The women is the backbone of agricultural workforce but worldwide her hard work has mostly been unpaid. She does the most tedious and back-breaking tasks in agriculture, animal husbandry and homes. About 70 per cent of the Indian women are engaged in agricultural work either in their own fields or in other as daily labourers. They have to perform different activities in the home as well in the field throughout the day. They do not get any chance to take a nap and work like a machine without any break as compare with the man. Still women are considered as secondary workers in the economic scenario. The farmwomen perform almost each and every agricultural activity right from land preparation, weeding, sowing, transplanting to the harvesting and storage of the agricultural produce. The majority of these activities, which are full of drudgery, have not been supported by the mechanical advantages of tool and appliances. Moreover, most of the work-studies are directed towards the measurement of external forces and time spent in work. The farm women perform very heavy tasks along with household work. This is one of the reasons of health problem. They don’t get time for rest also. They were dominated by male counterpart in many of the families. Therefore, this study was selected to identify the occupational health hazards among farm women.

Socio Economic and Health Condition of Women Agricultural Workers in Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu


Economic well being of India depends on the agricultural development since the livelihood of 60 per cent of the population is based on Agriculture and allied occupation. Women workers make a mammoth contribution in agricultural development but the socio economic condition of them is not quite appreciatable due to cultural and political reasons. Women face various issues at both work place and house for being women. This study has made an attempt to study the socio economic and health condition of women agricultural workers those who work in the eld of land owners and get daily wages.This study was conducted in Srivanjiyam village of Thiruvarur district, Tamil Nadu.The result reveals that the 40.0 per cent of the respondents are illiterate and majority of them suffer with back pain, joint pain, leg pain and skin irritation.

Assessing the Role of Farm Women in Agriculture: A Case Study of Jammu District of J&K State

Agro-Economist, 2015

In India, the typical work of the female agricultural labourer or cultivator is limited to less skilled jobs, such as sowing, transplanting, weeding and harvesting, that often fit well within the framework of domestic life and child-rearing. The nature and extent of women's involvement in agriculture, no doubt, varies greatly from region to region. A study has been conducted in R.S. Pura block of Jammu district with an aim to know the role and extent of women involvement in decision making in agriculture and constraints they faced while performing the agriculture activities. A sample of 50 women farmers selected from the two villages namely Raipur and Badyalbrahmna of R.S Pura and was interviewed. The results of the study revealed that most of the respondents (64%) get up early in the morning to perform the dual responsibility of domestic work and outside in the fields. About 56% of the respondents work for 5-7 hours and more in the farm activities and stated that agriculture is their primary occupation. An average of 89% of women takes part in almost every agriculture activities from seed cleaning to harvesting and post harvesting of produce. Regarding decision, only 14% provide input in almost every productive decision related to farms. About 90% of women don't have autonomy in any productive decisions, 96% of the respondents don't own land or any other assets. Majority (88%) of respondents do not purchase or sale of any other assets. Majority (84%) of the respondents felt that they find difficulty in carrying out farm operations. About (75%) women told that their main problem is related to health like headache, backache, fatigue and restlessness. 74% responded that their social life is disturbed due to heavy work both in farms and domestic work and they are not able to go often to their friends and relatives. About 64% of the women not enjoying agriculture work and find it very hectic and need some type of women friendly equipments.

Health problems faced by female farm workers in rural areas of Tehsil D.G.Khan A sociological investigation

