Design of artificial neuron controller for STATCOM in dSPACE environment (original) (raw)

Improvement of the performance of STATCOM in terms of voltage profile using ANN controller

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 2020

The electronic equipmentsare extremely sensitive to variation in electric supply. The increasing of a nonlinear system with several interconnected unpredicted and non-linear loads are causing some problems to the power system. The major problem facing the power system is power quality, controlling of reactive power and voltage drop. A static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is an important device commonly used for compensation purposes, it can provide reactive support to a bus to compensate voltage level. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) controlled STATCOM has been designed to replace the conventional PI controller to enhance the STATCOM performance. The ANN controller is proposed due to its simple structure, adaptability, robustness, considering the power grid non-linearities. The ANN is trained offline using data from the PI controller. The performance of STATCOM with case of Load increasing and three-phase faults case was analyzed using MATLAB/Simulink software on the IEEE 14-bus system. The comprehensive result of the PI and ANN controllers has demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed ANN controller in enhancing the STATCOM performance for Voltage profile at different operating conditions. Furthermore,it has produced better results than the conventional PI controller.

A Perfomance study of Ann and Anfis Controller for Statcom in dSpace Environment

Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2000

Reactive power compensation is an important issue in the control of electric power system. Reactive power from the source increases the transmission losses and reduces the power transmission capability of the transmission lines. Moreover, reactive power should not be transmitted through the transmission line to a longer distance. Hence Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices such as static compensator (STATCOM) unified power flow controller (UPFC) and static volt-ampere compensator (SVC) are used to alleviate these problems. In this paper, a voltage source converter (VSC) based STATCOM is developed with Artificial Neural Network Controller (ANNC) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS) controllers. The conventional PI controller has more tuning difficulties while the system parameter changes, whereas a trained neural network and ANFIS controllers requires less computation time. They have the ability to generalize and can interpolate in between the training data. The ANNC and ANFIS controllers designed were tested on a 75 V, 100 VA STATCOM in real time environment via state-of-the-art of digital signal processor advanced control engineering (dSPACE) DS1104 board and it was found that ANFIS controller was producing better results than the ANNC.

STATCOM Controller Design Based on MLP for Power Flow Control

International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2011

The static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is one of the developed converter-based flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) controllers, recently. The STATCOM is shunts with power system and can absorb/deliver reactive power from/to power systems. In this paper, to power flow control in power system by STATCOM, a controller based on neural networks (NNs) have been designed; i.e. multilayer perceptron (MLP). The designed controller has been compared with two conventional controllers; i.e. PI and PID controllers. Influence of each controller on injected active power, injected reactive power and injected current by STATCOM have been analyzed. Three control parameters have used as decision criteria; i.e. peak time, fall time, peak value, fall value and site time. Simulations are performed in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.

Modelling and Simulation of STATCOM for Reactive Power and Voltage Control

The continuous demand in electric power system network has caused the system to be heavily loaded leading to voltage instability. However, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices provide the necessary features to avoid technical problems in the power systems. They also increase the transmission line efficiency. Among the FACTS family is Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM). It injects the compensating current in phase quadrature with line voltage, it can emulate as inductive or capacitive reactance so as to produce capacitive power for the AC grid or draws inductive power from the ac grid to control power flow in the line. This paper describes the approach of a shunt connected FACTS device (STATCOM), in which the device is modelled and used to provide controllable bus voltage and reactive power compensation. Simulation results obtained using MATLAB/SIMULNK for selected 3-bus-3-machine 500 kV interconnected power system. The findings reveal that the performance and behaviour of the STATCOM in controlling bus voltage and reactive power on 500 kV transmission network was effective. The simulated results show the advantages of using STATCOM.

