The Effectiveness of Smart Jakarta Card Program at Islamic Senior High Schools (original) (raw)
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Implementation of Jakarta Pintar Card (KJP) (An Analysis of Education Policy)
Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2020
Education is one of the determining factors for the progress of the nation in the future. To create education that can support its progress, all components of the nation must be integrated and support education programs and policies. Jakarta Smart Card as a new breakthrough in the world of education in DKI Jakarta Province, comes as a support to invest in education. The purpose of writing this journal is to analyze the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's policy in the form of providing Education assistance through the Jakarta Smart Card, both in terms of understanding, the amount of costs obtained and other benefits that can be enjoyed by the recipient of these funds. This research is a descriptive qualitative research in the form of literature study where the data collected will be analyzed which is supported by comprehensive observations regarding the existence of KJP, its essence and substance in improving the quality of education in DKI Jakarta to date. This study concludes ...
Evaluation of the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) Program for the Vocational Schools in Surakarta City
Proceedings of the 1st UPY International Conference on Education and Social Science (UPINCESS 2022), 2022
Poverty is still become the main challenge faced by the Government of Indonesia, counted if 10.1% of Indonesian are still living under the poverty line, meanwhile, 2.9% are living under 1.9 US$ per day. The high number of poverty affected the unequal access to education. The education assistance program, which was implemented using the Indonesia Smart Card or Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) aimed to increase equal access to education for the poor people. The study is conducted by applying the evaluative method, to assess the governance of the Smart Indonesia Card (Kartu Indonesia Pintar, KIP) program for the vocational schools in Surakarta City, Indonesia. The research population is the vocational schools in the Surakarta city area, which were analyzed by the qualitative method, the data obtained by using the deep interview and observation, also documentation analysis which was validated by triangulating the sources, then analyzed by using the CIPP framework, which measures successfulness based on context, input, process, and product parameters. The results of the study indicate that the KIP program has been running effectively and has received a positive response from the community in terms of funding. Some aspects that must be considered to improve the KIP implementation are: [1] the invalid data collection process for people receiving KIP, improper distribution and use of funds according to the target [2], the KIP quota not being fulfilled for all targets of the poor [3], the lack of a significant impact on the learning achievement of the students of the KIP program. Concluded that the KIP program's existence may also minimize dropout rates. To ensure the program's long-term viability, this should be balanced with the competency output of competent and excellent graduates.
The Effectiveness of The Smart Indonesia Program in Sosa District
Journal of educational sciences, 2021
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program in Sosa District. This study used an evaluation research model, namely the Evaluation Countenance Stake model with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all 153 students who received the Smart Indonesia Program for Senior High Schools in Sosa District, and the sample was taken using Isaac Michael's table totaling 105 people with an error rate of 5%. The data were obtained using questionnaires and interviews, then analyzed descriptively by statistical means. The results of this study indicate that in general the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program in Sosa sub-district has been carried out well. Furthermore, when viewed from several aspects related to the implementation of this program, the antecedent aspect is in the very good category, the Transaction aspect is in the good category, and the output aspect is in the good category. Thus, it can be stated that the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program in Sosa sub-district has been carried out effectively, however, to be even more effective in implementing this program, it is hoped that the program implementers involved will be more selective in the process of submitting prospective recipients of the Smart Indonesia program, providing socialization to students and parents regarding the distribution of the Indonesia Pinta Program, and forming a monitoring team on the use of funds for the Smart Indonesia Program.
Socialization of Jakarta Pintar Plus Card Program in Jatinegara Subdistrict, East Jakarta City
One of the efforts made by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta in the field of education is through the Jakarta Pintar Plus Card (KJP-Plus) program stipulated in the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 4 of 2018. KJP-Plus is a strategic program to provide access for the citizens of DKI Jakarta from the community can not afford to get a minimum education until the completion of high school / vocational school with full paid from the APBD funds of DKI Jakarta Province. However, the implementation of socialization in the program has not been carried out optimally. This is because the community still does not understand the purpose and benefits of the program. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out the extent of socialization in the KJP-Plus program in the District Jatinegara, East Jakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observations, documentation and literature studies. The result of this research is that in the socialization of the KJP-Plus program there are still people who have never participated in socialization activities, schools as implementers of programs that are less active in conveying information, information submitted in no detail, as well as disturbances in the implementation of socialization such as signal disturbances, unfavourable community behavior, and low public education.
Quality of Jakarta Smart Card Services in East Jakarta
BASKARA : Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship
The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of service Jakarta Smart Card in East Jakarta. This study uses Home Visits Service Quality with indicator: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsive, Assurance, and Empathy. This method used is descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses analysis models from Miles and Huberman, and data validity testing uses triangulation techniques from Moleong. The results of the study stated that the Quality of Smart Jakarta Card Services in East Jakarta has run according to Service Quality theory. Tangibles: facilities and infrastructure used by the school in carrying out the distribution and service of smart Jakarta cards to students is adequate, starting from the computerization and administration system. Reliability: the provision of services in Jakarta Smart Card or operator friendly and efficient in providing services, related to the provision of information about J...
Education in Indonesia is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Education in Indonesia is regulated by Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. The government issued Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 concerning the Smart Indonesia Program. This study aims to find out how to implement the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 19 of 2016 regarding the Smart Indonesia Program in Bojonegoro Regency. The theory used in this research uses the theory of George Edward III with a descriptive qualitative approach. To achieve these objectives using data collection methods by observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that.
The Evaluation of “Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka” Program: A Breakthrough or a Wrong Way
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
The Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (hereinafter, MBKM) or independence campus provides opportunities for students and lecturers to strengthen student-based learning programs. This program also supports students’ soft skills in their learning process. This paper aims to evaluate the implementation of this program in teaching and learning activities to improve the quality of education in private universities in Indonesia. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires through an online survey. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyze the data. The results show that for students who have participated in the MBKM program, it provides benefits such as providing additional competence in solving problems, improving soft skills, competence for job opportunities, and competence for post-college preparation. As for the lecturers themselves, they will increase their capacity by internalizing the MKBM program...
This article reviews the public policy of the Smart Indonesia Program. Qualitative research approach with descriptive method. The data were processed by in-depth interviews, observations and document review. The data were analyzed descriptively with a phenemological case study. The results of the study show that as a public policy, the Smart Indonesia program is able to alleviate poverty in the field of education for the poor with the cooperation of related parties and equalization of education for students in Konawe Regency. The implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program was analyzed in terms of the dimensions of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. Program effectiveness needs to be determined by the program monitoring team. The school continues to proactively carry out monitoring, evaluation and guidance as well as to parents and recipient students so that the program funds used are targeted and effective in assisting student education.
School Based Management at Privat Islamic Junior High School at South Jakarta
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technology and Educational Science, 2019
The research is aimed to discover the implementation of school based management from It’s success factors, the benefit and the constraints faced and evaluating from the compatibility of context, input process and product at privat Madrasah Tsanawiyah in south Jakarta. The method used is qualitative descriptive and CIPP evaluation. The data is gained by using document study, observation, Interview, questionaire, Field note and they were analyzed by using triangulation method and data reduction.