Prediyabet Tanılı Hastaların Sosyodemografik ve Klinik Durumları ve Engellilik ile İlişkisi (original) (raw)
2019, Sakarya Medical Journal
Objective In this study, we aimed to describe the sociodemographic and clinical status of the patients with prediabetes in an internal medicine outpatient clinic of a tertiary center. (Sakarya Med J 2019, 9(2):319-325) Materials and Methods Participants included in this study were chosen among patients who applied to Kayseri City Hospital between June 2018 and December 2018. Inclusion criteria for participants were aged between 18-65 and blood glucose levels in prediabetic range (n=96). Participants' age, gender, marital status, salary, education, profession, employment, smoking status, alcohol use, height, weight, body mass index, insulin resistance were based on self-report and our measurements. Results Half of the patients with prediabetes was in IFG (n=50) and the subgroup with fewest patients was IGT (n=14) in our study also. Combined group (IFG + IGT) was higher (n=32). Seventy-one of the patients were female (74%). Twenty-three patients smoked at anytime and mean pack-years was 27.78 (min:1, max:95, sd: 23.55), 93 patients (96.7%) never used alcohol. Fifteen patients were retired, and disablement was the cause of only one of them. The ratio of insulin-resistant patients was 50%. Marital status of patients was one single, 89 married, five widows/widower, one divorced. There was a higher rate of obesity in prediabetic patients in our study. Ratio of BMI according to cutoff points was 1%, 9%, 18%, 68.76% for ≤ 18.5 kg/m2; 18.6-24.9 kg/m2; 18 % 25.0-29.9 kg/m2; 68.76 % ≥30 kg/m2, respectively. Median and mean HAQ-DI scores were 0.125 (IQR: 0-0.625) and 0.384 (SD:0.534) respectively. 67 patients (69.9%) did not have any disability (HAQ-DI score was 0-0.375). Conclusion Prediabetes is an increasingly common disease, leading to severe morbidities. Most patients are obese and female. Most female patients of prediabetic patients were housewives. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of people with these characteristics, especially those with a high risk of prediabetes, can prevent the development of diabetes. Keywords disability; prediabetes; sociodemographic Öz Amaç Bu çalışmada 3. basamak iç hastalıkları polikliniğine başvuran prediyabetik hastalarda sosyodemografik ve klinik verileri tanımlamayı ve engellilik ile ilişkisini araştırmayı amaçladık.