Montages ó Engineering of Computer Languages (original) (raw)

Montages - Engineering of Computer Languages

In this thesis we elaborate a language description formalism called Montages. The Montages formalism can be used to engineer domain specific languages (DSLs), which are computer languages specially tailored and typically restricted to solve problems of specific domains. We focus on DSLs which have some algorithmic flavor and are intended to be used in corporate environments where main-stream state-based programming and modeling formalism prevail. For engineering such DSLs it is important that the designs of the existing,well known general purpose languages (GPLs)can be described as well, and that this descriptions are easily reused as basic building blocks to design new DSLs. Using the Montages tool support Gem-Mex, such a new designs can be composed in an integrated semantics environment, and from the descriptions an interpreter and a specialized visual debugger is generated for the new language. We restrict our research to sequential languages and the technical part of the thesis tries to contribute to the improvement of the DSL design process by focusing on ease of specification and ease of reuse for programming language constructs from well known GPL designs. For the sake of shortness we do not present detailed case studies for DSLs and refer the reader to the literature. Finally, we mainly look at exact reuse of specification modules, and we have not elaborated the means for incremental design by reusing specifications in the sense of object oriented programming. Of course these means are needed as well and we assume the existence of such reuse features without formalizing them. The technical part of the thesis provides the basic specification patterns for introducing all features of an object oriented style of reuse, and applying these patterns to Montages in order to make it an object-oriented specification formalism is left for future work. The focus and contribution of this thesis is the design and elaboration ofa language engineering discipline based on widely-spread state-based intuition of algorithms and programming. This approach opens the possibility to apply DSL technology in typical corporate environments, where the beneficial proper-ties of smaller, and therefore by nature more secure and more focused computer languages are most leveraged. The thesis does not cover the equally important topic how to formalize these beneficial properties by means of declarative formalisms and how to apply mechanized reasoning and formal software engineering to DSLs. The thesis is structured in three parts. In the first part the requirements fora language engineering approach are analyzed and the language definition formalism Montages is introduced. In the second part the formal semantics and system architecture of Montages is given. The third part consists of a number of small example languages, each of them designed to show the Montages solution for specifying a well-known feature of main-stream object oriented programming languages such as Java. The single description modules of these example languages can be used to assemble a full object-oriented language, or a small subset of them can be combined with some high-level domain-specific features into a DSL.

Montages specifications of realistic programming languages


Abstract: Montages are a new way of describing all aspects of programming languages formally. Such specifications are intelligible for a broad range of people involved in programming language design and use. In order to enhance readability we combine visual and textual elements to yield specifications similar in structure, length, and complexity to those in common language manuals, but with a formal semantics. The formal semantics is based on Gurevich's Abstract State Machines formerly called Evolving Algebras.

Toward a New Language Engineering

Twenty-Fourth International …, 2011

In informational terms, a module dedicated to process information always has specific inputs and outputs. It describes a particular process constrained by specific rules. A processing chain can be a serial combination or a parallel combination of such modules. ...

Languages and Machines An Introduction to Computer Science ( Original )

The objective of the third edition of Languages and Machines: An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science remains the same as that of the first two editions, to provide a mathematically sound presentation of the theory of computer science at a level suitable for junior-and senior-level computer science majors. The impetus for the third edition was threefold: to enhance the presentation by providing additional motivation and examples; to expand the selection of topics, particularly in the area of computational complexity; and to provide additional flexibility to the instructor in the design of an introductory course in the theory of computer science. While many applications-oriented students question the importance o f studying the oretical foundations, it is this subject that addresses the "big picture" issues of computer science. When today's programming languages and computer architectures are obsolete and solutions have been found for problems currently of interest, the questions considered in this book will still be relevant. What types of patterns can be algorithmically detected? How can languages be formally defined and analyzed? What are the inherent capabilities and limitations of algorithmic computation? What problems have solutions that require so much time or memory that they are realistically intractable? How do we compare the relative difficulty of two problems? Each of these questions will be addressed in this text. Organization Since most computer science students at the undergraduate level have little or no background in abstract mathematics, the presentation is intended not only to introduce the foundations of computer science but also to increase the student's mathematical sophistication. This is accomplished by a rigorous presentation of the concepts and theorems of the subject accompanied by a generous supply of examples. Each chapter ends with a set of exercises that reinforces and augments the material covered in the chapter. To make the topics accessible, no special mathematical prerequisites are assumed. Instead, Chapter 1 introduces the mathematical tools of the theory of computing; naive set x iv Preface theory, recursive definitions, and proof by mathematical induction. With the exception of the specialized topics in Sections 1.3 and 1.4, Chapters 1 and 2 provide background material that will be used throughout the text. Section 1.3 introduces cardinality and diagonalization, which are used in the counting arguments that establish the existence of undecidable languages and uncomputable functions. Section 1.4 examines the use of self-reference in proofs by contradiction. This technique is used in undecidability proofs, including the proof that there is no solution to the Halting Problem. For students who have completed a course in discrete mathematics, most of the material in Chapter 1 can be treated as review. Recognizing that courses in the foundations of computing may emphasize different topics, the presentation and prerequisite structure of this book have been designed to permit a course to investigate particular topics in depth while providing the ability to augment the primary topics with material that introduces and explores the breadth of computer science theory. The core material for courses that focus on a classical presentation of formal and automata language theory, on computability and undecidability, on computational complexity, and on formal languages as the foundation for programming language definition and compiler design are given in the following table. A star next to a section indicates that the section may be omitted without affecting the continuity of the presentation. A starred section usually contains the presentation of an application, the introduction of a related topic, or a detailed proof of an advanced result in the subject.

