Mixture of Carbon-Dioxide and Liquefied Petroleum Gas as Refrigerants in Vapour Compression Refrigeration System: A Review (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), 2015
In this work, the performance of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), which has zero ozone depleting potential and very low global warming potential, was investigated as working fluid in the vapour compression refrigerating system as a possible alternative. The LPG used for the study consist the mixture of propane and butane in the ratio 60/40% by mass. An experimental refrigerator was developed as test rig and the rig was charged with 50g of LPG. Tests were carried out at various ambient temperatures, producing average ambient temperatures ranging from 27.5 to 33.5℃. A steady-state process design and operational analysis simulation software, SIMSCI/PROII, was used to determine the enthalpy values for LPG refrigerant. The values obtained were then used to calculate important performance parameters. The results showed that as the ambient temperature increases, the coefficient of performance (COP), and the refrigeration capacity decreases, but the compressor power input increases. The average compressor power consumption of LPG was 12.5% lower than that of R134a, while the average refrigeration capacity and COP of LPG were 4.2% and 11.16% higher, respectively, than those of R134a. Finally, the results showed that, the system performed better with LPG than R134a. Therefore, LPG refrigerant can be successfully adopted.
FUOYE Journal of Innovation Science and Technology, 2022
Common refrigerants in refrigeration and airconditioning units are economically cheap, readily available but environmentally unfriendly. Refrigerants such as Chloro-fluorocarbons, Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons and Hydrofluorocarbons are typical examples. It is therefore needful to concentrate efforts towards getting alternative or replacement of these refrigerants without compromising Coefficient Of Performance (COP), durability and efficiency of cooling system in a sustainable low cost of manufacturing. Experiments were performed to generate data with a view to observing the performance of Vapour Compression Refrigeration (VCR) system via parameters such as condensation temperature of 22 to 47°C and evaporation temperature of-14 to 10°C. Characterization of Vapour Compression refrigeration system was done in terms of cooling capacity and Coefficient of Performance during evaluation. Blends of refrigerant R134a and LNG used in this study revealed that LNG and R134a has COP range of 1.350; 1.308 and 0.860; 0.783 respectively at ambient temperature of 32 0 C respectively. The work however, suggested appropriate blend of LNG with R134a as a suitable replacement of R134a in VCR systems with a reduced environmental pollution without significantly affecting the optimum operational efficiency and Coefficient of Performance since LNG possesses zero Ozone Depletion Potential and considerably low Global Warming Potential of between 32 and 1300.
Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (JSAER), 3(4); 350-357, 2016
The design and construction of a refrigerator as a test rig, in investigating the performance of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), which has zero ozone depleting potential and very low global warming potential, as working fluid in vapour compression refrigerating system as a possible alternative. The design was made with these assumptions:(a) steady state operation; (b) no pressure loss through pipelines,; (c) heat losses or heat gains from or to the system are neglected and of 75% isentropic efficiency. The following heat sources are considered: transmission load,q t = (A)(U)(∆T), infiltration load, q a = m a (h o – h i), product load, q pa = (m)(c)(∆T), specific heat given off by the product in freezing, q f = mL f, , quantity of heat given off by the product in cooling from its freezing temperature to the final storage temperature, q pb = (m)(c)(∆T), light Load, q L = Light rating(W) x Time(S). The total cooling load capacity of the refrigerator was obtained summing the various sources of heat into the refrigerated space, q TCL = q t + q a + q pa + q f + q pb + q L. The total cooling load (Q TCL) in watt is obtained to be 0.27302 kW. Considering 10% of safety factor, = 0.027302 kW approximately =0.300322 kW. This average load is referred to as Required Equipment Capacity (REC), which is used as a basis for component selection. The required equipment capacity obtained was 0.451 kW. The desired running time is 16 hours/day. The joints were properly welded. The major bought out components are: the evaporator, the compressor, the condenser and the expansion device.
A Study Paper on LPG as an Alternative Refrigerant for Refrigeration
Domestic refrigerators consume approximately 17,500 metric tons of traditional refrigerants such as Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) every year which contribute to very high Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). There are many remote areas in India where electricity is not available, hence LPG as a refrigerant for refrigeration can be a better alternative. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is the combination of propane, isobutene and highest amount of butane with 56.4%. The use of LPG for refrigeration purpose can be eco-friendly since it has no ozone depletion potential (ODP). This paper deals with the study of Refrigeration with LPG as a refrigerant, the properties of LPG and its comparison with the other refrigerants
LPG as an Unconventional Refrigerant for Refrigeration
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2018
Need of air conditioning is increasing day by day. Many types of air conditioners are present in market. Some of them are working on electricity. But continuous supply of electricity is still not available in several areas and some of them are working on coolants like R134a, R12 and refrigerants such as CFC and HFC which contributes every year to very high ozone depletion and global warming. In our system, LPG is use as coolant for air conditioning system which contains a combination of propane, isobutene and high amount of butane. The use of LPG for a refrigeration purpose can be eco-friendly since it has negligible ozone depletion potential. In this project we use properties of LPG for air conditioning in domestic as well as automotive application by circulated with pressure difference through copper coils, situated in insulated casing. Results showed that the percentage of CFC and HFC completely eliminated.
