Emergence of a Novel Pathogenic Poxvirus Infection in the Endangered Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Highlights a Key Threatening Process (original) (raw)

Identification of Novel Cetacean Poxviruses in Cetaceans Stranded in South West England

PLOS ONE, 2015

Poxvirus infections in marine mammals have been mainly reported through their clinical lesions and electron microscopy (EM). Poxvirus particles in association with such lesions have been demonstrated by EM and were previously classified as two new viruses, cetacean poxvirus 1 (CePV-1) and cetacean poxvirus 2 (CePV-2). In this study, epidermal pox lesions in cetaceans stranded in South West England (Cornwall) between 2008 and 2012 were investigated by electron microscopy and molecular analysis. PCR and sequencing of a highly conserved region within the viral DNA polymerase gene ruled out both parapoxand orthopoxviruses. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis of the PCR product clustered the sequences with those previously described as cetacean poxviruses. However, taking the close genetic distance of this gene fragment across the family of poxviridae into account, it is reasonable to postulate further, novel cetacean poxvirus species. The nucleotide similarity within each cluster (tentative species) detected ranged from 98.6% to 100%, whilst the similarity between the clusters was no more than 95%. The detection of several species of poxvirus in different cetacean species confirms the likelihood of a heterogeneous cetacean poxvirus genus, comparable to the heterogeneity observed in other poxvirus genera. 2 / 9 poxvirus genera and the differences in sequences (both in % and reflected in branch length) support this notion. In more detail and taking cetacean poxviruses from other published studies into account, six separate species/clusters of poxviruses are recognisable.

Molecular Characterization of Poxviruses Associated with Tattoo Skin Lesions in UK Cetaceans

PLoS ONE, 2013

There is increasing concern for the well-being of cetacean populations around the UK. Tattoo skin disease (characterised by irregular, grey, black or yellowish, stippled cutaneous lesions) caused by poxvirus infection is a potential health indicatora potential health indicator for cetaceans. Limited sequence data indicates that cetacean poxviruses (CPVs) belong to an unassigned genus of the Chordopoxvirinae. To obtain further insight into the phylogenetic relationships between CPV and other Chordopoxvirinae members we partially characterized viral DNA originating from tattoo lesions collected in Delphinidae and Phocoenidae stranded along the UK coastline in 1998-2008. We also evaluated the presence of CPV in skin lesions other than tattoos to examine specificity and sensitivity of visual diagnosis. After DNA extraction, regions of the DNA polymerase and DNA topoisomerase I genes were amplified by PCR, sequenced and compared with other isolates. The presence of CPV DNA was demonstrated in tattoos from one striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), eight harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and one short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and in one 'dubious tattoo' lesion detected in one other porpoise. Seventeen of the 18 PCR positive skin lesions had been visually identified as tattoos and one as a dubious tattoo. None of the other skin lesions were PCR positive. Thus, visual identification had a 94.4% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The DNA polymerase PCR was most effective in detecting CPV DNA. Limited sequence phylogeny grouped the UK samples within the odontocete poxviruses (CPV group 1) and indicated that two different poxvirus lineages infect the Phocoenidae and the Delphinidae. The phylogenetic tree had three major branches: one with the UK Phocoenidae viruses, one with the Delphinidae isolates and one for the mysticete poxvirus (CPV group 2). This implies a radiation of poxviruses according to the host suborder and the families within these suborders.

Genetic identification of novel poxviruses of cetaceans and pinnipeds

Archives of Virology, 2006

Novel poxviruses were identified in skin lesions of several species of cetaceans and pinnipeds using polymerase chain reaction targeting DNA polymerase and DNA topoisomerase I genes of members of the subfamily Chordopoxvirinae. With the exception of parapoxviruses, no molecular data of marine mammal poxviruses were available to infer genetic and evolutionary relatedness to terrestrial vertebrate poxviruses. Viruses were assigned to a cetacean poxvirus 1 (CPV-1) group based on nucleotide and amino acid identities of gene fragments amplified from skin lesions of Asian bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus), Atlantic bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus), rough-toothed (Steno bredanensis), and striped (Stenella coeruleoalba) dolphins. A different poxvirus was detected in skin lesions of a bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) and provisionally assigned to a CPV-2 group. These viruses showed highest identity to terrestrial poxviruses of the genera Orthopoxvirus and Suipoxvirus. A novel species-specific poxvirus was also identified in skin lesions of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). None of these poxviruses were found to have amplifiable hemagglutinin gene sequences. Novel parapoxviruses were also identified in skin lesions of Steller sea lions and spotted seals (Phoca largha). A significant degree of divergence was observed in sequences of Steller sea lion parapoxviruses, while those of spotted seals and harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) were highly conserved.

Detection of Cetacean Poxvirus in Peruvian Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Using a Pan-Poxvirus PCR


Cetacean poxviruses (CePVs) cause ‘tattoo’ skin lesions in small and large cetaceans worldwide. Although the disease has been known for decades, genomic data for these poxviruses are very limited, with the exception of CePV-Tursiops aduncus, which was completely sequenced in 2020. Using a newly developed pan-pox real-time PCR system targeting a conserved nucleotide sequence located within the Monkeypox virus D6R gene, we rapidly detected the CePV genome in typical skin lesions collected from two Peruvian common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) by-caught off Peru in 1993. Phylogenetic analyses based on the sequencing of the DNA polymerase and DNA topoisomerase genes showed that the two viruses are very closely related to each other, although the dolphins they infected pertained to different ecotypes. The poxviruses described in this study belong to CePV-1, a heterogeneous clade that infects many species of dolphins (Delphinidae) and porpoises (Phocoenidae). Among this clade, ...

