Culturable fungi associated with wood decay of Picea abies in subalpine forest soils: a field-mesocosm case study (original) (raw)

The diversity of wood-decaying fungi in relation to changing site conditions in an old-growth mountain spruce forest, Central Europe

European Journal of Forest Research, 2010

Studies on the relation of the diversity of wood-decaying fungi to elevation are scarce, and their results are not consistent. We found that the elevation gradient and structural characteristics of a Picea abies forest underlie changes in the species richness and composition of wood-decomposing fungi. The occurrence of macrofungal sporocarps on logs on the ground was recorded over 3 years in 12 study plots (total area 2.4 ha) on a mountain slope (1,220–1,335 m) in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic. The majority of species was more abundant in plots with a high mean volume of logs. The mean volume of logs was negatively related to elevation, which in turn had a negative influence on the occurrence of fungi. A negative relation of the high total volume of standing snags to the occurrence of fungi may be due to recent mortality caused by a bark beetle outbreak, albeit followed by the input of fresh logs that favoured a limited group of species. The diversity of fungi was also explained by the mean volumes of logs separated into decay classes. Numbers of red-listed species increased with the mean volume of logs and decreased with elevation. Large logs in later stages of decay provide essential habitat for the formation of sporocarps of red-listed species.

Fungal community dynamics in relation to substrate quality of decaying Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) logs in boreal forests

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2012

Decaying wood plays an important role in forest biodiversity, nutrient cycling and carbon balance. Community structure of wood-inhabiting fungi changes with mass loss of wood, but the relationship between substrate quality and decomposers is poorly understood. This limits the extent to which these ecosystem services can be effectively managed. We studied the fungal community and physico-chemical quality (stage of decay, dimensions, density, moisture, C : N ratio, lignin and water or ethanol extractives) of 543 Norway spruce logs in five unmanaged boreal forest sites of southern Finland. Fungi were identified using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing of DNA extracted directly from wood samples. Macroscopic fruiting bodies were also recorded. Results showed a fungal community succession with decreasing wood density and C : N ratio, and increasing moisture and lignin content. Fungal diversity peaked in the most decayed substrates. Ascomycetes typically colonized recently fallen wood. Brown-rot fungi preferred the intermediate decay stages. Whiterot fungi represented approximately one-fifth of sequenced species in all decay phases excluding the final phase, where ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi became dominant. Lignin content of logs with white-rot fungi was low, and ECM fungi were associated with substrates containing abundant nitrogen. Macroscopic fruiting bodies were observed for only a small number of species detected with molecular techniques.

Interactions between soil- and dead wood-inhabiting fungal communities during the decay of Norway spruce logs

The ISME Journal, 2017

We investigated the interaction between fungal communities of soil and dead wood substrates. For this, we applied molecular species identification and stable isotope tracking to both soil and decaying wood in an unmanaged boreal Norway spruce-dominated stand. Altogether, we recorded 1990 operational taxonomic units, out of which more than 600 were shared by both substrates and 589 were found to exclusively inhabit wood. On average the soil was more species-rich than the decaying wood, but the species richness in dead wood increased monotonically along the decay gradient, reaching the same species richness and community composition as soil in the late stages. Decaying logs at all decay stages locally influenced the fungal communities from soil, some fungal species occurring in soil only under decaying wood. Stable isotope analyses suggest that mycorrhizal species colonising dead wood in the late decay stages actively transfer nitrogen and carbon between soil and host plants. Most importantly, Piloderma sphaerosporum and Tylospora sp. mycorrhizal species were highly abundant in decayed wood. Soil-and wood-inhabiting fungal communities interact at all decay phases of wood that has important implications in fungal community dynamics and thus nutrient transportation.

Fungal communities and their association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria affect early decomposition of Norway spruce deadwood

Scientific Reports

Deadwood decomposition is relevant in nature and wood inhabiting fungi (WIF) are its main decomposers. However, climate influence on WIF community and their interactions with bacteria are poorly understood. Therefore, we set up an in-field mesocosm experiment in the Italian Alps and monitored the effect of slope exposure (north- vs. south-facing slope) on the decomposition of Picea abies wood blocks and their microbiome over two years. Unlike fungal richness and diversity, we observed compositional and functional differences in the WIF communities as a function of exposure. Wood-degrading operational taxonomic units (OTUs) such as Mycena, and mycorrhizal and endophytic OTUs were characteristic of the south-facing slope. On the north-facing one, Mucoromycota, primarily Mucor, were abundant and mixotrophic basidiomycetes with limited lignin-degrading capacities had a higher prevalence compared to the southern slope. The colder, more humid conditions and prolonged snow-coverage at nort...

