The Khakas-Altaian Mythonym Ker and the Proto-Yenissean Word for ‘Mammoth’. 2 (original) (raw)

On the Classification of Names of Mythological Characters in the Komi-Permyak Language

Вестник Пермского университета. Российская и зарубежная филология, 2021

The article deals with the names of mythological creatures in the Komi-Permyak language. We identified and analyzed almost 300 names of mythological beings gathered from various sources such as field notes, archival materials, articles, and publications. The vocabulary analyzed in the article is not homogenous. We divided it into groups in accordance with the source language; words formed in the Komi-Permyak language were further classified into subgroups according to the motivation. Substantial part of the lexis comes from the Russian language. These borrowed words are used to denominate creatures that have analogues in Russian folklore (домовöй, баннöй бес, водянöй, дошлöй, лешöй, нечистöй, колдун/ковдун, колдуння/ковдуння, суседко/суседку). In some cases, semantic changes are observed, new meanings are acquired. The second group of the lexis is comprised of the names of Komi-Permyak origin with the following meanings: “place of habitat” (ва олiсь ‘dweller of the water’, джоджулiс...

Demononyms in Russian Mythological Texts of the Perm Region

Вопросы ономастики, 2020

The paper deals with proper names of demons (demononyms) featured in the local mythological texts of the Perm region, narrating of people with supernatural abilities. The research focuses on the names of the spirits which the sorcerers infuse into the victim’s body to cause illness. This universal tendency to “personify” the spirits of disease becomes apparent as it happens to be a recurrent element of the plot in such spirit-possession narratives. In this respect, the use of a proper name is yet another means of creating an anthropomorphic character which is the spirit of disease. Concurrently, a name might also bring in certain ethnic, social, cultural, and linguistic implications. In the Perm regional mythology, 67 demononyms have been identified. Most of them are anthroponyms transferred to the category of demononyms retaining the same derivational patterns. The functions of demononyms are similar, but not identical to those of anthroponyms (i.e. to name, to identify, to disting...

Development and Semantics of the Coloronyms Kөk and Kök in Kazakh and Altaic Languages


The purpose of the article is to determine the origin of the color term kөk / kӧk in the Kazakh and Altaic languages, to trace the development of these tokens in Turkic languages and cultures, and to identify their specific usage. The research was conducted on the basis of the dictionaries of the Kazakh and Altaic languages as well as the samples from Kazakh and Altaic prose. A historical comparative and descriptive methods have been used. The study highlighted the main meanings of the color designations kөk ~ kök in the Kazakh and Altaic languages: blue, green and grey. They are equally common in the Kazakh and Altaic languages. Based on the meaning ‘green’ developed the meaning ‘unripe’. As for the meaning ‘gray-haired’, in the Altaic language it is used to indicate the color of the hair, while in the Kazakh language – only a beard and mustaches. In general, this meaning is manifested in contexts related to age: in the Altaic language it is old age, in Kazakh – mature age. Further...

Noun Derivation in the Language of the Kirov Permyaks

Yearbook of Finno-Ugric Studies

The article describes the noun derivation system of one of the lesser-studied idioms of the Komi-Permyak language. The main focus is on the morphological means of expressing the categories of number, possessiveness and case. The paper analyzes the peculiarities of forming plurals, considers the secondary meanings of the plural marker, identifies the number of grammatical categories of possessiveness and case, describes each item of the case paradigm in terms of morphological formation, and reveals the features of the possessive declension. The empirical base of the research includes language materials collected by the author in her dialectology expeditions to the area where the Kirov Permyaks resided. Linguistic materials are analyzed and interpreted in the context of the Komi language dialectic landscape. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the noun derivation in the idiom in question is characterized by simplification and shows great similarity with the southern Zyryan ...

