Relevance and Credibility of the Information from the Financial-Accounting Statements (original) (raw)
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The definitions of the elements identify their main traits, but their purpose, the reason for their presence in the financial statements is ensured by meeting the recognition criteria.The current concerns of accounting regulatory organisms in setting and developing the elements and the common conceptual Framework have materialized by setting recognition criteria, that help to achieve a more accurate position of elements in the financial statements, thus creating credibility and relevance of the information contained within it. This study follows, by comparison, recognition criteria of elements presented in financial statements in various accounting referential meaning.
Financial Statements – Main Source Of Information For The Process Of Management And Decision Making
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Managerial decisions have certain aspects that are different from the analyzed perspective. From the point of view of human resources to be hired, the management of the entity takes decisions based on the amounts investes in resources and exploitation transactions as well as a proper financing mix. These are the reasons for which accuracy and the level of detail in information has to be at a higher level in order to support the business and it increase its value. The quality of decision-making is dependent to a large extent on the amount and quality of information upon which the decision is based on, which, once adopted is considered the most important process that takes place in the management of an entity. This, more so today, as IFRS generated changes in the conceptual sense of fundamental elements of financial reporting and results, as well as increased volatility of indicators results, leading to consolidation of the interest for information, analysis and decision making.
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The permanent monitoring of the dynamics and condition of the assets, capital and liabilities, as well as the revenues and expenditures in practice is done through the preparation and presentation of the financial statements. It is also known that managers and other users on the one hand and business entities on the other, establish their communications by offering data and information in the form of balances and notes attached to them. The interest of the users, above all, is the perception of the financial and non-financial data, i.e. financial position and performance that are characteristic of a particular enterprise. Namely, the knowledge of accounting financial indicators and their practice leads to the achievement of a positive financial result, as well as improvement of the current and future operations. In the future, this would be an increase in capital and a higher profit.
Obiectivul economiilor ţărilor şi maniera de operare a diverselor persoane juridice şi instituţii creează volumul şi importanţa informaţiei ca întreg. Diversitatea structurii informaţiei concepe metoda şi necesitatea distribuirii sale către cei care sunt interesaţi de ea. De aceea, apare întrebarea -cum să obţinem informaţia corectă? Pentru a-şi crea obiectivele şi sarcinile, consumatorii se grupează şi caută prin volumul de informaţii şi date orice le-ar putea permite o planificare mai bună şi crearea unui viitor mai sigur. Aşadar, directorii contabili percep asta foarte precis şi foarte atent, concep bilanţuri prin introducerea datelor şi informaţiilor financiare care formează principiile de bază din structura lor viitoare. Mai precis, crearea de declaraţii financiare asigură divulgarea informaţiilor contabile şi financiare pentru anumite tranzacţii comerciale şi acţiuni ale companiei într-o anumită perioadă. Cuvinte-cheie: informaţii contabile, declaraţii financiare, divulgare, consumatori, tranzacţii comerciale.
Accounting and Extra-accounting Information - Valences in Meeting the Financial Analysis
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The purpose of this research is to provide pertinent findings to improve the relevance, accuracy and understanding of accounting and extra-accounting information, to be used by the financial analysts, aiming to be a starting point in research, without exhausting the subject. The objectives of this research focused on four main issues: general information about respondents, data regarding on the use of information, identification of financial statements used by respondents, information on financial analysis. We choose as primary data collection the method based on survey using a questionnaire sent by email.
The Financial Communication and the Accounting - Audit - Valuation Trinomial
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The general objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and cash flows of an enterprise that is useful for a wide range of users in making economic of business decisions. The financial statements also present the results of resources management by the company's management. For this reason, financial statements prepared and published by organizations are of interest for a wide range of users: investors, managers, employees, customers, creditors, bankers, government and its institutions, citizens. Experience has shown explicitly that there is a conflict of interest between those who collect, process and agregate accounting information and the information users. Often, users show a lack of confidence in accounting information, because the users who produce this information usually are not independent from the operations and the situations presented. Possible major economic consequences that may result have determined as necessary interposing financial auditors with the main objective of increasing credibility of the financial statements published by companies..