Sentence embedding approach using LSTM auto-encoder for discussion threads summarization (original) (raw)

Improving Online Forums Summarization via Unifying Hierarchical Attention Networks with Convolutional Neural Networks


Online discussion forums are prevalent and easily accessible, thus allowing people to share ideas and opinions by posting messages in the discussion threads. Forum threads that significantly grow in length can become difficult for participants, both newcomers and existing, to grasp main ideas. This study aims to create an automatic text summarizer for online forums to mitigate this problem. We present a framework based on hierarchical attention networks, unifying Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to build sentence and thread representations for the forum summarization. In this scheme, Bi-LSTM derives a representation that comprises information of the whole sentence and whole thread; whereas, CNN recognizes high-level patterns of dominant units with respect to the sentence and thread context. The attention mechanism is applied on top of CNN to further highlight the high-level representations that capture any important units contribu...

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Improving Online Forums Summarization via Unifying Hierarchical Attention Networks with Convolutional Neural Networks Cover Page

Toward Extractive Summarization of Online Forum Discussions via Hierarchical Attention Networks


Forum threads are lengthy and rich in content. Concise thread summaries will benefit both newcomers seeking information and those who participate in the discussion. Few studies, however, have examined the task of forum thread summarization. In this work we make the first attempt to adapt the hierarchical attention networks for thread summarization. The model draws on the recent development of neural attention mechanisms to build sentence and thread representations and use them for summarization. Our results indicate that the proposed approach can outperform a range of competitive baselines. Further, a redundancy removal step is crucial for achieving outstanding results.

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Toward Extractive Summarization of Online Forum Discussions via Hierarchical Attention Networks Cover Page

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Creating a reference data set for the summarization of discussion forum threads Cover Page

Unsupervised Summarization for Chat Logs with Topic-Oriented Ranking and Context-Aware Auto-Encoders

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Automatic chat summarization can help people quickly grasp important information from numerous chat messages. Unlike conventional documents, chat logs usually have fragmented and evolving topics. In addition, these logs contain a quantity of elliptical and interrogative sentences, which make the chat summarization highly context dependent. In this work, we propose a novel unsupervised framework called RankAE to perform chat summarization without employing manually labeled data. RankAE consists of a topic-oriented ranking strategy that selects topic utterances according to centrality and diversity simultaneously, as well as a denoising auto-encoder that is carefully designed to generate succinct but context-informative summaries based on the selected utterances. To evaluate the proposed method, we collect a large-scale dataset of chat logs from a customer service environment and build an annotated set only for model evaluation. Experimental results show that RankAE significantly outp...

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Unsupervised Summarization for Chat Logs with Topic-Oriented Ranking and Context-Aware Auto-Encoders Cover Page

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Summarizing Online Conversations: A Machine Learning Approach Cover Page

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Summarizing Dialogic Arguments from Social Media Cover Page

Online debate summarization using topic directed sentiment analysis

Social networking sites provide users a virtual community interaction platform to share their thoughts, life experiences and opinions. Online debate forum is one such platform where people can take a stance and argue in support or opposition of debate topics. An important feature of such forums is that, they are dynamic and increase rapidly. In such situations, e ective opinion summarization approaches are needed so that readers need not go through the entire debate. This paper aims to summarize online debates by ex- tracting highly topic relevant and sentiment rich sentences. The proposed approach takes into account topic relevant, document relevant and sentiment based features to capture topic opinionated sentences. ROUGE scores are used to evaluate our system. Our system signi cantly outperforms several baseline systems and show 5.2% (ROUGE-1), 7.3% (ROUGE-2) and 5.5% (ROUGE-L) improvement over the state-of-the-art opinion summarization system. The results verify that topic directed sentiment features are most im- portant to generate e ective debate summaries.

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Online debate summarization using topic directed sentiment analysis Cover Page

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Summarizing User Comments on Social Media Using Transformers Cover Page

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Summarizing web forum threads based on a latent topic propagation process Cover Page

Assessing the Efficacy of LSTM, Transformer, and RNN Architectures in Text Summarization

International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences

The need for efficient and effective techniques for automatic text summarization has become increasingly critical with the exponential growth of textual data in different domains. Summarizing long texts into short summaries facilitates a quick understanding of the key information contained in the documents. In this paper, we evaluate various architectures for automatic text summarization using the TEDx dataset, a valuable resource consisting of a large collection of TED talks with rich and informative speech transcripts. Our research focuses on evaluating the performance of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Transformer architectures for automatic text summarization. We measure the accuracy of each model by comparing the generated summaries with human-written summaries. The findings show that the Transformer model achieves the highest accuracy, followed closely by the GRU model. However, LSTM, RNN exhibit relatively lower ac...

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Assessing the Efficacy of LSTM, Transformer, and RNN Architectures in Text Summarization Cover Page