Women are the backbone of agricultural workforce in all over the world. Pakistani women play an important role in agricultural production. Women covers about 43% of the agricultural labor force generally, therefore women become the cause of development of the countries. But this segment is failing in many parts of the several countries because women, who are commonly an important resource in agriculture and the rural economy, face health problems that decrease their outputs. To find out the socio-economic characteristics of the farm working women as well as the health problems faced by them during on-going farm activities along with the factors which accelerate poor health of farm working women and to give some suggestions to maintain their health in working day, a sample of 160 farm workers females were selected through multistage sampling technique and were interviewed from the rural areas of Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan. Univariate (frequency distribution and percentage) and Bivariate analysis (Chi square and Gamma Statistics) was carried out. A great majority (90.6%) faced the health problems in last season. A huge majority (95.6%) of the respondents faced the problem of work load; (socio economic stress) physical injuries/sickness (60.0%); mental diseases (95.7%); pesticides related health troubles (93.8%), and asthma (78.8%). Highly significant association was found between uses of pesticide vs health problem. Although most of the females were young, illiterate and working as tenants living with hand to mouth. They were working for economic support of their family so were in socio-economic and mental stress and were also facing physical and reproductive health problems. There is need of full awareness about taking of healthy diet for better health and decrease mental stress among the rural female farm workers. Trainings about health safety measures and nutrition education or medical system should be provided to them through health personnel and social reformers so that they perform their on-farm activities in better way and play positive role in agriculture sector for socio-economic up-lifting at domestic and national level. Key words: Health problems, female farm activities, socio-economic and mental stress, farm related health issues.

Health Problems Faced by Female Farm Workers in Rural Areas of Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan: A Sociological Investigation

Women are the backbone of agricultural workforce in all over the world. Pakistani women play an important role in agricultural production. Women covers about 43% of the agricultural labor force generally, therefore women become the cause of development of the countries. But this segment is failing in many parts of the several countries because women, who are commonly an important resource in agriculture and the rural economy, face health problems that decrease their outputs. To find out the socio-economic characteristics of the farm working women as well as the health problems faced by them during on-going farm activities along with the factors which accelerate poor health of farm working women and to give some suggestions to maintain their health in working day, a sample of 160 farm workers females were selected through multistage sampling technique and were interviewed from the rural areas of Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan. Univariate (frequency distribution and percentage) and Bivariate analysis (Chi square and Gamma Statistics) was carried out. A great majority (90.6%) faced the health problems in last season. A huge majority (95.6%) of the respondents faced the problem of work load; (socio economic stress) physical injuries/sickness (60.0%); mental diseases (95.7%); pesticides related health troubles (93.8%), and asthma (78.8%). Highly significant association was found between uses of pesticide vs health problem. Although most of the females were young, illiterate and working as tenants living with hand to mouth. They were working for economic support of their family so were in socio-economic and mental stress and were also facing physical and reproductive health problems. There is need of full awareness about taking of healthy diet for better health and decrease mental stress among the rural female farm workers. Trainings about health safety measures and nutrition education or medical system should be provided to them through health personnel and social reformers so that they perform their on-farm activities in better way and play positive role in agriculture sector for socio-economic up-lifting at domestic and national level. Key words: Health problems, female farm activities, socio-economic and mental stress, farm related health issues.

Hkkdvuq i&df"k iz kS |ks fxdh vuq iz ;ks x vuq la /kku la LFkku] dkuiq j COMBATING DRUDGERY OF FARM WOMEN FOR ENHANCING THEIR EFFICIENCY Status and Potential Interventions

Against the above background, therefore an action tasks in agriculture, animal husbandry and homes. It research project entitled "Combating Drudgery for is also estimated that on average, the Indian woman, Enhancing Farm Women's Efficiency in Different especially in the poverty group spends above five Agro-climatic Zones of Uttar Pradesh" was hours per day more than the Indian man in work, implemented with the following specific objectives including the visible burden of family. Aside from which led to development of this bulletin. raising children, women are expected to work in 1. Quantification of the extent of drudgery kitchen, maintain the homestead and assist in crop experienced by the women farmers in various and animal production, all the while tending to the farm-related activities in the project area general health of their families. Perhaps, ironically, it 2. Development of zone-specific intervention plan is because women have so many responsibilities that for minimizing the drudgery by devising the they have been over-looked by agriculturalists and appropriate plan for OFT, FLDs and capacity policymakers -it has been more convenient to label development men as farmers and women as homemakers. In truth, women are involved in all aspects of agriculture viz., All the nine agro-climatic zones of Uttar Pradesh land preparation, seed selection, planting, weeding, were grouped into three zones of western, central and pest control, harvesting, crop storage, handling, eastern zones constituting the project locale. From marketing, and processing. Whatever the reason for western UP, central UP and eastern UP zone there are this ignore the importance of developing farming 8 KVKs from each zone. Thus there were 24 KVKs technologies relevant to women has only recently and 24 Home Scientists from all the selected KVKs been recognized.