Molecular identification and microscopic characterization of poxvirus in a Guiana dolphin and a common bottlenose dolphin, Brazil

Diseases of aquatic organisms, 2018

The poxviruses identified in cetaceans are associated with characteristic tattoo or ring skin lesions. However, little is known regarding the prevalence and progression of these lesions and the molecular characterization of cetacean poxviruses in the Southern Hemisphere. This manuscript describes the progression of poxvirus-like skin lesions in 5 free-ranging Guiana dolphins Sotalia guianensis. Additionally, 151 skin samples from 113 free-ranging cetaceans from Brazil, including 4 animals with tattoo skin lesions, were selected for poxvirus testing. Poxviral DNA polymerase gene PCR amplification was used to detect the virus in β-actin-positive samples (145/151). DNA topoisomerase I gene PCR was then used in Cetaceanpoxvirus (CePV)-positive cases (n = 2), which were further evaluated by histopathology and electron microscopy. Based on photo-identification, adult Guiana dolphins presented regressing or healed poxvirus-like lesions (2/2), while juveniles presented persistent (2/3) or h...

Discovery of a phylogenetically distinct poxvirus in diseased Crocodilurus amazonicus (family Teiidae)

Archives of Virology, 2021

A novel poxvirus was discovered in Crocodilurus amazonicus (Teiidae) presenting with a debilitating skin disease. The generated first genome sequence of a reptilian poxvirus revealed the closest phylogenetic relationship to avipoxviruses, highlighting potential virus exchanges between avian and reptilian species. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00705-021-04975-6.

Identification, molecular and phylogenetic analysis of poxvirus in skin lesions of southern right whale

Diseases of aquatic organisms, 2015

Poxvirus skin disease has been reported in several species of cetaceans, principally in odontocetes, and a single report in mysticetes. Southern right whales Eubalaena australis in Peninsula Valdes, Argentina, show a variety of skin lesions of unknown etiology, and the number of these lesions has increased in recent years. Samples from dead whales were taken in order to establish the etiology of these lesions. One calf and one adult presented ring-type lesions, characterized by a circumscribed and slightly raised area of skin. Lesions were histologically characterized by the presence of microvesicles and vacuolated cells in the stratum spinosum, along with hyperplasia of the stratum corneum and eosinophilic inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells. Transmission electron microscopy showed aggregations of virions with typical poxvirus morphology. PCR of cetacean poxvirus (CPV) DNA polymerase, DNA topoisomerase I and parapoxvirus DNA polymerase gene fragments was done,...

Evidence for retrovirus infections in green turtles Chelonia mydas from the Hawaiian islands

Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 1997

Apparently normal Hawaiian green turtles Chelonia mydas and those d~splaying fibropapillomas were analyzed for infection by retroviruses. Strikingly, all samples were positive for polymerase enhanced reverse transcriptase (PERT) with levels high enough to quantitate by the conventional reverse transcriptase (RT) assay. However, samples of skin, even from asymptomatic turtles, were RT positive, although the levels of enzyme activity in healthy turtles hatched and raised in captivity were much lower than those observed in asymptomatic free-ranging turtles. Turtles with fibropapillomas displayed a broad range of reverse transcriptase activity. Skin and eye fibropapillomas and a heart tumor were further analyzed and shown to have reverse transcriptase activity that banded in a sucrose gradient at 1.17 g ml-l. The reverse transcriptase activity purified from the heart turnor displayed a temperature optimum of 37°C and showed a preference for Mn2+ over Mg2+. Sucrose gradient fractions of this sample displaying elevated reverse transcriptase activity contained primarily retroviralsized particles with prominent envelope spikes, when negatively stained and examined by electron microscopy. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of gradient-purified virions revealed a conserved profile among 4 independent tumors and showed 7 prominent proteins having molecular weights of 116, 83, 51, 43, 40, 20 and 14 kDa. The data suggest that retroviral infections are widespread in Hawaiian green turtles and a comprehensive investigation is warranted to address the possibility that these agents cause green turtle fibropapillomatosis (GTFP). KEY WORDS: Green turtle . Reverse transcriptase . Retrovirus . Fibropapillomatosis . Electron microscopy 8 Inter-Research 1997 Resale of fuU article not permitted Dis Aquat Org 31: 1-7, 1997 ME, Ehrhart LM, Walsh M, Murru F (1989) Cutaneous associated with retrovirus-like type-C particles: prevafibropapillomas of green turtles (Chelonia mydas). J Comp lence, histologic and electron microscopic observations. Path01 101:39-52 J Fish Dis 8:425-436 Editorial responsibility: Peernel Zwart,

Complete sequence determination of a novel reptile iridovirus isolated from soft-shelled turtle and evolutionary analysis of Iridoviridae

BMC Genomics, 2009

Background: Soft-shelled turtle iridovirus (STIV) is the causative agent of severe systemic diseases in cultured soft-shelled turtles (Trionyx sinensis). To our knowledge, the only molecular information available on STIV mainly concerns the highly conserved STIV major capsid protein. The complete sequence of the STIV genome is not yet available. Therefore, determining the genome sequence of STIV and providing a detailed bioinformatic analysis of its genome content and evolution status will facilitate further understanding of the taxonomic elements of STIV and the molecular mechanisms of reptile iridovirus pathogenesis.