Fuzzy based Adaptive PI Control Method for Voltage Regulation of Statcom

Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology ICCTEST-2017, 2017

STATCOM's (Static Synchronous Compensators) are utilized to make the power system approach steady through giving rapid and strong Reactive power. Trial and error procedure, alternate of performance and likewise by means of their applicability are the distinctive manipulate strategies which we're utilising so to to receive a Proportional-Integral (PI) positive factors which happened within the STATCOM which may be very gradual and time consuming. The main motive of making use of a set of Adaptive PI controller as good as Fuzzy logic Controller is that prior methods which we are utilizing aren't so powerful for various running elements. We use this Adaptive PI controller mainly seeing that the controller attain may also be self adjusted and likewise gives the specified response paying little mind to vary in the working condition. We are able to also use Adaptive PI controller as a Plug-and-Play gadget for the working of STATCOM. FLC is utilized to diminish the response time of the system under disturbance. Through providing reactive power aid we are able to regulate the voltage beneath special working stipulations, such as, change in Transmission line, change in load, change in gains, severe disturbance, and two disturbance effects. Through utilising MATLAB/SIMULINK programming we will reproduce complete system.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE) ISSN 2250-2459, 2015

The increase in the loading of the transmission lines sometimes can lead to voltage collapse due to the shortage of reactive power delivered at the load centres. This is due to the increased consumption of the reactive power in the transmission network and the characteristics of the load. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) is defined as ‘Alternating current transmission systems incorporating power electronic-based and other static controllers to enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability’. The FACTS controller is a power electronic based system and consists of other static equipments that provide control of one or more AC transmission system parameters. STATCOM is based on a power electronics voltage-source converter and can act as either a source or sink of reactive AC power to an electrical network. Usually a STATCOM is installed to support electrical networks that have a poor power factor and often poor voltage regulation. Here, in this project, simulation of STATCOM and SVC operation is carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK and a comparative analysis is done.

Voltage Regulation Using STATCOM with PI and Adaptive PI Controls

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

In power systems, voltage instability problems occur due to its continuous demand in heavily loaded networks. So it is essential to stabilize the voltage levels in power systems. The stabilization of power systems can be improved by Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices. One of the FACTS devices named Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) injects the compensating current in phase quadrature with line voltage and replicate as inductive reactance to produce capacitive power for the AC grid or as capacitive reactance to draw inductive power from the AC grid for controlling power flow in the line. This paper proposes Adaptive PI control over conventional PI that normally self-adjusts the controller gains under disturbances and helps in improving the performance and attaining a preferred response, irrespective of the change of working conditions. The work is implemented under MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. This method performs more efficient than the original ...


This paper investigates the effects of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) on voltage stability of a power system. This paper will discuss and demonstrate how STATCOM has successfully been applied to power system for effectively regulating system voltage. One of the major reasons for installing a STATCOM is to improve dynamic voltage control and thus increase system load ability. This paper presents modeling and simulation of STATCOM in MATLAB/Simulink. In this paper A STATCOM is used to regulate voltage in a power system. When system voltage is low the STATCOM generates reactive power (STATCOM capacitive). When system voltage is high it absorbs reactive power (STATCOM inductive). The STATCOM more effectively enhance the voltage stability and increase transmission capacity in a power system. In this paper comparison is also performed between SVC and STATCOM under fault condition and it is shown that STATCOM have the ability to provide more capacitive power during a fault over SVC. It is also shown that STATCOM exhibits faster response than SVC.

Adaptive PI Control of STATCOM for Voltage Regulation

—STATCOM can provide fast and efficient reactive power support to maintain power system voltage stability. In the literature, various STATCOM control methods have been discussed including many applications of proportional-integral (PI) controllers. However, these previous works obtain the PI gains via a trial-and-error approach or extensive studies with a tradeoff of performance and applicability. Hence, control parameters for the optimal performance at a given operating point may not be effective at a different operating point. This paper proposes a new control model based on adaptive PI control, which can self-adjust the control gains during a disturbance such that the performance always matches a desired response, regardless of the change of operating condition. Since the adjustment is autonomous, this gives the plug-and-play capability for STATCOM operation. In the simulation test, the adaptive PI control shows consistent excellence under various operating conditions, such as different initial control gains, different load levels, change of transmission network, consecutive disturbances, and a severe disturbance. In contrast, the conventional STATCOM control with tuned, fixed PI gains usually perform fine in the original system, but may not perform as efficient as the proposed control method when there is a change of system conditions.