КУЛЬТУРНАЯ КОННОТАЦИЯ В СЕМАНТИКЕ ЯЗЫКОВЫХ ЗНАКОВ НА МАТЕРИАЛЕ АККАДСКОГО ЭПОСА О СОТВОРЕНИИ МИРА [Cultural Connotation in Semantics of Language Signs on the Matter of the Akkadian Epic of Creation]

// Ковшова М.Л. (Ред.). Лингвокультурологические исследования: Язык лингвокультурологии: теория vs. эмпирия. URSS. 2016. 400 с. Сс.81-86, 380. The ambivalence of the Akkadian Cuneiform permits to read some signs equivocally, e.g. in Ee I 22 MUŠ or ṢIR/ZÌR. Different translations of emerging readings and hermeneutics could be found: 1) ešû Tiāmatma namuššunu ištappu; 2) ešû Tiāmatma naz/ṣīršunu ištappu/ištabbu. To avoid such ambivalence is to attract the indigenous Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentary tradition. The simple rationalist conclusion of the issue from the example of Ee I 22 is that such Commentary interpretation of mummu Tiāmat (‘matrix-Tiāmat’) as rigmu (‘noise’) testifies explicitly on behalf of the reading 2: na-zìr-šu-nu (a subvariant: na-ṣir-šu-nu). More deep, ontological & linguaculturological conclusion of the issue is the fact that the Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentary tradition might and should be attracted by assyriologists especially in such cases when its arguments might be valid and persuasive in case of ambivalence of senses and readings. Keywords: Akkadian cuneiform; ambivalence of signs’ readings; puns; importance of Commentary tradition (exegesis); myth of creation; concept of crying; mythologem of flood. Особенности аккадской клинописи позволяют прочитывать некоторые знаки амбивалентно: так, один и тот же знак в Энума Элиш I 22 может быть прочитан как MUŠ или как ṢIR/ZÌR. Соответственно, могут изменяться и значения слов. Однозначность и точность прочтения (а соответственно, и интерпретации) будет зависеть от правильного понимания вавилонской концептосферы. Приравнивание (коннотирование) мумму Тиамат вавилонскими комментаторами к концепту крика-шума rigmu однозначно говорит в пользу прочтения 2: na-zìr-šu-nu (подвариант: na-ṣir-šu-nu) 'их громкие крики'. Ключевые слова: аккадская клинопись; амбивалентность чтения знаков; игра слов; важность комментаторской традиции (экзегезы); миф о сотворении мира; концепт крика; мифологема потопа.

The Treatise on Names from the Nomocanon (Kormchaia) of the Kirillo-Belozersk Redaction

Slovene, 2013

This article for the first time publishes the Treatise on Names from the little known redaction of the nomocanon (Kormchaia). In the Treatise the unknown author protests against the widespread use of non-Christian names in his time, such as Tomilo, Shumilo, etc., and he says that it is unacceptable for a Christian to have any name other than the one he received at baptism. He allows adding to the name only some indications of a person’s trade, his fatherland or place of origin. In this article the author analyzes the manuscript tradition of the Kirillo-Belozersk redaction that occurred no later than the first quarter of the 17th century. The redaction is the shortened text of the Canon norms of the Daniil’s redaction. Thus its composition is expanded by sections addressing real-life problems, such as: icons painted by “infidels,” unrighteous wealth, and impious names. The paper also examines the issue of the attribution of the titles of this version, which historians formerly had as...

55.Western Semites in the North Caucasus and Maykop kurgan culture (23 BC)


This is a fragment of the book by Vladimir А. Safronov "Indo-European homelands" (Chapter 14), which summarizes the views we expressed earlier on the Maikop phenomenon in the following articles : Nikolaeva N.A., Safronov V.A., 1974 - Origin of the Novobosvodnaya dolmen culture; Nikolaeva, Safronov 1982 - Chronology of monuments of theBronze Age of the North Caucasus. These conclusions were subsequently supplemented and developed in my article in 2008. « The problem of historical reconstruction in archeology, thecalibrated dates and a new solution to the Maikop problem»