2021, GESJ: Musicology and Cultural Science 2021|No.1(23)
Nowadays, when, against the cascade of technological innovations, prospects of mankind to be transformed into an inter planetary civilization has been clearly shaped, the special topicality is attributed to the relations of civilization processes with synergic nature, topics of cultural memory and traditions. As far as a human is an "open" anthropological phenomenon, transformation process of its genetic code is at an extremely slow pace, but is going on. The process of permanent renewal of the worldview model under the influence of changes in social formations is more comprehensive and evident. Modern reality is like this: musical art which has switched to the road of secularization has again actively turned to mysticism, mythological and religious sets of themes (mostly, without the concept of God) since music, proceeding from its specificity, can best convey the essence of mysticism. As astonishing as it can be, but ever since the 20th century, unprecedented progress in science and technology, and along with theoretical advances, practical steps towards the assimilation of space have further emphasized the mystery of the boundlessness of the universe, thus increasing the ontological depth of musical opuses, have revealed the charismatic contents of the ideas integrated into them, have strengthened the intensiveness and manifestation area of the "mystical." The planetary cognition, too, incorporated into the opuses, has been widened; and still, against the background of the cascade of technological innovations, many questions connected with the future of music are pierced with a futurist curiosity: what opportunities are open for the composing experiments at the level of idea and at the level of stylistic thinking? Will there be rethinking of the phenomena of composer, performer or musical audience? How will the transcendent or ethical function and aim of music be changed? what dialectical links will be formed between the scientific and technological progress and the creative process? What values will cultural memory be based on in the light of cultural-anthropological coevolution and technoculture?; will it not cause ontological desacralization of humans as well as changes in the mental and psychological essences of social and cultural being? What will the psycho-emotional perception of the cultural legacy of former epochs be like? It is also interesting, what constants of musical creative process will remain unchanged against the background of the expected complex changes? And if so, why?