Experimental Investigation of LPG as Refrigerant
Refrigeration has made the milestone in human life. Since from very long time the human being has developed so many ways of refrigeration for preserving food, cooling water etc. but yet the techniques are developing. The science of refrigeration hasdeveloped so many ways to improve our life style. The paper considers law of conservation of energy maximum utilization of the fossil fuel and saving energy. In this paper LPG is used as a refrigerant, instead of using closed cycle as it is used in normal practice (VCR), the open cycle has been used. Before burning the LPG in burner, it is passed through the expansion device and evaporator to produce the refrigeration effect without using electric energy. LPG is cheap and posses environmental friendly in nature with no ozone depletion potential.
Refrigeration System by Using LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas
This paper investigates the result of an experimental study carried out to determine the performance of domestic refrigerator when a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which is locally available which comprises of 24.4% propane, 56.4% butane and 17.2% isobutene which is varied from company to company is used as a Refrigerant. The LPG is cheaper and possesses an environmental friendly nature with no Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and no Global Warming Potential (GDP). It is used in world for cooking purposes. The refrigerator used in the present study is designed to work on LPG. The performance parameters investigated is the refrigeration effect in certain time. The refrigerator worked efficiently when LPG was used as a refrigerant instead of R134a. The evaporator temperature reached 5ᵒC with an ambient temperature of 35ᵒC. Also from the experiment which done in atmospheric condition, we can predict the optimum value of cooling effect with the suitable operating condition of regulating valve and capillary tube of the system.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014
https://www.ijert.org/experimental-studies-on-a-vapour-compression-refrigeration-system-using-hydrocarbon-mixtures-and-r-12-refrigerant https://www.ijert.org/research/experimental-studies-on-a-vapour-compression-refrigeration-system-using-hydrocarbon-mixtures-and-r-12-refrigerant-IJERTV3IS050581.pdf this work aims for development of one of the eco-friendly vapour compression refrigeration system. The present vapour compression refrigeration system uses R-134a refrigerant, which has many adverse effects, which is minimized by use of other alternative refrigerant. This work consists of using eco-friendly hydrocarbon gas mixture as refrigerant, which does not deplete ozone layer and it can be used in the commonly used system without any significant change in the system. In this analysis, the performance of vapour compression refrigeration system is assessed experimentally with two different refrigerants. Various parameters are measured, like compressor discharge temperature and pressure. The results obtained are compared and the optimum performance in terms of higher refrigeration effect, better heat transfer rate and COP are studied.
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2013
Vapour compression refrigeration is used in almost 80 % of the refrigeration industries in the world for refrigeration, heating, ventilating and air conditioning. The high-grade energy consumption of these devices is very high and the working substance creates environmental problems due to environmental unfriendly refrigerants such as chloroflurocarbons, hydrochloroflurocarbons and hydroflurocarbons. Heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration industries are searching for ways to increase performance, durability of equipments and energy efficiency in a sustainable way while reducing the cost of manufacturing. With the present refrigerants, environmental problems such as ozone layer depletion, global warming potential, green house gases and carbon emission are increasing day by day. In this paper, the popular refrigerant is thoroughly studied experimentally and recommendations are given for alternatives such as carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrocarbons and new artificially created fluid, Hydro-Fluoro-Olefin 1234yf by DuPont and Honeywell which exhibit good thermo-physical and environmental properties and will be commercialized in the near future.
Design Analysis and Performance of Low Cost Refrigeration System using LPG
Supply of continuous electricity is still not available in several areas of the country and the world. At such places, this work will be helpful for refrigeration of food, medicines, etc... This paper investigates the result of an experimental study carried out to determine the performance of domestic refrigerator when a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which is locally available which comprises of 24.4% propane, 56.4% butane and 17.2% isobutene which is varied from company to company is used as a Refrigerant. The LPG is cheaper and possesses an environmental friendly nature with no Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and no Global Warming Potential (GDP). It is used in world for cooking purposes. In this project we have designed and analyzed a refrigerator using LPG as refrigerant. As the pressure of LPG is high this stored in cylinder. As this pressurized LPG is passed through the capillary tube of small internal diameter, the pressure of LPG is decreased due to expansion and phase chang...