DeLiRa: Self-Supervised Depth, Light, and Radiance Fields (original) (raw)
Related papers
Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
We present a modern solution to the multi-view photometric stereo problem (MVPS). Our work suitably exploits the image formation model in a MVPS experimental setup to recover the dense 3D reconstruction of an object from images. We procure the surface orientation using a photometric stereo (PS) image formation model and blend it with a multi-view neural radiance field representation to recover the object’s surface geometry. Contrary to the previous multi-staged framework to MVPS, where the position, isodepth contours, or orientation measurements are estimated independently and then fused later, our method is simple to implement and realize. Our method performs neural rendering of multi-view images while utilizing surface normals estimated by a deep photometric stereo network. We render the MVPS images by considering the object’s surface normals for each 3D sample point along the viewing direction rather than explicitly using the density gradient in the volume space via 3D occupancy ...
SPSG: Self-Supervised Photometric Scene Generation from RGB-D Scans
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
We present SPSG, a novel approach to generate high-quality, colored 3D models of scenes from RGB-D scan observations by learning to infer unobserved scene geometry and color in a self-supervised fashion. Our self-supervised approach learns to jointly inpaint geometry and color by correlating an incomplete RGB-D scan with a more complete version of that scan. Notably, rather than relying on 3D reconstruction losses to inform our 3D geometry and color reconstruction, we propose adversarial and perceptual losses operating on 2D renderings in order to achieve high-resolution, high-quality colored reconstructions of scenes. This exploits the high-resolution, self-consistent signal from individual raw RGB-D frames, in contrast to fused 3D reconstructions of the frames which exhibit inconsistencies from view-dependent effects, such as color balancing or pose inconsistencies. Thus, by informing our 3D scene generation directly through 2D signal, we produce high-quality colored reconstructions of 3D scenes, outperforming state of the art on both synthetic and real data. Preprint. Under review.
Multi-Plane Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Synthesis
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
Novel view synthesis is a long-standing problem that revolves around rendering frames of scenes from novel camera viewpoints. Volumetric approaches provide a solution for modeling occlusions through the explicit 3D representation of the camera frustum. Multi-plane Images (MPI) are volumetric methods that represent the scene using front-parallel planes at distinct depths but suffer from depth discretization leading to a 2.D scene representation. Another line of approach relies on implicit 3D scene representations. Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) utilize neural networks for encapsulating the continuous 3D scene structure within the network weights achieving photorealistic synthesis results, however, methods are constrained to perscene optimization settings which are inefficient in practice. Multi-plane Neural Radiance Fields (MINE) open the door for combining implicit and explicit scene representations. It enables continuous 3D scene representations, especially in the depth dimension, while utilizing the input image features to avoid perscene optimization. The main drawback of the current literature work in this domain is being constrained to single-view input, limiting the synthesis ability to narrow viewpoint ranges. In this work, we thoroughly examine the performance, generalization, and efficiency of single-view multi-plane neural radiance fields. In addition, we propose a new multiplane NeRF architecture that accepts multiple views to improve the synthesis results and expand the viewing range. Features from the input source frames are effectively fused through a proposed attention-aware fusion module to highlight important information from different viewpoints. Experiments show the effectiveness of attention-based fusion and the promising outcomes of our proposed method when compared to multi-view NeRF and MPI techniques.
NeuralFusion: Online Depth Fusion in Latent Space
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
We present a novel online depth map fusion approach that learns depth map aggregation in a latent feature space. While previous fusion methods use an explicit scene representation like signed distance functions (SDFs), we propose a learned feature representation for the fusion. The key idea is a separation between the scene representation used for the fusion and the output scene representation, via an additional translator network. Our neural network architecture consists of two main parts: a depth and feature fusion subnetwork, which is followed by a translator sub-network to produce the final surface representation (e.g. TSDF) for visualization or other tasks. Our approach is an online process, handles high noise levels, and is particularly able to deal with gross outliers common for photometric stereobased depth maps. Experiments on real and synthetic data demonstrate improved results compared to the state of the art, especially in challenging scenarios with large amounts of noise and outliers. The source code will be made available at
Neural apparent BRDF fields for multiview photometric stereo
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
Volume Renderer Figure 1: We replace the view-conditioned black box radiance predicted by a NeRF [25] with a physically-based image formation model. The geometry network predicts density and surface normal direction at each position in the volume. A neural BRDF and shadow network predict reflected scene radiance for the point which is then volume rendered using predicted density as for NeRF. The resulting model is relightable while also improving geometric information using multi-light observations.