Health problems faced by female farm workers DUHS 2016 10 1

Women are the backbone of agricultural workforce in all over the world. Pakistani women play an important role in agricultural production. Women covers about 43% of the agricultural labor force generally, therefore women become the cause of development of the countries. But this segment is failing in many parts of the several countries because women, who are commonly an important resource in agriculture and the rural economy, face health problems that decrease their outputs. To find out the socio-economic characteristics of the farm working women as well as the health problems faced by them during on-going farm activities along with the factors which accelerate poor health of farm working women and to give some suggestions to maintain their health in working day, a sample of 160 farm workers females were selected through multistage sampling technique and were interviewed from the rural areas of Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan. Univariate (frequency distribution and percentage) and Bivariate analysis (Chi square and Gamma Statistics) was carried out. A great majority (90.6%) faced the health problems in last season. A huge majority (95.6%) of the respondents faced the problem of work load; (socio economic stress) physical injuries/sickness (60.0%); mental diseases (95.7%); pesticides related health troubles (93.8%), and asthma (78.8%). Highly significant association was found between uses of pesticide vs health problem. Although most of the females were young, illiterate and working as tenants living with hand to mouth. They were working for economic support of their family so were in socio-economic and mental stress and were also facing physical and reproductive health problems. There is need of full awareness about taking of healthy diet for better health and decrease mental stress among the rural female farm workers. Trainings about health safety measures and nutrition education or medical system should be provided to them through health personnel and social reformers so that they perform their on-farm activities in better way and play positive role in agriculture sector for socio-economic up-lifting at domestic and national level. Key words: Health problems, female farm activities, socio- economic and mental stress, farm related health issues.

A cross-sectional study to assess the morbidity pattern among female agricultural workers in the rural area of Central India: a study protocol


Agriculture serves as the primary source of income for a substantial number of agricultural workers, with a significant portion of the Indian population, especially in rural areas, engaged in this occupation. However, the health status of female agricultural workers is often adversely affected by various factors, including working conditions, environmental exposure, and other morbidities. As a result, they are at risk of developing several diseases, such as tuberculosis, diabetes, hypertension, lung disease, muscle pain, joint pain, and pesticide poisoning, which constitute the main occupational health concerns in this sector. Unfortunately, despite the prevalence of these health risks, many female agricultural workers do not prioritize their own health and wellbeing. According to the latest survey data by the National sample survey office (NSSO), around 54% of the Indian workforce is engaged in agriculture, mainly in rural areas. There are no unions for female agricultural workers,...

Working Condition of Women Agricultural Workers: A Study with Reference to Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu

Journal of Rural and Industrial Development, 2017

The main purpose of the present study is to analyse the working condition of women agricultural workers in Virudhunagar District. Women workers play an inevitable role in agriculture field. In India more than 60 percent of the workers in agriculture sector are women. The problems of agricultural labourers have been sought to be tackled through multi-dimensional course of action viz., improvement of infrastructural facilities, diversification to non-farm activities, skill improvement programmes, financial assistance to promote self-employment, optimising the use of land resources and so on through a variety of rural development, employment generation and poverty alleviation programmes. Therefore, the researcher has taken this topic for research.

Health and Nutritional Issues of Hill Farm Women : A Socio Economic Paradigm


Agriculture and rural economic activities are essential for growth, poverty reduction and food security especially for the poorer farm families in Uttarakhand hill region. The hill and mountain areas have a unique feature in respect to topography, climate and production system. The undulated topography, rugged terrain, unfavorable cold climate and lack of production and marketing infrastructure have made the area poorest in terms of production and productivity of the crops. A cross-section study was conducted in Almora District of Uttarakhand during 2010-2011. Data was collected with precoded interview schedule containing information about cropping pattern, role of women in hill agriculture system, nutritional status and drudgery level in various farm operations. A woman in hills works for about 14 to16 hours per day. Various field operations (weeding, fodder cutting and harvesting) were evaluated for analysis of drudgery prone activities. Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) was record...