Uso Problemático de Internet en adolescentes: Validación en español de la Escala de Uso Compulsivo de Internet (CIUS) (original) (raw)
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PIUS-a: Problematic Internet Use Scale in adolescents. Development and psychometric validation
Adolescents' use of the Internet is becoming a matter of great concern for different sectors of society. The psychological and behavioural consequences of problematic Internet use in young people demands quick and effective answers. One of the major challenges in this context is the development of empirically validated tools, which would facilitate early detection and screening for potential risk cases. This is precisely the aim of this paper. Based on a sample of 1,709 secondary-school students from Galicia (a region in northern Spain) aged 11 to 17 (M = 13.74, SD = 1.43), the analysis carried out permitted us to present a brief and simple tool (with just 11 items). It has substantial theoretical support, since both the existing background information and the views of experts from the academic and professional spheres were taken into account in the course of its development. The scale is adapted to the Spanish cultural context and to the language of young people. It has satisfa...
Clínica y Salud, 2023
Background: The present study aims to analyze the prevalence of the problematic Internet use (PIU) among Spanish adolescents using the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) and provide normative data. Method: The final sample consisted of a total of 1,977 (M age = 15.70, SD = 1.26, 53.7% female). Results: PIU were relatively common with many items seeing endorsement for between 6.5% and 33.1%. There were statistically significant differences both by gender. Females scored significantly more highly on four CIUS dimensions as well as total scores. With regards to age, we found statistically significant differences in preoccupation. No differences were found for the total score by age. Conclusions: Early detection strategies should be implemented in order to prevent PIU during adolescence, a critical developmental stage.
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Adicciones, 2015
Adolescents' use of the Internet is becoming a matter of great concern for different sectors of society. The psychological and behavioural consequences of problematic Internet use in young people demands quick and effective answers. One of the major challenges in this context is the development of empirically validated tools, which would facilitate early detection and screening for potential risk cases. This is precisely the aim of this paper. Based on a sample of 1,709 secondaryschool students from Galicia (a region in northern Spain) aged 11 to 17 (M = 13.74, SD = 1.43), the analysis carried out permitted us to present a brief and simple tool (with just 11 items). It has substantial theoretical support, since both the existing background information and the views of experts from the academic and professional spheres were taken into account in the course of its development. The scale is adapted to the Spanish cultural context and to the language of young people. It has satisfactory psychometric properties in terms of reliability of the scores (α = .82), evidence of its internal structure (tested via a Confirmatory Factorial Analysis), sensitivity (81%), and specificity (82.6%). Moreover, its use enables the gradation of adolescents on a risk or problematic Internet use continuum. In our view, all of this lends it enormous applied potential in both the educational and clinical contexts.
Computers & Education, 2015
The development and validation of compulsive Internet use instruments has recently gained the attention of the research community. Recent literature has recommended examining the psychometric properties of different assessment instruments with diverse user groups, cultures and populations. To address this need, the present study examined the psychometric properties of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) with adolescent Internet users attending public and private schools, using a repeated cross-sectional study. Three studies were carried out, namely Study A (n ¼ 2369), Study B (n ¼ 997) and Study C (n ¼ 274), the results of which suggest that CIUS possesses excellent factorial and construct validity and reliability across time, and is suitable for both public and private school attending adolescents. Additionally, the study examined the powers of demographics and technology accessibility attributes in predicting CIUS among adolescent Internet users over time. It was found that male adolescents with low life satisfaction and low academic performance tend to experience compulsive Internet use; personal mobile Internet access and daily time spent on Internet use also significantly predicted CIUS scores. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are presented.
Psychometric Properties of a Turkish Version of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale
European Scientific Journal, 2015
This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) in a Turkish adolescent sample. The data were collected from 409 adolescents. The sample included 229 (56%) females and 180 (44%) males. The age of the participants ranged between 16 and 18 years with a mean age of 17.3 (SD= 1.3). Adolescent ages 16-18).First, the factor structure of the scale was examined and the results of the explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that the CIUS is a onedimensional construct.As for the convergent validity; the correlations of CIUS with measures of Internet addiction were examined. For divergent validity; the correlations of CIUS with measures of social and emotional loneliness and depression were examined. These results revealed strong correlations. Following, reliability wasexamined via internal consistency, test-re-test reliability coefficients and split-half correlation. Reliability analyses showed that the scale had high internal consistency, high test-retest and split half reliabilities. The results of the present study indicate that Turkish version of CIUS has good psychometric properties.Finally, findings were discussed in line with the relevant literature.
