Development of Neuro Linguistic Programming Module for Golf Athletes: A Needs Analysis (original) (raw)


Neurological Linguistic Programming (NLP) plays an important role in raising sporting and human activity. It helps man reform his thinking enhance his behavior, purify his habits, motivating and improving his intellectual abilities. Neurological Linguistic Programming (NLP) considers the issue of success and failure as a process that can be made and is not coincidental. Measurement is the only scientific Mean that should be used by sporting clubs to identify players’ brain programming in order to enhance individual levels and solve problems facing him. We can say that this study is the first in the field according to the researcher as there was not any previous study tackled building a scale for Neurological Linguistic Programming (NLP) in sports in Iraq and the Arab World, so the current study is s scientific and knowledge addition in this field that may serve researchers and sporting club officials in our country. Problem of the study: Is there a Neurological Linguistic Programming (NLP) scale for applying football players? Objective of the study: Building a Neurological Linguistic Programming (NLP) scale for applying football players.

NLP to Enhance Motivation and Performance of Fencers


The current research aims to identify the effect of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) on the performance of male and female fencers and on the level of motivation of fencers. The research used the experimental method which used pre-post measurements for one experimental group composed of 18 fencers registered in the Egyptian Fencing Federation. Who were comprised of ten males and eight females in the 11-13 years stage at Nasr City Sporting Club. The researcher used a Sport Achievement Motivation List designed by "Joe Willis" (1982) and localized by "Allawi, M.," consisting of 20 sentences and include two dimensions, the motive to achieve success and motive to avoid failure. The most important results was the existence of a significant statistics differences between pre-tests and post-tests in performance level and motive to achieve success for the post-test of male and female fencer. There are no significant statistic differences between pre and post tests in the dimension of motive to avoid failure for male and female fencer. There are no significant statistics differences in the post-test between male and female fencer in all variables of the study.

Concurrent Verbal Protocol Analysis in Sport: Illustration of Thought Processes during a Golf-Putting Task

Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology

The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of concurrent verbal protocols to identify and map thought processes of players during a golf-putting task. Three novice golfers and three experienced golfers performed twenty 12-foot putts while thinking aloud. Verbalizations were transcribed verbatim and coded using an inductive method. Content analysis and event-sequence analysis were performed. Mapping of thought sequences indicated that experienced players’ cognitive processes centered on gathering information and planning, while beginners focused on technical aspects. Experienced players diagnosed current performance aspects more often than beginners did and were more likely to use this information to plan the next putt. These results are consistent with experienced players’ higher domain-specific knowledge and less reliance on step-by-step monitoring of motor performance than beginners. The methods used for recording, analyzing, and interpreting on-line thoughts of perf...

Is Neurolinguistic Programming a Myth? A Review of NLP Studies


NLP has not been able to gain the status of a scientific model since its emergence in 1970’s with certain reservations by the experts in the various fields such as educators, linguists, English language teachers, and scientists. Despite the fact that more than fifty organizations are working in the UK solely on NLP, there are only a few conversations and studies available on the subject due to mere supposition about the lack of scientific support for its existence. In NLP history, much work has been ignored due to mere speculation. Also, many researchers did not pay any attention to the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of the NLP ideas and researches via ignoring various studies in this filed. This article has aimed at the exploration of NLP via various studies in diverse fields dealing with the varied aspects of NLP toolkit to illustrate the mammoth significance it holds. The research circumspectly examines the fundamental role that NLP plays in education, sports, health, a...

Neurolinguistic Programming and the Relationship between Attention and Anxiety in Alpine Skiing Juniors


Problem statement: This study aims to show the correlation between anxiety and emotional distress and the different types of attention in juniors’ ski performance, age 11 to 15 years, from Romania. This experimental study is part of a large research on introducing the neurolinguistic programming techniques in training, as well as mental training techniques and its effects, to increase the performance. Purpose We studied the rapport and correlation between focusing the attention and anxiety. The main objective of mental training through neurolinguistic techniques is to support individual and group sporting activities in any situation (e.g., workout or competition) to increase performance capacity. We also wantedto finddataprocessinggenderdifferences, which werecalculated utilizingthe t -testfor independent samples. Methods We applied the following tests in the competition days in control group and experimental group: EMAS for testing the anxiety, PDE for emotional distress, MA for fo...

Neuro-linguistic Programming based on the Concept of Modelling

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

Purpose of the article is: with this work, we want to present some neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques that will improve the performance of junior and senior athletes, cadets, and children of the representative judo team of Romania. Methods : we use an questionnaire and we show that communication is the main channel between athletes and coaches. Results: two ways are emphasised in NLP: first, through asking descriptions, such as "saw," "heard," "felt" (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic [VAK]), and second, by making the language more dynamic and empirical based on the senses and space-timenominated topics and events. NLP is replete with behaviour-modification techniques which cause rapid adaptations, particularly in sporting activity, where search-optimising cognitive behaviour is often a short-term goal. Verbs, movements, actions, processes, etc., set the reality in a more precise, more accurate manner. NLP has a real arsenal of effective techniques capable of generating rapid changes in behaviour of athletes for favourable performance. NLP identifies these ways as visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, somatosensory, olfactory, and gustatory to refer to different systems of representation of actions. Conclusions: The basic principles of neuro-linguistic programming are based on the concept of modelling. Subjects that stimulate visual and auditory channels will have positive effects in the kinaesthetic sphere.

