Dependence of tropical cyclone intensification rate on sea‐surface temperature (original) (raw)
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Tropical cyclone spin-up revisited
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2009
We present numerical experiments to investigate axisymmetric interpretations of tropical cyclone spin-up in a three-dimensional model. Two mechanisms are identified for the spin-up of the mean tangential circulation. The first involves the convergence of absolute angular momentum above the boundary layer and is a mechanism to spin up the outer circulation, i.e. to increase the vortex size. The second involves the convergence of absolute angular momentum within the boundary layer and is a mechanism to spin up the inner core. It is associated with the development of supergradient wind speeds in the boundary layer. The existence of these two mechanisms provides a plausible physical explanation for certain long-standing observations of typhoons by Weatherford and Gray, which indicate that inner-core changes in the azimuthal-mean tangential wind speed often occur independently from those in the outer core. The unbalanced dynamics in the inner-core region are important in determining the maximum radial and tangential flow speeds that can be attained, and therefore important in determining the azimuthal-mean intensity of the vortex. We illustrate the importance of unbalanced flow in the boundary layer with a simple thought experiment. The analyses and interpretations presented are novel and support a recent hypothesis of the boundary layer in the inner-core region.
Why Do Model Tropical Cyclones Intensify More Rapidly at Low Latitudes?
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2015
The authors examine the problem of why model tropical cyclones intensify more rapidly at low latitudes. The answer to this question touches on practically all facets of the dynamics and thermodynamics of tropical cyclones. The answer invokes the conventional spin-up mechanism, as articulated in classical and recent work, together with a boundary layer feedback mechanism linking the strength of the boundary layer inflow to that of the diabatic forcing of the meridional overturning circulation. The specific role of the frictional boundary layer in regulating the dependence of the intensification rate on latitude is discussed. It is shown that, even if the tangential wind profile at the top of the boundary layer is held fixed, a simple, steady boundary layer model produces stronger low-level inflow and stronger, more confined ascent out of the boundary layer as the latitude is decreased, similar to the behavior found in a time-dependent, three-dimensional numerical model. In an azimuth...
Asymmetric and axisymmetric dynamics of tropical cyclones
We present the results of idealized numerical experiments to examine the difference between tropical cyclone evolution in three-dimensional (3-D) and axisymmetric (AX) model configurations. We focus on the prototype problem for intensification, which considers the evolution of an initially unsaturated AX vortex in gradient-wind balance on an f plane. Consistent with findings of previous work, the mature intensity in the 3-D model is reduced relative to that in the AX model. In contrast with previous interpretations invoking barotropic instability and related horizontal mixing processes as a mechanism detrimental to the spin-up process, the results indicate that 3-D eddy processes associated with vortical plume structures can assist the intensification process by contributing to a radial contraction of the maximum tangential velocity and to a vertical extension of tangential winds through the depth of the troposphere. These plumes contribute significantly also to the azimuthally averaged heating rate and the corresponding azimuthal-mean overturning circulation. The comparisons show that the resolved 3-D eddy momentum fluxes above the boundary layer exhibit counter-gradient characteristics during a key spin-up period, and more generally are not solely diffusive. The effects of these eddies are thus not properly represented by the subgrid-scale parameterizations in the AX configuration. The resolved eddy fluxes act to support the contraction and intensification of the maximum tangential winds. The comparisons indicate fundamental differences between convective organization in the 3- D and AX configurations for meteorologically relevant forecast timescales. While the radial and vertical gradients of the system-scale angular rotation provide a hostile environment for deep convection in the 3-D model, with a corresponding tendency to strain the convective elements in the tangential direction, deep convection in the AX model does not suf- fer this tendency. Also, since during the 3-D intensification process the convection has not yet organized into annular rings, the azimuthally averaged heating rate and radial gra- dient thereof is considerably less than that in the AX model. This lack of organization results broadly in a slower intensifi- cation rate in the 3-D model and leads ultimately to a weaker mature vortex after 12 days of model integration. While az- imuthal mean heating rates in the 3-D model are weaker than those in the AX model, local heating rates in the 3-D model exceed those in the AX model and at times the vortex in the 3-D model intensifies more rapidly than AX. Analyses of the 3-D model output do not support a recent hypothesis concerning the key role of small-scale vertical mixing processes in the upper-tropospheric outflow in controlling the intensification process. In the 3-D model, surface drag plays a particularly important role in the intensification process for the prototype intensification problem on meteorologically relevant timescales by helping foster the organization of convection in azimuth. There is a radical difference in the behaviour of the 3-D and AX simulations when the surface drag is reduced or increased from realistic values. Borrowing from ideas developed in a recent paper, we give a partial explanation for this difference in behaviour. Our results provide new qualitative and quantitative insight into the differences between the asymmetric and symmetric dynamics of tropical cyclones and would appear to have important consequences for the formulation of a fluid dynamical theory of tropical cyclone intensification and mature intensity. In particular, the results point to some fundamental limitations of strict axisymmetric theory and modelling for representing the azimuthally averaged behaviour of tropical cyclones in three dimensions.