Relationship between wood-inhabiting fungi determined by molecular analysis (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and quality of decaying logs

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2010

We investigated the fungal communities inhabiting decaying logs in a seminatural boreal forest stand in relation to host tree species, stage of decay, density, diameter, moisture, C to N ratio, Klason lignin content, and water-and ethanol-soluble extractives. Communities were profiled using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting of the rDNA ITS1 region coupled with sequencing of fungal DNA extracted directly from the wood. In addition, polypore fruit bodies were inventoried. Logs from different tree species had different fungal communities and different physicochemical properties (e.g., C to N ratio, density, ethanol extractives, and diameter). Ascomycetes comprised a larger portion of communities inhabiting deciduous birch (Betula spp.) and European aspen (Populus tremula L.) logs compared with those living on coniferous Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). A relationship between mycelial community structure and density of decaying spruce logs suggested a succession of fungi with mass loss of wood. The fruit body inventory underestimated fungal diversity in comparison with the culture-free denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis that also detected inconspicuous but important species inhabiting decaying wood.

Wood-inhabiting fungal communities in woody debris of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), as reflected by sporocarps, mycelial isolations and T-RFLP identification

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2000

Wood-inhabiting fungi play a key role in forest ecosystems and constitute an essential part of forest biodiversity. We therefore examined the composition and abundance of wood-inhabiting fungi by three methods: sporocarp counts, mycelial culturing and direct amplification of internal transcribed spacer terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism from wood combined with sequencing of reference rDNA. Seven-year-old slash piles left after a thinning were analyzed in a 50-year-old Norway spruce plantation. Fifty-eight fungal species were detected from the piled branches and treetops. More species were revealed by sporocarp counts and cultured mycelia than by direct amplification from wood. In principle, sporocarp monitoring may reveal all fruiting taxa, but it poorly reflects their relative abundance in the wood. In contrast, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism will record the most frequent fungal taxa in the wood, but it may overlook uncommon taxa. Culturing mycelia from wood gives a bias towards species favoured by the cultural medium. The results demonstrate the advantage and the limitations of these methods to be considered in analyses of fungal communities in wood.

Wood-inhabiting fungal communities inwoodydebrisofNorway spruce(Picea abies (L.)Karst.), as re£ected bysporocarps,mycelial isolationsandT-RFLP identi¢cation

Wood-inhabiting fungi play a key role in forest ecosystems and constitute an essential part of forest biodiversity. We therefore examined the composition and abundance of wood-inhabiting fungi by three methods: sporocarp counts, mycelial culturing and direct amplification of internal transcribed spacer terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism from wood combined with sequencing of reference rDNA. Seven-year-old slash piles left after a thinning were analyzed in a 50-year-old Norway spruce plantation. Fifty-eight fungal species were detected from the piled branches and treetops. More species were revealed by sporocarp counts and cultured mycelia than by direct amplification from wood. In principle, sporocarp monitoring may reveal all fruiting taxa, but it poorly reflects their relative abundance in the wood. In contrast, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism will record the most frequent fungal taxa in the wood, but it may overlook uncommon taxa. Culturing mycelia from wood gives a bias towards species favoured by the cultural medium. The results demonstrate the advantage and the limitations of these methods to be considered in analyses of fungal communities in wood.

Linking molecular deadwood-inhabiting fungal diversity and community dynamics to ecosystem functions and processes in Central European forests

Fungal Diversity, 2015

Fungi play vital roles in the decomposition of deadwood due to their secretion of various enzymes that break down plant cell-wall complexes. The compositions of woodinhabiting fungal (WIF) communities change over the course of the decomposition process as the remaining mass of wood decreases and both abiotic and biotic conditions of the wood significantly change. It is currently not resolved which substrate-related factors govern these changes in WIF communities and whether such changes influence the deadwood decomposition rate. Here we report a study on fungal richness and community structure in deadwood of Norway spruce and European beech in temperate forest ecosystems using 454 pyrosequencing. Our aims were to disentangle the factors that correspond to WIF community composition and to investigate the links between fungal richness, taxonomically-resolved fungal identity, and microbial-mediated ecosystem functions and processes by analyzing physico-chemical wood properties, lignin-modifying enzyme activities and wood decomposition rates. Unlike fungal richness, we found significant differences in community structure between deadwood of different tree species. The composition of WIF communities was related to the physico-chemical properties of the deadwood substrates. Decomposition rates and the activities of ligninmodifying enzymes were controlled by the succession of the fungal communities and competition scenarios rather than fungal OTU richness. Our results provide further insights into links between fungal community structure and microbialmediated ecosystem functions and processes.