solving, commuicate, collaborate and literacy capabilities. But in the learning process still category very little in development of student creativity to answer the various demands of learning in the curriculum 2013 Civic Education results revised.
Reformulating Civic Education as Political Education in Indonesia in the Convergence Era
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2019), 2020
The purpose of writing this article is to reformulate Civic Education as a political education in Indonesia in the era of convergence. The research method used in this article was the library research. The results of the study show; First Civic Education becomes an instrument in political education in the era of convergence. Secondly, to formulate Civic Education as a political education in Indonesia is basically not only meant to make the citizens possess the political knowledge and arouse political participation, but also to build citizens' awareness of their responsibility as citizens. Third, reformulating citizenship education as a political education in Indonesia in the era of convergence also means reintegrating the values of Pancasila in order to be integrated into the citizens' mindset and to let citizens aware of the ideology itself. Based on the research results, the author was able to conclude that citizenship education is an appropriate formulation as the instrument of political education in Indonesia in the era of convergence. Through this article, the authors recommend being able to actualize citizenship education not only for gaining the knowledge but also increasing the experience so as to empower the position of citizens in the country in the era of convergence.
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This writing aims to contribute to the development of human character and contribute to the formation of national character, thereby broadening and strengthening insights about the development of human character and the formation of national character, especially the Indonesian nation and understanding more deeply about how to be democratic.The method used by the author in this writing is a qualitative research method using data and facts obtained from various reliable sources and qualitative research methods on documents or texts. The results obtained from this paper are that the author can better know the condition of the character of the current generation of the nation which is caused by several factors, one of which is the existence of globalization and also the lack of public awareness of their identity as citizens. In addition, the author also knows about the influence of the Citizenship Education that has been implemented by the Indonesian government in every level of education. This aims to maintain the ideal human character of each generation of the Indonesian nation and also provide an understanding of democratic life in a country. Thus, it can be concluded that education plays a very important role in every development of the nation, especially in producing quality human resources and in accordance with the ideals of the nation itself, especially Indonesia which holds fast to Pancasila.
Education For Indonesian Citizens: From Good Citizens to Active Citizens
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
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Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, 2020
In a cluster of social science, Citizenship Education has a role in developing social skills and become a media of preparing smart and thoughtful citizen towards citizenship issues, and it also gives alternative solution for a particular problem. This study aimed to describe the students' social skills and contemporary issue understanding through Project Citizen-Based Learning in Citizenship Education as a part of General Compulsory Courses (MKWU). This research used descriptive qualitative method which took place at Ahmad Dahlan University. This research indicated that the steps of Project Citizen could develop the students' social skills and contemporary issue understanding. The development of social learning through Citizen Project-based learning model in Citizenship Education as MKWU was carried out through cooperation, mutual assistance, communication, and responsibility. The understanding of contemporary issues was carried out through the principles of Project Citizen which included; (1) possession of soft-skill communication in doing task/project, (2) ability to manage time for completing task/project, and (3) interaction with technology in completing project. Abstrak: Dalam rumpun ilmu sosial, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan memiliki peran dalam mengembangkan keterampilan sosial, dan menjadi wahana dalam mepersiapkan warga negara yang cerdas dan peka terhadap isu-isu kewarganegaran serta mampu memberikan solusi alternatif terhadap suatu permasalahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengembangan keterampilan sosial dan pemahaman isu kekinian mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran berbasis Project Citizen pada MKWU Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yang berlokasi di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa langkah-langkah Project Citizen dapat mengembangkan keterampilan sosial dan pemahaman isu kekinian mahasiswa. Pengembangan keterampilan sosial melalui model pembelajaran berbasis Project Citizen pada MKWU Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan meliputi kerjasama, gotong royong, berkomunikasi dan bertanggung jawab. Sementara itu, pemahaman terhadap isu kekinian dilakukan melalui prinsip Project Citizen yang meliputi (1) kepemilikan soft-skill berkomunikasi saat mengerjakan tugas, (2) kemamuan mengatur waktu dalam menyelesaikan tugas, dan (3) interaksi dengan teknologi dalam penyelesian tugas.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Social Sciences, and Education, ICLSSE 2021, 09 September 2021, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia, 2021
The teacher competences must be mastered by pre-service civic education students.The purpose of this study is to assess the pedagogic and professional competence of prospective civic education teachers in Indonesia. In this study, an attitude scale questionnaire is used to assess indicators of teacher pedagogic competence and professional competence. This study included 178 student-teacher candidates for undergraduate citizenship education from various regions throughout Indonesia. Questionnaires were distributed through social media of student organizations and a network of lecturers in the same field using an online Google form. The study's findings are summarized, and these teacher candidates are confident in their ability to boldly teach Pancasila values and morals. This study recommends bold efforts to increase students' abilities to develop students' potential, which, based on these data, has the lowest percentage score, reaching only 73 percent. Meanwhile, the assessment, evaluation of the process, and learning outcomes developed in developing Pancasila's character and morals have all been rated as 82 percent satisfactory. The percentage score is comparable to other items that assess students' ability to use information and communication technology to develop as teachers. This research implication leads to the education of future teachers at universities to provide adequate pedagogic skills to increase the potential of online assisted students.
Proceedings of the First Indonesian Communication Forum of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Leaders International Conference on Education 2017 (ICE 2017), 2018
Pancasila, and Civics Education (called PPKn) is one of the compulsory subject starting from primary education to higher education. Its vision is a way for the formation of character (nationality development and character building) and mission is to make a good citizen and intelligent (smart and good citizen). Though PPKn encountered many challenges and obstacles and was changed several times, its made PPKn further strengthened. So it's important that to revitalize the role of PPKn by repositioning the PPKn into various roles, not only as role curricular but also as extracurricular, socio-cultural as well as political program nationalities but not indoctrination packaged.
Actualization of Civic Literacy in the Learning of Citizenship in High School
International Journal of Educational Qualitative Quantitative Research
Citizenship literacy is an essential thing in shaping the character of students. The low literacy of students regarding civic literacy will have a significant impact and cause various national problems. This study aims to determine the actualization of civic literacy in the learning process of citizenship education in schools. Qualitative research methods with a case study approach. Data collection techniques with observational interviews, notes, and documentation as the primary source of information. The research was conducted at SMA N 1 Babatan, Ponorogo, Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the actualization of civic literacy in learning citizenship education is carried out through several learning approaches, including 1) the learning model is applied to support the student's understanding process through citizen project activities. 2) Students are asked to discuss citizenship issues with the problem-solving system, then students are asked to write them down in...
The development of science and technology, especially information and communication technologies have a real impact on the creation of human social relations. Social relations in the present era is not only done in the form of physical contact, but more is done virtually, through the use of various social media. In the civic arena has now developed two concepts of citizenship. First, it physically citizenship (citizenship) as we have known and be a determinant of identity. Second, virtual citizenship (netizen-ship) that do not appear physically, but an integral part of the dynamics of citizenship and influencing the decision-making of state administration. The approach in this study using a combination of qualitative and development (development research) or so-called mixed-method research. Research and development by using the 4D model that includes Define, Design, Develop, and Dissemination