The balanced contribution to the intensification of a tropical cyclone simulated in the three-dimensional, nonhydrostatic, full-physics tropical cyclone model version 4 (TCM4), in particular the spinup of the outercore circulation, is investigated by solving the Sawyer-Eliassen equation and by computing terms in the azimuthal-mean tangential wind tendency equation. Results demonstrate that the azimuthal-mean secondary circulation (radial and vertical circulation) and the spinup of the midtropospheric outer-core circulation in the simulated tropical cyclone are well captured by balance dynamics. The midtropospheric inflow develops in response to diabatic heating in mid-upper-tropospheric stratiform (anvil) clouds outside the eyewall in active spiral rainbands and transports absolute angular momentum inward to spin up the outer-core circulation. Although the azimuthal-mean diabatic heating rate in the eyewall is the largest, its contribution to radial winds and thus the spinup of outer-core circulation in the middle troposphere is rather weak. This is because the high inertial stability in the inner-core region resists the radial inflow in the middle troposphere, limiting the inward transport of absolute angular momentum. The result thus suggests that diabatic heating in spiral rainbands is the key to the continued growth of the storm-scale circulation.
Evolution of an Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclone before Reaching Slantwise Moist Neutrality
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2019
In a previous study, the authors showed that the intensification process of a numerically simulated axisymmetric tropical cyclone (TC) can be divided into two periods denoted by “phase I” and “phase II.” The intensification process in phase II can be qualitatively described by Emanuel’s intensification theory in which the angular momentum (M) and saturated entropy (s*) surfaces are congruent in the TC interior. During phase I, however, the M and s* surfaces evolve from nearly orthogonal to almost congruent, and thus, the intensifying simulated TC has a different physical character as compared to that found in phase II. The present work uses a numerical simulation to investigate the evolution of an axisymmetric TC during phase I. The present results show that sporadic, deep convective annular rings play an important role in the simulated axisymmetric TC evolution in phase I. The convergence in low-level radial (Ekman) inflow in the boundary layer of the TC vortex, together with the i...
Contribution of mean and eddy momentum processes to tropical cyclone intensification
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
A high-resolution, three-dimensional, numerical simulation of a rapidly-intensifying tropical cyclone is used to extend basic knowledge on the role of mean and eddy momentum transfer on the dynamics of the intensification process. Examination of terms in both the tangential and radial velocity tendency equations provides an improved quantitative understanding of the dynamics of the spin up process within the inner-core boundary layer and eyewall regions of the system-scale vortex. Unbalanced and non-axisymmetric processes are prominent features of the rapid spin up process. In particular, the wind asymmetries, associated in part with the asymmetric deep convection, make a substantive contribution (∼30%) to the maximum wind speed inside the radius of this maximum. The analysis provides a novel explanation for inflow jets sandwiching the upper tropospheric outflow layer that are frequently found in numerical model simulations. In addition, it provides an opportunity to assess the applicability of generalized Ekman balance during vortex spin up. The maximum tangential wind occurs within and near the top of the frictional inflow layer and as much as 10 km inside the maximum gradient wind. Spin up in the friction layer is accompanied by supergradient winds that exceed the gradient wind by up to 20%. Overall, the results affirm prior work pointing to significant limitations of a purely axisymmetric balance description, e.g., gradient balance/Ekman balance, when applied to a rapidly-intensifying tropical cyclone.
Sensitivity of Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclone Spinup Time to Dry Air Aloft
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2016
The sensitivity of tropical cyclone spinup time to the initial entropy deficit of the troposphere is examined in an axisymmetric hurricane model. Larger initial entropy deficits correspond to less moisture above the initial lifting condensation level of a subcloud-layer parcel. The spinup time is quantified in terms of thresholds of integrated horizontal kinetic energy within a radius of 300 km and below a height of 1.5 km. The spinup time increases sublinearly with increasing entropy deficit, indicating the greatest sensitivity lies with initial moisture profiles closer to saturation. As the moisture profile approaches saturation, there is a large increase in the low-level, area-averaged, vertical mass flux over the spinup period because of the predominance of deep convection. Higher entropy deficit experiments have a greater amount of cumulus congestus and reduced vertical mass flux over a longer duration. Consequently, the secondary circulation takes longer to build upward, and t...