Validation of an Instrument for Detecting Problematic Internet Use in Adolescents
Behavioral Sciences, 2024
Problematic internet use (PIU) has drawn attention due to its potentially negative consequences on individuals’ social and personal lives. At present, a consensus on diagnostic criteria for problematic internet use remains elusive, leaving uncertainty regarding its classification as a distinct mental disorder. Extensive research efforts are underway to investigate its underlying causes, risk factors, and correlated adverse consequences. Nonetheless, research on problematic internet use (PIU) frequently faces challenges due to the absence of consistent and dependable evaluation methods, with many existing assessment tools lacking a solid theoretical basis. This study introduces a novel instrument that incorporates positive emotional regulation along with negative emotional regulation, compulsive use, and cognitive preoccupation, all crucial aspects of PIU. The study involved 3054 adolescents from Madrid, Spain, and employed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to validate the instrument’s structure. The resulting four-factor model includes Positive Emotional Regulation, Negative Emotional Regulation, Compulsive Use, and Cognitive Preoccupation. The instrument demonstrates good internal consistency and an association with risk factors, as evidenced by correlations with time spent on various internet-related activities. This comprehensive tool enhances our understanding of PIU and its underlying cognitive and emotional processes and provides a valuable resource for assessing and addressing problematic internet use in adolescents. Keywords: problematic internet use; internet addiction; assessment; measurement; positive emotional regulation; emotional processes
Psychometric Validation of a German Version of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2014
Excessive Internet use and Internet addiction are currently increasing in many industrial nations. Verified and validated measuring instruments could contribute to a better understanding of this still quite recent development. The aim of this survey was to investigate the psychometric properties of a German version of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS). We surveyed a representative German quota sample of 1,723 adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years, as well as one parent each, with standardized questionnaires. In addition, adolescents and parents were asked whether the media use by the youth was considered problematic or excessive, and whether it led to arguments at home. We conducted confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) with maximum likelihood estimation to examine the factorial validity of the German CIUS, as well as reliability and correlation analyses. The results of the CFA indicate good psychometric properties for the German version of the CIUS. They appear in line with the findings for the original version of the questionnaire. Furthermore, the CIUS showed high internal consistency, and we found significant correlations between the ''CIUS-summary score'' and different ratings of problems with the media usage by the youth and the parents. The German version of the CIUS seems to be a valid and suitable diagnostic tool for measuring problematic to pathological Internet use.
Addictive Behaviors Reports, 2021
Research shows that internet addiction continues to grow globally, with wider access to the internet and changing use of smartphones. The compulsive internet use scale (CIUS) which has been found to be consistently associated with pathological internet use, is widely considered a measure for prolonged and problematic internet use. CIUS had been translated and adapted in several countries with reports of good reliability. However, to our knowledge this is the first study that examined the psychometric properties of the CIUS scale in three countries who share similar collectivistic attitudes and are a part of growing economies. This link was shared widely amongst young adults (aged 18-25 years), and a total of 837 participants completed the questionnaires. They completed the CIUS scale alongside a measure for escapism and self-esteem. These additional self-reports were added to assess the construct validity of the CIUS. The results from this study confirms the single factor structure of the CIUS as the best fit for this scale, this single factor solution was found for all the three countries. Similarly, high scores of internal reliability were observed for samples in India, Philippines and Turkey. We further found the CIUS to positively correlate with scores of escapism in the Turkish sample only. Taken together these results suggest that the CIUS is an effective measure regardless of country of residence, whilst highlighting the underlying differences in escapism that may need further attention.
Social Science Computer Review, 2015
Compulsive Internet usage is on the rise in developing countries such as India. To date, no tested, validated, and verified instrument for measuring compulsive Internet use among Indian adolescents has been made available. In order to bridge this gap, our present study has examined the psychometric properties of the English version of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) with 2,381 adolescent Internet users (aged 12-19) in India. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to examine the factorial and construct validity, reliability, and homogeneity of the English version of the CIUS. Relationships between adolescents' CIUS scores, demographics, Information and communication technologies (ICT) accessibility, and problematic ICT use were also examined. The study results confirm that the CIUS has good psychometric properties, high internal reliability, and homogeneity and is a valid self-reporting instrument for measuring compulsive Internet use. The present study reveals the same factor structure as the earlier studies using the CIUS in other languages. Finally, we found that male and older adolescents experience higher compulsive Internet use compared to female and younger adolescents, while compulsive Internet users experience lower life satisfaction, lower academic performance, and problematic ICT use including Internet, mobile, and online gaming.
The Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 (GPIUS2) assesses individuals' generalized problematic Internet use (PIU) cognitions, behaviors, and negative outcomes. To date, the GPIUS2 has only been validated in English, Spanish, German, and Italian language. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate a Portuguese version of the GPIUS2 and provide a taxonomy of the potential risk of PIU among participants. A sample of 641 Portuguese-speaking Internet users was recruited online after a process of translation and back-translation of the original GPIUS2. In-depth validity and reliability analyses were conducted alongside latent profile analysis (LPA) to identify the potential risk of PIU of participants. The validity and reliability analyses revealed adequate results concerning the psychometric properties of the Portuguese GPIUS2. According to the LPA results, participants were classed as " low risk " (n ¼ 289, 46.7%), " medium risk " (n ¼ 256, 40.7%), and " high risk " (n ¼ 77, 12.6%) of PIU with key differences emerging among the three classes. The present findings support the overall validity and usefulness of the Portu-guese GPIUS2 and the results from the LPA may be potentially useful in informing practitioners currently working with clients struggling with PIU.