Gel: A Generic Extensible Language

Domain-Specific Languages, 2009

Both XML and Lisp have demonstrated the utility of generic syntax for expressing tree-structured data. But generic languages do not provide the syntactic richness of custom languages. Generic Extensible Language (Gel) is a rich generic syntax that embodies many of the common syntactic conventions for operators, grouping and lists in widely-used languages. Prefix/infix operators are disambiguated by white-space, so that documents which violate common white-space conventions will not necessarily parse correctly with Gel. With some character replacements and adjusting for mismatch in operator precedence, Gel can extract meaningful structure from typical files in many languages, including Java, Cascading Style Sheets, Smalltalk, and ANTLR grammars. This evaluation shows the expressive power of Gel, not that Gel can be used as a parser for existing languages. Gel is intended to serve as a generic language for creating composable domain-specific languages.

{A Refinement Calculus for sftextslCircus} - Mini-thesis

Most software developments do not use any of the existing theories and formalisms. This leads to a loss of precision and correctness on the resulting softwares. Two different approaches to formal techniques have been raised in the past decades: one focus on data aspects, and the other focus on the behavioural aspects of the system. Some combined languages have already been proposed to bring these two schools together. However, as far as we know, none of them has a related refinement calculus. Using Circus as the specification language, we can describe both data and control behaviour. The objective of this work is to formalise a refinement calculus for Circus. A refinement strategy for Circus, new refinement laws and their proofs are presented. The proofs are based on an extension of the existing Circus semantics, which is based on the unifying theory of programming. This extension, and its mechanisation, and the proof of the laws on PowerProof are also part of this work. We intend to provide a tool that supports the Circus refinement calculus. Furthermore, as an extension of the existing refinement strategy for Circus, we present a translation strategy for Circus programs. This translation strategy can be used as a guideline in the translation of Circus programs to Java. Furthermore, the mechanisation of this translation is also feasible. We present a case study, a safety-critical fire protection system, that, as far as we know, is the largest case study on the Circus refinement calculus. We present the refinement of its abstract centralised specification to a concrete distributed one. Finally, the translation of the concrete specification of the system to Java, using our translation strategy, is also presented. Throughout this mini-thesis, some sections, and even chapters are not written. They have not been removed from the mini-thesis on purpose. Our intention is to give an idea of the scope and the structure of our final thesis, which is discussed in details in the final chapter of this document. i

1957-2007: 50 years of higher order programming languages


Fifty years ago one of the greatest breakthroughs in computer programming and in the history of computers happened – the appearance of FORTRAN, the first higher-order programming language. From that time until now hundreds of programming languages were invented, different programming paradigms were defined, all with the main goal to make computer programming easier and closer to as many people as possible. Many battles were fought among scientists as well as among developers around concepts of programming, programming languages and paradigms. It can be said that programming paradigms and programming languages were very often a trigger for many changes and improvements in computer science as well as in computer industry. Definitely, computer programming is one of the cornerstones of computer science. Today there are many tools that give a help in the process of programming, but there is still a programming tasks that can be solved only manually. Therefore, programming is still one of the most creative parts of interaction with computers. Programmers should chose programming language in accordance to task they have to solve, but very often, they chose it in accordance to their personal preferences, their beliefs and many other subjective reasons. Nevertheless, the market of programming languages can be merciless to languages as history was merciless to some people, even whole nations. Programming languages and developers get born, live and die leaving more or less tracks and successors, and not always the best survives. The history of programming languages is closely connected to the history of computers and computer science itself. Every single thing from one of them has its reflexions onto the other. This paper gives a short overview of last fifty years of computer programming and computer programming languages, but also gives many ideas that influenced other aspects of computer science. Particularly, programming paradigms are described, their intentions and goals, as well as the most of the significant languages of all paradigms.