NVS-MonoDepth: Improving Monocular Depth Prediction with Novel View Synthesis
2021 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2021
Building upon the recent progress in novel view synthesis, we propose its application to improve monocular depth estimation. In particular, we propose a novel training method split in three main steps. First, the prediction results of a monocular depth network are warped to an additional view point. Second, we apply an additional image synthesis network, which corrects and improves the quality of the warped RGB image. The output of this network is required to look as similar as possible to the ground-truth view by minimizing the pixel-wise RGB reconstruction error. Third, we reapply the same monocular depth estimation onto the synthesized second view point and ensure that the depth predictions are consistent with the associated ground truth depth. Experimental results prove that our method achieves state-of-the-art or comparable performance on the KITTI and NYU-Depth-v2 datasets with a lightweight and simple vanilla U-Net architecture. 2. Related Work This literature review focuses on the main related fields, namely depth estimation and novel view synthesis. Depth estimation. Originally, the task of depth estimation from 2D image data relied on classical stereo vision [63] approaches. Below, we present a review of the monocular centered methods. Existing approaches can be roughly divided into supervised, self-supervised and unsupervised models. Here, we focus on supervised methods.
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2020
In this paper we address the problem of view synthesis from large baseline light fields, by turning a sparse set of input views into a Multi-plane Image (MPI). Because available datasets are scarce, we propose a lightweight network that does not require extensive training. Unlike latest approaches, our model does not learn to estimate RGB layers but only encodes the scene geometry within MPI alpha layers, which comes down to a segmentation task. A Learned Gradient Descent (LGD) framework is used to cascade the same convolutional network in a recurrent fashion in order to refine the volumetric representation obtained. Thanks to its low number of parameters, our model trains successfully on a small light field video dataset and provides visually appealing results. It also exhibits convenient generalization properties regarding both the number of input views, the number of depth planes in the MPI, and the number of refinement iterations.
Ing for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth
Self-supervised learning is showing great promise for monocular depth estimation, using geometry as the only source of supervision. Depth networks are indeed capable of learning representations that relate visual appearance to 3D properties by implicitly leveraging category-level patterns. In this work we investigate how to leverage more directly this semantic structure to guide geometric representation learning, while remaining in the self-supervised regime. Instead of using semantic labels and proxy losses in a multi-task approach, we propose a new architecture leveraging fixed pretrained semantic segmentation networks to guide self-supervised representation learning via pixel-adaptive convolutions. Furthermore, we propose a two-stage training process to overcome a common semantic bias on dynamic objects via resampling. Our method improves upon the state of the art for self-supervised monocular depth prediction over all pixels, fine-grained details, and per semantic categories.†
Ray Priors through Reprojection: Improving Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Extrapolation
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) [22] have emerged as a potent paradigm for representing scenes and synthesizing photo-realistic images. A main limitation of conventional NeRFs is that they often fail to produce high-quality renderings under novel viewpoints that are significantly different from the training viewpoints. In this paper, instead of exploiting few-shot image synthesis, we study the novel view extrapolation setting that (1) the training images can well describe an object, and (2) there is a notable discrepancy between the training and test viewpoints' distributions. We present RapNeRF (RAy Priors) as a solution. Our insight is that the inherent appearances of a 3D surface's arbitrary visible projections should be consistent. We thus propose a random ray casting policy that allows training unseen views using seen views. Furthermore, we show that a ray atlas pre-computed from the observed rays' viewing directions could further enhance the rendering quality for extrapolated views. A main limitation is that RapNeRF would remove the strong view-dependent effects because it leverages the multi-view consistency property.