The conceptualisation of sunrise, sunset and nightfall in Galician (original) (raw)
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A conceptualización do amencer, do atardecer e do anoitecer en galego
Carmen Mellado Blanco, Belén López Meirama e M. Carmen Losada Aldrey (eds.), Modelos de análisis en la fraseología de las lenguas europeas ( = Anexo monográfico nº XVII de LINRED. Lingüística en la red), 2020
O obxectivo deste traballo é analizar as diferentes maneiras de conceptualizar en lingua galega o amencer, o atardecer e o anoitecer, entendidos como procesos naturais e como períodos temporais. Con esta finalidade, conformamos un corpus de expresións tiradas sobre todo de fontes que recollen lingua oral, e estudamos, no marco da semántica cognitiva, as diferentes motivacións subxacentes ás expresións. O traballo amosa unha considerable riqueza de expresións e dominios fonte e entre estes últimos destacan, pola súa produtividade e frecuencia, o aparente movemento do sol e a presenza / ausencia de luz. Ao mesmo tempo, a análise mostra a existencia de paralelismos destacados na conceptualización do amencer e do atardecer / anoitecer. The aim of this study is to analyse the different ways in which the Galician language conceptualises sunrise, sunset and dusk, understood as natural processes and as periods of time. For this purpose, we created a corpus of expressions drawn mainly from sources that collect oral language, and, within the framework of cognitive semantics, we studied the different motivations underlying the expressions. The study presents a considerable wealth of expressions and source domains. Due to their productivity and frequency, the most outstanding source domains are the apparent movement of the sun and the presence / absence of light. At the same time, the analysis shows the existence of prominent parallelisms in the conceptualisation of sunrise and sunset / nightfall.
Aínda que a proxección do Quijote cervantino pertence ó ámbito da universalidade literaria, o cervantismo atopa unha chea de suxestións cargadas de interese na recepción da obra orixinal polos moi diferentes pobos que conforman a hispanidade e 1997. Polo que toca ás recreacións galegas da novela de Cervantes, unha cousa é falar de obras escritas en castelán e adicadas ás aventuras de Don Quixote en Galicia (Suárez Pedreira 1946) e outra é falar de obras escritas en galego non soamente adicadas ás andanzas do personaxe por terras galegas, senón tamén claramente significativas dunha visión galega do mundo, e dun xeito máis concreto, dunha revisión galega do universo quixotesco. Este é o caso da recreación de Bernardo Vázquez Xil A da alba sería (Vázquez Xil 1996) 1 , onde Don Quixote e Sancho Panza protagonizan aventuras que manteñen relación co rexistro temático xa definido por Cervantes -algunhas máis afastadas da procura cervantina da verosimilitude, coma a da loita co tritón 2 , e outras ben disparatadas coma o do combate de ventosidades ó que asisten os protagonistas 3 -, e tamén teñen parte en feitos e situacións ben propios da identidade galega, como a visita ó santo en Santiago de Compostela, as peripecias co Botafumeiro 4 , e o encontro e a pelexa coa Santa Compaña 5 .
Territorio, paisajes, identidad (Galicia) / Territory, landscapes, identity (Galicia, Spain)
Nimbus, ISSN 1139-7136, 29/30: 189-199, 2012
Territorio y paisaje son referentes de primer orden ligados al tejido de la identidad colectiva en movimiento. La relación territorio-paisaje-identidad imbrica significados y valores de diferentes ámbitos culturales. El planteamiento para un primer análisis parte de las cualidades dinámicas en el marco de un sistema complejo, considerando como fenómeno clave la identificación y articulación de “lo propio” por un colectivo de emigrantes. Del desarrollo de este enfoque resultan una serie de categorías analíticas en Galicia, destacando la valoración de los componentes naturales.
Estellés en anglès: nights that make the night or a shot in the dark
Una de les maneres d’analitzar la recepció internacional d’un autor és comprovar la quantitat i la qualitat de les traduccions de la seva obra. En aquest article, s’estudia la contribució en llengua anglesa feta pel professor, traductor i poeta nord-americà David H. Rosenthal amb l’edició de l’antologia Nights That Make the Night. One way of assessing the way an author has been received worldwide is to examine the quantity and quality of the translations of his work. This article studies the contribution made by the American professor, translator and poet David H. Rosenthal, who published the anthology in English entitled Nights that Make the Night.
Madrider Mitteilungen, 55, 2014, págs. 443-485, 2015
The symbolic landscapes of three different areas of the western part of Ourense province are studied. They belong to twod ifferent periods. Firstly we study three big hill-forts (oppida) of the Second Iron Age, their continuity under Roman Empire and their relation with relevant solar orientations that bring into the argument another kind of archaeological entities defined as sanctuaries. We detect, then, a dual model of territorial appropriation formed by the hill-fort and the sanctuary linked by solar relations. Secondly we study the earlier testimonies of evangelization available for every case, and we notice how evangelization reads, in some way, the previous local cultural landscapes and use them following a common Christian inspiration with different manifestations. Finally we will try to outline a historical characterization of these observations, we want to stress the fact that we have left multiple questions opened around a study whose relevance we are, in fact, proposing now: how is a landscape evangelized? Key words: Galice – Iron Age – Early Middle Age – evangelization – landscape –archaeoastronomy.
Algunos fenómenos sintácticos del español en Galicia (1767-1806)
Anuario de Estudios Filológicos, 2012
Although Galician Spanish language research has been recently increased (García y Blanco 1998; Monteagudo y Santamarina 1993; Rojo 2004), a lot of job is still to do in order to characterize previous linguistic states. To reduce this lack of studies, private letters from Vigo and A Coruña to Buenos Aires, dated between 1767 and 1806, have been syntactically analyzed in this paper. These letters are written on Spanish but some linguistic phenomena may be understood through Spanish and Galician language contact. The present syntactic characterization specifically pays attention to object category and verbal system. Related to first question, case maintenance, de-pronominalization and indirect object duplication, reflexive pronouns and differential object marking have been observed. About verbal system, canté and he cantado opposition and periphrastic uses with similar values, future expression, ser and estar confusion, -ra and –se forms presence and syntactic distribution and, finally, future subjunctive mood have been studied.
"Rochaforte" (Galician, Spanish and English text)
"In the historical course of Santiago de Compostela there are outstanding gaps and absences, forgotten places hidden in the embankments of History. This book seeks to return to the city one such absent landscape: the Castle of A Rocha Forte. For two centuries, between mid-13th and mid-15th century, Santiago boasted a formidable fortress, the biggest in the Kingdom of Galicia and among the most spectacular in the Iberian Peninsula. An imposing building, the archbishop’s dwelling, an impregnable stronghold, a true fortified city… A Rocha Forte was many things, but first and foremost, a key site in the struggle for power in the Late Middle Ages between the city councillors and the archbishops".