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is crucial for the development and maintenance of a tropical cyclone (TC) particularly below the storm core region. However, storm data below the core region is the most difficult to obtain, hence it is not clear yet that how sensitive the radial distribution of the SST impact the storm characteristic features such as its inner-core structures, translational speed, track, rainfall and intensity particularly over the Bay of Bengal. To explore the effects of radial SST distribution on the TC characteristics, a series of numerical experiments were carried out by modifying the SST at different radial extents using two-way interactive, triply-nested, nonhydrostatic Advanced Weather Research and Forecast (WRF-ARW) model. It is found that not only the SST under the eyewall (core region) contribute significantly to modulate storm track, translational speed and intensity, but also those outside the eyewall region (i.e., 2–2.5 times the radius of maximum wind (RMW)) play a vital role in defining the storm's characteristics and structure. Out of all the simulated experiments, storm where the positive radial change of SST inducted within the 75 km of the storm core (i.e., P75) produced the strongest storm. In addition, N300 (negative radial changes at 300 km) produced the weakest storm. Further, it is found that SST, stronger within 2–2.5 times of the RMW for P75 experiment, plays a dominant role in maintaining 10 m wind speed (WS 10), surface entropy flux (SEF) and upward vertical velocity (w) within the eyewall with warmer air temperature (T) and equivalent potential temperature (θ e) within the storm's eye compared to other experiments.
Paradigms for Tropical Cyclone Intensification
We review the four main paradigms of tropical cyclone intensification that have emerged over the past five decades, discussing the relationship between them and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. A major focus is on a new paradigm articulated in a series of recent papers using observations and high- resolution, three-dimensional, numerical model simulations. Unlike the three previous paradigms, all of which assumed axial symmetry, the new one recog- nises the presence of localised, buoyant, rotating deep convection that grows in the rotation-rich environment of the incipient storm, thereby greatly amplifying the local vorticity. It exhibits also a degree of randomness that has implications for the predictability of local asymmetric features of the developing vortex. While surface moisture fluxes are required for intensification, the postulated ‘evaporation-wind’ feedback process that forms the basis of an earlier paradigm is not. Differences between spin up in three-dimensional and axisymmetric numerical models are discussed also. In all paradigms, the tangential winds above the boundary layer are amplified by the convectively-induced inflow in the lower troposphere in conjunction with the approximate material conservation of absolute angular momentum. This process acts also to broaden the outer circulation. Azimuthally-averaged fields from high-resolution model simulations have highlighted a second mechanism for amplifying the mean tangential winds. This mechanism, which is coupled to the first via boundary-layer dynamics, involves the convergence of absolute angular momentum within the boundary layer, where this quantity is not mate- rially conserved, but where air parcels are displaced much further radially in- wards than air parcels above the boundary layer. It explains why the maximum tangential winds occur in the boundary layer and accounts for the generation of supergradient wind speeds there. The boundary layer spin-up mechanism is not unique to tropical cyclones. It appears to be a feature of other rapidly-rotat- ing atmospheric vortices such as tornadoes, waterspouts and dust devils and is manifest as a type of axisymmetric vortex breakdown. The mechanism for spin up above the boundary layer can be captured approximately by balance dynamics, while the boundary layer spin-up mechanism cannot. The spin-up process, as well as the structure of the mature vortex, are sensitive to the boundary-layer parameterisation used in the model.
Numerical Study on the Effect of the Ocean on Tropical-Cyclone Intensity and Structural Change
Atmospheric Model Applications, 2012
Atmospheric Model Applications 44 mesovortices and vortex Rossby waves. Mesovortices and vortex merger events are directly affected by SSC, which slows the formation of an annular potential-vorticity (PV) ring, whereas SST changes have little effect on the radius of maximum wind speed (MWS) at the mature phase of a TC when the annular PV ring is completely formed, even though mature TCs continue to cool the underlying ocean (Wada, 2009). TC-induced SSC is caused mostly by vertical turbulent mixing in the oceanic mixed layer and upwelling below a seasonal thermocline. In addition, strong wind stresses that accompany TCs cause variations in sea state or surface roughness length, leading to changes in frictional velocity and exchange coefficients for drag and enthalpy. Breaking surface waves are caused by variations of sea state under high winds and the resultant high waves. The breaking surface waves play an essential role in mechanical mixing near the surface (Wada et al., 2010). However, improvement of vertical turbulent mixing schemes and parameterizations in the ocean model is a challenging issue owing to a lack of in situ observations under high winds. Changes in exchange coefficients lead to changes in surface wind stresses and turbulent heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere. The change in turbulent heat fluxes, particularly latent heat flux, enhances the secondary circulation of a TC through a planetary-boundarylayer process (Emanuel, 1986; Smith, 2008). In particular, turbulent heat fluxes vertically transferred from the warm ocean affect cloud microphysics and atmospheric radiation in the middle to upper troposphere, causing latent heat release through condensation, thus resulting in the formation of a warm core within the inner core of a TC.