Expression of sensory submodalities by neurolinguistic programming methods in sport training Exprimarea submodalităţilor senzitive prin limbaj în programarea neurolingvistică din antrenamentul sportiv


Background. This research assumes the possible increase of athletic performance in any sport, by applying mental training techniques, particularly sensory submodalities in neurolinguistic programming. Aims. We studied the relationships between sensory submodalities in neurolinguistic programming. We wanted to check the degree of significance of the mean difference in the studied parameters and whether the resulting significance threshold fell within the objective parameters. Methods. We applied the Bandler & Thomson (2012) and Jacobson (2011) tests. These were applied to students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca. They completed the tests, with words describing feelings, perceptions and representations accompanying the description of motor acts. Motor acts are specific motor skills in every sport used in mental training. The words chosen by students who completed the questionnaires were able to provide information regarding the preci...

Taking a Swing at Sport Psychology: A case study of an athlete participating in Golf

Objective: To show that describing and structuring an athlete's subjective experiences can be instrumental in better understanding the elements contributing to and deterring from optimal performance. Design: A single case study. ABSTRACT: This project is the result of research done in the field of Sport Psychology as part of the author's post graduate studies. The author has participated in various types of sport in her life but found golf to be the most challenging, not only from a skills perspective but specifically from a psychological perspective. In no other sport has she experienced her emotions and unconscious world to become so obvious and transparent, and have such an influence on her performance, as in golf. When her studies called for a research project in sport psychology, she saw that as the perfect opportunity to explore the inner workings of the pro-golfer and find out if top players shared her experiences and how they mitigated the challenges posed by this mystical game. This project summarizes and integrates recent empirical and theoretical research on sustained performance and performance enhancement in sport and draws comparisons between these findings and the impressions of a pro golfer actively participating in golf. The need to view performance as a multi-faceted construct made up of cognitive, psychological and physiological aspects was emphasized as well as the importance of understanding the theories behind these factors. Influences on performance enhancement and detraction were separated into two categories, namely internal and external. The theoretical contributions, research into and intervention strategies relating to these elements were identified and discussed. It should be noted that there is no finite list of elements influencing performance in sport; the elements discussed were chosen to explore some of the elements identified by the research participant involved in the case study. It was concluded that the professional golfer makes use of similar practices as is evident and recorded in academic studies in the field and has experienced similar feelings as the author but has managed to mitigate the influence of it on his game by employing various mental and bio-mechanical methods on a regular basis. The author was particularly fascinated by the research participant's recollections of play while in flow state and feel that more research in this field would benefit the understanding of this furtive state which could potentially enable the attainment of flow state more easily and therefore potentially enhance performance in all spheres of life – not just sport.

The need for neuro-linguistic programming to develop greater construct validity

International Coaching Psychology Review l Vol. 14 No. 1 Spring 2019 31 The need for neuro-linguistic programming to develop greater construct validity, 2019

This paper tracks a practitioner's journey through his attempts to understand the nature of neurolinguistic programming (NLP). It draws from the author's self-study, being both a master NLP trainer and a chartered psychologist and also from the author's own PhD research, (Grimley, 2016) which explicitly asked the question 'What is NLP?' The author discusses the importance of finding an answer to this question should NLP as a field, and its application to coaching specifically, wish to validate its modality. Taking from psychometric literature the idea of construct validity, the author concludes that NLP needs to develop a more well defined and standardised definition as well as a more well defined and standardised certificated training route to NLP practitioner before it can usefully answer the question does NLP coaching work in a predictive way? The paper acknowledges and signposts the reader to the important work currently undertaken by the NLP Leadership Summit in this respect. The style of this paper is oriented towards an Action Research paradigm where 'reflection in action and reflection on that reflection in action' (McNiff & Whitehead, 2000, p.2) is regarded as an appropriate research protocol to produce valid knowledge for consideration, especially when adopting an insider perspective as was recommended for research into NLP by Einspruch and Forman (1985).

Emotions and Golf Performance: An IZOF-Based Applied Sport Psychology Case Study

Behavior Modification, 2006

A multiple case study investigation is reported in which emotions and performance were assessed within the probabilistic individual zone of optimal functioning (IZOF) model (Kamata, Tenenbaum, & Hanin, 2002) to develop idiosyncratic emotion-performance profiles. These profiles were incorporated into a psychological skills training (PST) intervention, with a focus on three emotional dimensions, that is, arousal, pleasantness, and functionality, and several psychological strategies employed during practice and competition. Two female varsity golfers at a major Division I university in the Southeast participated in the case study during the Spring 2002 season. The PST intervention resulted in enhanced emotional self-regulation skills and improved golf performance. Directions for future research into the IZOF model and implications for practical application of the model are discussed.