Vocabulary Instruction In Improving Students' Reading Comprehension In SD Negeri 8 Menteng Palangka Raya (original) (raw)

The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension at Second Grade of SMP N 11 Bandar Lampung


The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary and their reading comprehension skill. This is quantitative research. The population of the research was the students of the second grade of SMPN 11 Bandar Lampung. There were ten classes of second-grade students. The sample was taken by using simple random sampling and class VIII A was taken as the sample of the research. The research design was ex-post facto design; the researcher did not give treatment but collecting the data by seeing the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension skill after analyzing by using SPSS 16.0. The aim of reading comprehension skill and vocabulary mastery test were used as the instruments to measure the level of students’ comprehension skill and vocabulary mastery in this research. The result of the correlation analysis showed there was a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and readin...

The Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension in Descriptive Text at State Senior High School 2 Pekanbaru


ABSTRAK Nadya Aprilia (2019) Korelasi antara Penguasaan Kosakata Siswa dan Pemahaman Membaca Mereka dalam Teks Deskriptif di SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru Berdasarkan penelitian pendahuluan, ditemukan bahwa penguasaan kosakata siswa tidak baik di sekolah. Kemudian, mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kosa kata, juga ditemukan bahwa mereka masih memiliki kesalahan untuk menggunakan kata-kata konten, terdiri dari kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan. Dan kata fungsi, terdiri dari kata depan, artikel, dan kata ganti. Jadi, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara penguasaan kosakata siswa dan pemahaman bacaan mereka dalam teks deskriptif di SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional. Ada dua tes yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data untuk penelitian ini: tes kosakata dan tes membaca pemahaman. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 322 siswa. Kemudian, dalam mengambil sampel, peneliti menggunakan simple random sampling dan...

The Effect of Vocabulary Mastery Toward the Reading Comprehension Skill for the Students Grade VIII in the State of Junior High School in Bekasi District

Journal of English Language and Literature (JELL), 2018

This study aims to check out the effect of vocabulary mastery toward the reading comprehension skill in the State of Junior High School in Bekasi District. The method used in this research is expose facto with the correlation and regression analysis that is connecting between data showing the level vocabulary mastery toward the reading comprehension skill of students in the State of Junior High School in Bekasi District. Sampling was done by random sampling technique. The respondents are 80 students in this research. The research instruments were the test questions with multiple choice forms. The result showed that there is a significant influence of vocabulary mastery toward the reading comprehension skill of English Language on students Grade VIII in the State of Junior High School in Bekasi District. This is evidenced by the acquisition of Sig value. 0.003 <0.05 and th = 3.019. Variable vocabulary mastery contributed 13.86% in improving the reading comprehension skill

The Use of Context-Clue and Read Aloud Instruction to Enhance Junior High School Students’ Vocabulary Ability Through Literature (Comparative Study at SMPN 1 Cisarua, Bandung Barat)

Acuity : Journal of English Language Pedagogy, Literature and Culture, 1970

 The aim of this research is to find out the better method between context-clue and read aloud instruction to enhance students’ vocabulary. This research is quantitative research with comparative design. The research was conducted in SMPN 1 Cisarua, Bandung Barat. Population on this research was 8 grader of Junior High School and the sample was 8A grader that contain 30 students and 8B grader contain 32 students. 8A was given Context-Clue Instruction treatment and 8B was given Read Aloud Instruction Treatment. Statistic test that researcher used was Mann-Whitney Test. The result of this research showed there is no significant difference in enhancing vocabulary ability between students who are taught through context-clue instruction and students who are taught through read aloud instruction. Keywords: Vocabulary ability, Context-Clue Instruction, Read Aloud Instruction

The Correlation between Indonesian Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension

Al-Ta lim Journal, 2016

Exploring students’ background knowledge in pre-reading activities suggests the importance of interaction in the process of meaning making which requires appropriate vocabulary. Although many factors constitute students’ comprehension, vocabulary should be the main concern in EFL reading classes. Consistence with this premise, the current study was aimed at proving the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading achievement at the fourth semester of STKIP Dharma Bakti Lubuk Alung. This correlational study involved 70 students taken through cluster random sampling. Vocabulary and reading test were employed to determine the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. Through Correlation of Product Moment, coefficient correlation between two variables was found to be 0.61 with index correlation in r-table was 0.1617 for α= 0.05, suggesting that the coefficient correlation between two variables (rxy) t-calculated was bigger ...


Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra

This research is a kind of survey and aims to find out and analyze empirically the effect of reading habit and vocabulary mastery towards student's reading comprehension. The observed population of this research in state senior high school students in Central Jakarta. The sample was gained through simple random sampling which means that the researcher mixed the subjects in the population, so that they will be considerably the same. The collection of the data is done by preferential and objective tests at 2 independent variables (reading habit and vocabulary mastery) and 1 dependent variable (reading comprehension).. The gained data was then analyzed by using correlation technique and multiple regressions such as normality test and linearity test. The result of this research is 1) there are any significant effects of reading habit and vocabulary mastery altogether towards students' reading comprehension at State Senior High School in Central Jakarta. It is proved by Sig.=0.000<0.05 and F 0 = 42.001; 2) There is a significant effect of reading habit towards students' reading comprehension at State Senior High School in Central Jakarta. That is proved by the value Sig.= 0.011<0.05 and t 0 = 2.614; 3) There is a significant effect of vocabulary mastery towards students' reading comprehension at State Senior High School in Central Jakarta. This is proved by the value Sig. = 0.000<0.05 and t 0 = 8.066, it implies that to enhance students' reading comprehension, teacher must build reading habit and vocabulary mastery for achievement in learning process.

The Correlation between Vocabulary Achievement and Reading Comprehension

Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, 2021

The study investigated the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. Data were collected from 32 eighth grade students of SMPN 11 Palembang. The test item of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension were given to the students to measure their level of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The results were compared to find out the correlation between those variables. The result showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. The technique of collecting data was by using a test. A try out test was also done to find out the validity. After the data of the students’ vocabulary mastery and their achievement in reading comprehension were collected, the data werestatistically computed to find out the correlation between the two variables. The result of applying the pearson correlation shows that the coefficient correlation is 0. 807. It means that there is a significant...

Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of the Twelfth Grade Students of Sma Negeri 1 Batang Kuis Through Group Investigation Method

Kairos English Language Teaching Journal, 2017

Reading is not only about pronouncing written words correctly but also comprehending the text. It is not surprising that students have difficulties in reading comprehension. For example: Students cannot understand and share information of the text. Thus, there must be a method which can help them read effectively. Group Investigation method can help improve the students’ reading comprehension and motivation to read. The objectives of this research are to find out that Group Investigation method improves students’ reading comprehension and to describe the students’ responses towards learning teaching process of reading comprehension through the application of Group Investigation method. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted by applying Group Investigation method to the twelfth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Batang Kuis. After six meetings, it could be seen that there is a significant improvement of the students’ reading comprehension. ...