Design and Fabrication of Aperture Coupled Microstrip Patch Antennas with Arbitrarily Shaped Apertures (original) (raw)
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Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna Design and Analysis
Michael Paul Civerolo A linearly-polarized aperture coupled patch antenna design is characterized and optimized using HFSS antenna simulation software . This thesis focuses on the aperture coupled patch antenna due to the lack of fabrication and tuning documentation for the design of this antenna and its usefulness in arrays and orthogonally polarized communications. The goal of this thesis is to explore dimension effects on aperture coupled antenna performance, to develop a design and tuning procedure, and to describe performance effects through electromagnetic principles.
A Comparative Investigation on Effect of Coupling in Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antennas
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C
This paper investigates the electromagnetic coupling from various aperture shapes in aperture coupled suspended rectangular microstrip antennas. The proposed study involves various shapes of coupling aperture such as "rectangle", "H", "bowtie", and "hourglass" with a single-layer aperture coupled suspended rectangular microstrip antenna. Among the various shapes, "hourglass" shaped aperture yields maximum coupling leading to maximum bandwidth. For the validation aperture coupled suspended rectangular microstrip antenna with "hourglass-shaped" aperture is fabricated, and measurements were carried out. The measured fractional impedance bandwidth (FBW) with "hourglass" aperture is more than 30% at 1.06 GHz. Measured peak gain and front-to-back (F/B) ratio of aperture coupled suspended microstrip antenna with "hourglass" at 1.06 GHz are 8.5 dBi and greater than 11.2 dB, respectively. The influence on the antenna's performance parameters such as realized gain, impedance bandwidth, and F/B ratio due to metallic mounting surface is also investigated. The simulated and measured performances of the antenna are in agreement. The proposed investigation is very useful for various applications, when broadband antenna is mounted on a metallic body.
A Review of Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antennas: History, Operation, Development, and Applications
Analysis of the aperture coupled microstrip element is complicated by the presence of two dielectric layers, and the microstrip line-to-slot transition. In fact, however, the slot feed is generally easier to model in a rigorous manner than a probe or line-fed element because the patch current near the feed point is less singular. The initial report of the aperture coupled element [1] presented only a simplified cavity-type model, and the antenna was not rigorously analyzed until Sullivan and Schaubert [22] treated it using a full-wave moment method solution. This work also presented data showing the effect of various design parameters, such as slot position and size, on the input impedance locus of the antenna. An alternative way of treating the microstrip to slot transition was introduced by Pozar [23]. This technique was derived using the reciprocity theorem, and eliminates the need for brute-force modeling of the microstrip feed line and stub. Many later analyses, both moment method and cavity model, utilized this technique for treating the feed. The moment method technique has also been applied to mutual coupling between aperture coupled elements , and to infinite arrays of aperture coupled elements .
The dielectric material used as a substrate and the shapes of the patches play an important role in the performance of bandwidth, return loss, and gain of the microstrip patch antenna. This paper presents the relative study of different shapes of microstrip Patch antenna for different dielectric materials. The main application of these antennas is for satellite communication in Ku-Band. The height of the substrate plays an essential role in the enhancement of bandwidth and it is chosen 1.012mm and three substrate materials (RT Duroid (5880), Teflon, and FR4) with different dielectric constants were chosen for the performance comparison. Aperture coupling, which is again one of the promising techniques for bandwidth enhancement, is used as a feeding technique for the designs. Coupling must be taken care of while using aperture coupling, which is done by precisely optimizing the feed line dimensions, feed position, slot dimensions, and patch dimensions. The antenna performance is stud...
Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna Design and Analysis using MATLAB
A linearly-polarized aperture coupled patch antenna design is characterized by using MATLAB software. The aperture coupled patch antenna microstrip feedline, substrates, ground plane slot, and patch dimensions are varied to determine effects on antenna performance which eliminates the electrical connection between the radiating conductors and feed by employing dielectric substrates separated by a ground plane. If exact combination of slot and shape of feed is chosen, it gives an optimum impedance bandwidth with an improved radiation pattern.
Development of closed form design formulae for aperture coupled microstrip antenna
Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 2005
Closed form equations are presented for designing aperture coupled microstrip antennas to ensure impedance matching with the feed network with a low return loss over a wide frequency band. The features like compactness, integrability with printed circuits and shielding of the radiating patch from the radiation emanating from the feed structure etc. make these antennas attractive for present day scientific and industrial applications in fields like mobile computing and communication.
Optimum design of an aperture-coupled microstrip patch antenna
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2003
higher operating center frequency decreases from 2.71 GHz to 2.29 GHz, whereas the lower operating frequency remains nearly constant (ϳ1.9 GHz). This suggests that by varying the patch length, the frequency ratio of the two operating frequencies can be adjusted. It is also noted that the feed position d is fixed (17 mm) for the cases in Figure 3, and a better impedance match would be found by moving the feed point. A prototype of the proposed antenna with slot width S ϭ 1.2 mm was constructed for providing simulation validation. The measured and simulated results are presented in Figure 4, and a satisfactory agreement is obtained. From the measured results, the two frequency bands are centered at 1.9 and 2.4 GHz with 10-dB impedance bandwidths of 9% and 8.4%, respectively. Two principal radiation patterns of the prototype antenna with a group of parallel slots are also measured at the center frequencies of the two operating bands, as shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. The radiation patterns are similar to that of the conventional PIFA, and the peak gains are found to be about 1.7 dBi at 1.9 GHz and 4.3 dBi at 2.4 GHz. 4. CONCLUSION This paper has described the simulated and experimental results of the PIFA with a group of parallel slots embedded in the ground plane. The proposed antenna can provide dual-frequency operation and the frequency ratio can be tuned by varying the patch length. An example of the proposed antenna has been successfully implemented and designed for PCS (1.9 GHz) and WLAN (2.4 GHz) applications. Experimental results have shown that the radiation patterns in the two frequency bands are similar to that of a conventional PIFA.
Aperture coupled microstrip antenna with different substrate thickness
2013 IEEE 4th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, 2013
This paper is concerned on constructing, optimizing and analyzing the different thickness of substrate for aperture coupled microstrip antenna. The design is constructed with respect to 2.4GHz of centre frequency. Structures are design by using different substrate thickness ranging from 1.27mm to 2.54mm. The physical parameters are analyzed and optimized by using commercial computer simulation technology (CST) packages. The result of return loss (S 11), gain, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and frequency for different substrate thickness will be carried out. The antenna was then to be measured by vector network analyzer (VNA) to carry out its S 11 and VSWR result. The result from simulation and measurement are compared. This antenna promised for various communication applications such as wireless and antenna application.
Active and Passive Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna Design
Microstrip antennas has a few feeding technique applicable to them. One of them is the non-contacting feeds, which is the aperture-coupled feed techniques. The main mechanism of power transfer between its feed line and patch is the coupling mechanism through the aperture. This work is an effort to design, simulate, fabricate and measurement of passive and active rectangular patch with aperture coupled feed techniques. Simulation is being done using the Method of Moments (MoM). This is simulated in Microwave Office software. This design intends to focus on studying the differences in simulated and measured parameters of the antenna on its return loss, bandwidth and radiation pattern..