Koperasi Dalam Perspekti Maqashid Syariah (original) (raw)

Koperasi Berbasis Syariah

Koperasi Syariah adalah koperasi yang prinsip kegiatan, tujuan dan kegiatan usahanya berdasarkan pada syariah islam yaitu Al-Quran dan Assunah. Ataupun pengertian umum dari Koperasi Syariah adalah badan usaha koperaso yang menjlankan usahanya dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Apabila koperasi memiliki unit usaha produktif simpan pinjam, maka seluruh produk dan opersionalnya harus dilaksanakan dengan mengacu kepada fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN) Majelis Ulama Indonesia(MUI). koperasi Syariah adalah terobosan baru dari sebuah koperasi yang kini kian terkenal atau lebih maju dari koperasi konvensional

Koperasi dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam (Telaah Kritis Pemikiran Hukum Islam Taqiyyuddin al-Nabhani)

Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2018

Cooperatives, originally emerging from the West, have grown in Muslim-majority countries, such as Indonesia. Modern Muslim scholars differ on the permissibility of cooperatives in Islamic law. Among the scholars who disallowed it is Taqiyyuddin al-Nabhani, who firmly declares that cooperative is not legal according Islamic law. The reason given by al-Nabhani is that within the cooperative there is no element of body as the subject of law, and also the distribution of profit in the cooperative is based on services that are not justified. But if it is analyzed carefully, it can be seen that in cooperatives there are already elements of the body in the form of board, and also the division of profit based on the service is essentially the division of profit based on work, so it is not contrary to the rules of Shari'a. This paper concludes that the cooperative is incorporated into the various contracts that have been discussed by the classical scholars, so the legal status of the coo...

Konteks Produksi Ditinjau Dari Maqashid Al-Syariah


Production has an important role in the process of economic activity in meeting human needs. In theory, human needs are not limited, while the means of satisfying needs are limited, so they need to be accompanied by good stages in production according to Islamic teachings. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of maqashid Al sharia in good and correct production activities according to Islamic teachings, namely guided by the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data collection technique is using the method of documentation and literature study. The research results obtained are that the production context in terms of maqashid Al sharia has motives for benefit, needs and obligations so that the production principle must be based on Islamic values ​​and production priorities must be in accordance with the stages of human needs, namely starting from dharuriyyat, then hajyiyat and finally tahsiniyat. This...

Koperasi Syariah Dan Umkm


Koperasi dan UKM adalah bagian integral global bisnis nasional,memiliki kedudukan, potensi, dan peranan yang sangat krusial dan strategis padamewujudkan tujuan pembangunan ekonomi dan memecahkan perkara ekonomidalam khususnya. Berbagai cara sudah dipakai insan buat memecahkanpermasahan ekonomi yang sudah dihadapi galat satunya merupakan koperasi. Koperasi merupakan badan bisnis yang beranggotakan orang seseorang atau badan aturan koperasi menggunakan melandaskan kegiatannya dari prinsip koperasi sekaligus menjadi gerakan ekonomi warga yang dari atas asas kekeluargaan, bisa berperan pada proses pemerataan dan peningkatan pendapatan warga dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan berperan pada mewujudkan stabilitas nasional dalam biasanya & stabilitas ekonomi dalam khususnya.