Srem and its volunteers in World War One (original) (raw)
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Сажетак: Сомбор је као седиште Бач-Бодрошке жупаније био значајан административни и привредни центар почетком XX века. Нагласак је стављен на привредна питања у току рата, са посебним освртом на прехрану становништва. Ипак, нису занемарени ни остали аспекти, међу којима се издваја борба против заразних болести и преглед прихода односно расхода града. Рад је писан на основу грађе из Историјског архива Сомбор, пре свега су коришћени записници муниципалног одбора. Кључне речи: Сомбор, Први светски рат, заразне болести, порези.
Background: The volunteer movement in Ukraine, which has always intensified in times of greatest threat, has since February 24, 2022, accumulated the efforts of volunteers, directing all their efforts to help the army. This has led to an increase in the number of volunteer organizations helping the military. The social demand and the needs they respond to set high expectations for volunteers. In such circumstances, volunteer organizations must pay special attention to the organization of volunteer activities. The question arises: how do volunteer organizations working to help the military cope with the risks and challenges that have arisen in connection with a full-scale war? The lack of qualitative knowledge about how they organize activities, engage volunteers, and keep them motivated, what are the peculiarities of communication and evaluation of their work, etc. determines the applied significance of the study, the results of which are reflected in the abstracts. Objective: To find out the peculiarities of management of volunteer organizations in the field of assistance to the military in war and to identify ways to strengthen their organizational capacity. Methods: The research was qualitative in nature. The theoretical method of the study was to analyze documents on the topic of volunteer management. The main method of empirical research was a structured interview with representatives of volunteer organizations working to help the military, aimed at studying: the content of volunteers' work, the risks of working in war, the difficulties of conducting activities, the peculiarities of volunteer management, assessment of the organization's capacity and ways to strengthen it. To process the results, we analyzed and compared the content of the respondents' answers. Results: Volunteer organizations working to help the military are different from others and have their own special internal organization. During the war, they faced a number of challenges, the answer to which is determined by the specifics of volunteer management of different types of organizations. The article reveals differences in the work of old (those that functioned before the fullscale invasion) and newly created volunteer organizations. The key factors that weaken the capacity of a volunteer organization include internal (misconceptions about management, in particular, about engaging volunteers in work, organizing their activities and motivation, ignoring the risks of burnout, insufficient communication with former volunteers, etc.) and external (decline in active involvement of volunteers, people's distrust of the organization and the organization-of the state authorities, legal insecurity of volunteers, funding risks, chronic stress). Conclusion: Since the outbreak of full-scale war, the activities of organizations that help the military have changed dramatically, and these changes can be recorded in a certain sequence: 1) a new stage of development; 2) a decline in activity (a decrease in the number of contributions and people); 3) transformation of approaches to volunteer management, including resource mobilization. Volunteer organizations, regardless of their type, need to strengthen their capacity in such areas as developing internal policies, facilitating strategic planning, developing an organizational structure, and maintaining staff motivation and development. Older and younger organizations have different needs for strengthening their advocacy and communication capacities. One of the ways to strengthen the organizational capacity of volunteer organizations can be training aimed at overcoming false stereotypes about volunteer management.
ELITE U VELIKOM RATU zbornik radova. Arhiv Vojvodine. , 2016
Тhis paper presents the German intellectuals who were on the side of Serbia during the Great War and have extremely indebted Serbia. They are the journalist and writer Hermann Wendel (1884-1936), slavist Gerhard Gesemann (1888-1948), criminologist Rodolph Archibald Reiss (1875-1929) and a women, Catharina Sturzenegger (1854-1929), the journalist and employee of the Red cross. Their support was not only moral, but also practical: they were reporting from the battlefields, they mixed the Serbian people and the army, some had the role of the hospital staff, and all have left a lasting testimony to the years of war in Serbia 1914-1918. Their merits are not forgotten, but has been a long time since their works on the Great War in Serbia were translated. Keywords: First World War, German intellectuals, friends of Serbia
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Смедерево у америчкој штампи током Првог светског рата
Смедеревски зборник, 2016
У раду су разматрани текстови о Смедереву у америчкој штампи током Првог светског рата (1914–1918) који су доступни на веб-сајту Конгресне библио- теке САД (Library of Congress), прецизније – изабрана дигитализована грађа која је доступна у оквиру секције Chronicling America (Historical Newspapers) на веб-адре- си: Конкретније, рад представља покушај критичког ишчитавања оновремене америчке штампе и нуди квантитативну и квалитативну анализу новинских текстова, као и контекста њиховог објављивања. Преглед ових текстова заснован је хронолошки и представља допринос како историји Првог светског рата у Смедереву и делимично у Србији, тако и историји новинарства, друштвеној историји медија, али и разумевању значаја пропаганде у контексту првог „тоталног рата“ у историји човечанства.
Love at the WW 2 Women and Men in Red Army Part 1
«Любовь на войне. Женщины и мужчины в Красной Армии». По страницам писем и дневников советских евреев, 1941-1945 гг. Часть // Русская старина, 8 (2) 2017, с. 173-185. Часть 1
The article is devoted to the little studied theme of the role of female servicemen in the Red Army during the war and their position in the men's group. Among the 800,000 women in the Soviet Union who participated in the war, the majority took part in the fighting. The author tries to explain how women, who by nature should give birth, educate, teach, and save, but not kill, were able to become soldiers as required in the war. Women shared all the hardships of the front-line situation and bore the burden of war on a par with men. They died from bullets, shells and bombs, burned in airplanes, were wounded and became crippled without arms and legs. Some of them, having withstood all the trials, lost the gift of motherhood and could not create families. The author comes to the conclusion that the greatest merit of women in the army during the war years was that by their presence they allowed men to feel their own strength, to be courageous, to do their duty, to fight and win. This study is based on WW2 correspondence, letters and diaries of Soviet Jews who served in the Red Army, which were recently collected in the archives of the Diaspora Research Center at Tel Aviv University (2012-2017) and now, for the first time, are used for academic purposes.