On the Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard system with a geometrically linear elastic energy (original) (raw)
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On some models for elastic solids with micro-structure
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We review the concept of well-posedness in the context of evolutionary problems from mathematical physics for a particular subclass of problems from elasticity theory. The complexity of physical phenomena appears as encoded in so called material laws. The usefulness of the structural perspective developed is illustrated by showing that many initial boundary value problems in the theory of elastic solids share the same type of solution theory. Moreover, interconnections of the respective models are discussed via a previously introduced mother/descendant mechanism.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
In this paper, it is proven an existence and uniqueness theorem for weak solutions of the equilibrium problem for linear isotropic dilatational strain gradient elasticity. Considered elastic bodies have as deformation energy the classical one due to Lamé but augmented with an additive term that depends on the norm of the gradient of dilatation: only one extra second gradient elastic coefficient is introduced. The studied class of solids is therefore related to Korteweg or Cahn–Hilliard fluids. The postulated energy naturally induces the space in which the aforementioned well-posedness result can be formulated. In this energy space, the introduced norm does involve the linear combination of some specific higher-order derivatives only: it is, in fact, a particular example of anisotropic Sobolev space. It is also proven that aforementioned weak solutions belongs to the space H^1(div,V)H1(div,V),i.e.thespaceofH 1 ( d i v , V ) , i.e. the space ofH1(div,V),i.e.thespaceofH^1H1functionswhosedivergencebelongstoH 1 functions whose divergence belongs toH1functionswhosedivergencebelongstoH^1$$ H...
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Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2004
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On the Symmetry of Energy-Minimising Deformations in Nonlinear Elasticity II: Compressible Materials
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2009
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