Prinsip, Landasan Dan Aturan Main Ekonomi Syari’ah (original) (raw)

Prinsip dan Landasan Hukum Ekonomi Islam


Economics has a certain character that is distinguished by other understandings. An understanding, including economics, is built by a purpose, principles, values, and paradigms. For example, the understanding of liberalism was built on the goal of the realization of the freedom of each individual to develop himself. This freedom will be realized if every individual has the same opportunity to develop. Therefore, equal opportunity is a principle that will be held which will eventually give birth to a paradigm of free competition. Islamic economics is built for holy purposes guided by the teachings of Islam and achieved in a way that is also guided by the teachings of Islam. Therefore, all of these are interrelated and structured hierarchically, in the sense that the Islamic economic spirit is reflected in its objectives, and supported by pillars, the goal to achieve falah can only be (Islamic values), and operational pillars, which are reflected in economic principles (Islamic princi...

Renungan Ekonomi dan Akuntansi Syari’ah

The Constitutional Court plays a central role in the democratic system governance. With a solid perspective of balancing state power, the court has been set up to interpret and review of conformity of every act and regulation. In Indonesia, a constitutional court presence has an important meaning amid power shifting processes. As the supremacy to some extent moving away from the executive authority, the constitutional court appears as the most prominence body instead of legislative board. In accordance with its duties and functions, the institution is able to give juridical interpretations to examine every regulation against The Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia 1945. Abstrak Mahkamah Konstitusi memegang peranan penting dalam negara yang mengusung tema demokrasi. Ketat dengan perspektif perimbangan kekuasaan (check and balances), lembaga ini dibentuk untuk menafsirkan konstitusi. Di Indonesia, kehadirannya mempunyai makna penting bagi munculnya konsep pergeseran kekuasaan. Pasca bergesernya kekuasaan dari eksekutif ke legislatif, ternyata bukan lembaga yudikatif yang memainkan perannya, melainkan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsinya, lembaga ini mampu memberikan interpretasi yuridis atas keberadaan undang-undang yang dianggap masyarakat bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar. Keyword: mahkamah konstitusi, perimbangan kekuasaan, pergeseran kekuasaan, interpretasi yuridis A. Pendahuluan Dari catatan yang diungkap oleh Mauro Cappeletti, diungkap soal awal penggunaan konsep judicial review. Ia mencatat bahwa pada masa itu, suatu peraturan yang berada di bawah (psephisma) tidak boleh bertentangan dengan nilai yang berada di atasnya (nomoi). Bahkan aturan ini telah menempatkan mekanisme punishment yang akan diterapkan jika hal itu  Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta.

Investasi Berbasis Syari’ah di Indonesia

Jurnal Maps (Manajemen Perbankan Syariah)

The goal of this study is to establish whether existing investments in Indonesia are halal. The distinction between this study and other studies is that this study focuses on components of Sharia that need to be revisited in light of the current investments, many of which contain elements of Riba, Gharar, and even gambling. As a result, it is vital to explore the types of investments that are permissible under Islamic economic law. The normative juridical research approach will be applied in this study. Secondary data is data that is not directly given to data collectors and is gathered through books, scientific journals, and internet sites containing Sharia Investment-related content. The data gathering approach used in this study is a literature review that is closely related to the research goal and title. The goal of this study's findings is to provide a comprehensive explanation of the terminologies and principles that must be addressed when investing or practicing muamalah.

Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah sebagai Landasan Dasar Ekonomi Islam

Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam

Islam exists and is trusted by its adherents as a doctrine that regulates all forms of human activity universally and comprehensively, between human beings as creatures with God as their Creator and human beings as fellow creatures of His creation. Muslims will never be free from all kinds of economic activities, therefore as Muslims in their economic activities must be based on Islam in order to get welfare and maslahah. Then the purpose of this study will researching in more detail about the foundations of Islamic economics and Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah so that in the economic activities of Muslims get falah and maslahah. The hope of the results of this study can be used as a reference for both readers and writers.Islam ada dan dipercaya oleh para pengikutnya sebagai doktrin yang mengatur semua bentuk aktivitas manusia secara universal dan komprehensif, antara manusia sebagai makhluk dengan Tuhan sebagai Pencipta dan manusia sebagai sesama makhluk ciptaan-Nya. Muslim tidak akan pernah b...

Pengertian, Konsep, dan Strategi Pemasaran Syari'ah

Mohon maaf, 23

In general, marketing is considered as a place for profit-earners, tricky people, vendors who tempt people's desires. Therefore many consumers are swallowed up by bad people, but if we implement Islamic systems in marketing then things like that won't happen. Basically, for Muslims the Prophet Muhammad SAW has taught us how the Islamic marketing system. However, because the community has rooted in conventional marketing systems, the Islamic marketing system is less well known. This is also a lesson for us to be able to reintroduce and make the marketing system develop among the people. In general, syariah marketing is a strategic business discipline that directs the process of creating, offering and changing the value of the initiator to its stake holders which in the whole process are in accordance with the agreements and principles of muamalah in Islam. This means that in Syariah marketing, the entire process, both the creation process, the bidding process, and the process of changing values-there must be no conflict with sharia principles.

Kerangka Dasar Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Oleh Nama : Mayu Shofa Npm :1341030015 Ari Rahmat Hidayat :1341030033 Jur/Smtr :MD/III (Tiga ) MANAJEMEN DAKWAH FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN ILMU KOMUNIKASI INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGRI (IAIN) RADEN INTAN LAMPUNG 2014 ii KATA PENGANTAR Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim, alhamdulillahi robbil "alamin puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat serta karunia dan hidayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan Makalah ini dengan baik dengan judul "KERANGKA DASAR SISTEM EKONOMI ISLAM"

Praktek Reksadana Syari’Ah Dalam Tinjauan Prinsip Tazkiyah


One derived from the value of Ilahiyah is tazkiyah principle, which means holy. This indicates that the value is very upholds the holliness. Holiness in this sense is not compatible with the word "clean" in Indonesian. Tazkiyah principle implies halal and thayyiban. This research method using descriptive qualitative method. Mutual funds Shari'ah in conducting operations should remain in the corridor of Shariah, meaning that the principle of tazkiyah still appear at each stage of the management process. The findings in this study it was found that kostudian banks are still affiliated with conventional banks require the cleansing process. Also found one of the investment managers have not done zakat from the proceeds of the investment, so that researchers assess the principles of Shariah Tazkiyah in mutual funds is not optimal. Key Word: Reksadana Syari’ah Investment, Tazkiyah of Principle, Ilahiyah of Value

Kelas Ekonomi Syari'ah (A

Istilah Epistemologi pertama kali digunakan pada tahun 1854 yang di populerkan oleh J.F. Ferrier untuk membedakan untuk membedakan cabang filsafat lainnya yaitu ontology. Secara bahasa, epistemologi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yakni episteme dan logos. Jika pada kata pertama disebutkan berarti pengetahuan, maka kata yang kedua bermakna ilmu atau teori. Melihat dari silsilah tersebut epistemologi dapat dipahami sebagai teori pengetahuan. Epistemologi merupakan salah satu cabang filsafat yang menyelidiki tentang asal, sifat, metode dan batasan pengetahuan manusia. Dalam epistemologi terdapat persoalan-persoalan, diantaranya, apakah pengetahuan itu ?, bagaimana manusia dapat mengetahui sesuatu ?, dari mana pengetahuan itu dapat diperoleh ?. berkaitan dengan cara dan tolak ukur penilaian serta penjaminan kebenaran akan kita kaji beberapa teori i tentang kebenaran.