Забавін В.О., Булик М.В., Небрат С.Г. До археологічної карти Північного Приазов'я //Вісник МДУ Політологія No33 34 2022- С. 16 - 30 (original) (raw)
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UNCOMMON BURIAL GROUND OF TIMBER-GRAVE PERIOD FROM THE MOUND NEAR THE URBAN VILLAGE YALTA (NORTH-EAST OF THE AZOV SEA REGION). The article analyses obsequies of one of the burial grounds of the late Bronze Age Timbergrave culture in Northern Azov Sea Region which were explored by archeological expedition of Mariupol State University on the territory of Yalta village council of Mangush (Pershotravnevy) district of Donetsk region. The mound under exploration was a part of the mound group consisting of three graves which are located on watershed plateau in 6 km to the North from the Azov Sea coast between the valleys of the Komyshuvatka and the Mokra Bilosarayka rivers. The complex shows a series of deviations from the model of the ordinary burial ground. The signs of social uniqueness of a buried and marks referring to ritual activities areanalysed. Some peculiarities of a rite-inventory complex and issues of cultural-chronological periodization of obsequial memorials are examined. The explored mound can be referred to the second (developed) level of the Timber-grave burial grounds of the North-East of the Azov Sea Region. They are characterized with both main and overlap graves in earthen pits and stone chests constructed by means of stone plates vertically (orthostatically) set on edge that appeared at the same period. The main postures of the buried are medium or heavily crouched (left lateral position) oriented to the North-east sector (with deviations). Special attention should be given to an animal’s blade. As the authors estimate there are only 3 graves with blades in 1500 Timber-grave period’s burial grounds of the Northern Azov Sea region (the complex we described is the third). It’s also interesting that in our complex there was a small stick together with («embracing») a blade. Everything mentioned above makes us attribute this complex to unordinary graves and assume not-utilitarian intent of the items found there. Timber-grave culture complex explored shows a series of deviations from the model of the ordinary burial ground. The fact that meat (the best hindquarters) was present is a distinct mark of the social uniqueness of a buried person, a sign of a high rank. The presence of a shell and an animal’s blade (“embracing” a small stick) is a mark of persons who had something to do with the ritual activities
Bulletin of Mariupol State University. Series: History. Political Studies, 2020
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