Smart Crime Science and Shabby Control Technologies (original) (raw)
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Today everyone in this world using technology. Some of them use technology in good sense but some use it as a weapon. In this project I dealt with how technology become a new face of criminals. How criminals uses technology to achieve their goals. I have gone through doctrinal research.
Fed. Probation, 2008
TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION is a double-edged sword in the field of criminal justice. It has the potential to dramatically improve both the efficiency and the effectiveness of the criminal justice system; but it also has the potential to divert critical resources away from more traditional crime prevention and control strategies that may actually make us safer, without the negative side effects (such as erosion of personal freedom, increased public distrust, and emphasis on coercive control). Recent changes in the technology area generally-and in the area of information technology in particularhave been so dramatic and profound that they deserve special attention and critical review. Technological advances and innovations have been decried by some as a cause of crime and embraced by others as a solution to our crime problem. As I demonstrate in this article, it is important to consider new technology both in terms of crime causation and crime prevention and crime control, because if history is our guide-and in this case it needs to be-there will invariably be both intended and unintended consequences for any new technological innovation in each area (Marx, 2007). It is my intent to provide readers with an examination of a wide range of new technological innovations that have applications in the areas of crime commission, crime prevention, and crime control (by police, courts, and corrections). In presenting this review, I offer a description of recent technological innovations, along with my
Current and emerging technologies employed to abate crime and to promote security
This chapter reviews the juggernaut of surveillance technologies that have been (in the last three decades) and are constantly being developed around the world. It examines their technological capacities in detail, and highlights the enormous potential they have for good. On the other side of the coin, the intrusive and invasive power of the new technologies requires laws and policies that can hold accountable those who use and misuse surveillance tools. Legislators and policy-makers the world over need to be mindful of the challenges that confront them and problems that await them if they are to remain abreast of current developments. In book: The Routledge Handbook of International Crime and Justice Studies, Edition: 1st, Chapter: Current and emerging technologies employed to abate crime and to promote security, Publisher: Routledge, Editors: Bruce A Arrigo and Heather Y Bersot, pp.327-349
Scientifically, nations of the world are benefiting and will continue to appropriate the opportunities that computer cum Internet revolution offer; since this had occasioned the flatness in access to both information and products that seemed hitherto impossible. However, despite the advantages attributable to technological breakthroughs in the field of science, the global community is yet to recover from the manifest functions closely knitted with major unfolding scenario and part of which is located in e-crime and other deviant behaviors affecting e-relationship. Consequently, this paper attempts the evaluation of the negative impact of the Internet technology from the context of crime mostly emanating from the young people. It also establishes a linkage between scientific and crimogenic breakthroughs in the global community and finally presents an advocacy for a more safe science that is capable of minimizing and monitoring the effect of its uses.
Utilizing ICT to Fight against Crime: Emerging ICT Tools, Forms of Crime and Its Solutions
Abstract-Malefaction, policing and security are enabled by and co-evolve with technologies that make them possible. As malefactors compete with security and policing officials for technological advantage perpetually intricate malefaction, policing and security results in relatively perplexing and therefore unmanageable threats to society. Incipient, adaptive and mundane malefactions emerge over time to engender technology malefaction waves, the magnitude of which can theoretically be quantified, compared and presaged. These principles underscore an incipient theory of technology-enabled malefaction, policing and security pertinent for understanding contemporary threats posed by emerging forms of cybercrime, transnational malefaction and terrorism networks that defy traditional methods malefactor equity and security measures for averting and controlling malefaction. The exordium of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are rapidly transmuting the way of public interact no...
This paper examines how forensic science and technology are reshaping crime investigation, prosecution and the administration of criminal justice. It illustrates the profound effect of new scientific techniques, data collection devices and mathematical analytical procedures on the traditional criminal justice system. These blur the boundary between the innocent person, the suspect, the accused and the convicted. They also blur the boundary between evidence collection, testing its veracity and probative value, the adjudication of guilt and punishment. The entire process is being automated and temporally and procedurally compressed. At the same time, the start and finish of the criminal justice process are now indefinite and indistinct as a result of the introduction of mass surveillance and the erosion against ‘double jeopardy’ protections caused by scientific advances that make it possible to revisit conclusions reached in the distant past. This, we argue, indicates a move towards a system of ‘automatic justice’ that is mediated by technology in ways that minimise human agency and undercuts the due process safeguards built into the traditional criminal justice model. The paper concludes that in order to re-balance the relationship between state and citizen in an automatic criminal justice system, we may need to accept the limitations of the existing criminal procedure framework and deploy privacy and data protection law which are now highly relevant to criminal justice.
Special Issue: Crime and Control in the Digital Era
Criminal Justice Review
In the digital age, “eyes” are complemented by technologies such as smartphones, “apps,” or body worn cameras, giving expression to new ways of depicting what happens in public space. This special issue (SI) brings together five articles that characterize the nature of control, surveillance, and guardianship in the context of today’s technological advancements. The articles help inform criminology by reporting on examples and impacts of technologies as well as by providing a better understanding of how the massive use of these technologies and new practices might be just redefining public space.
Information Communication Technology & Crime: the Future of Criminology
Fino ad oggi il XXI secolo può essere considerato come il secolo della rivoluzione tecnologica. L'incremento dei flussi comunicativi ha prodotto un'evoluzione nell'economia globale e nella diffusione globale di Internet e della telefonia mobile in cui le nostre vite sono immerse. Tutto ciò rappresenta il principale fattore di cambiamento sociale. Nuovi modelli di devianza e di criminalità possono essere reperiti nel cyberspazio così come i gruppi terroristi tradizionali ricorrono ad un uso massivo dei nuovi media. Tuttavia, occorrerà prestare un'attenzione speciale al fenomeno denominato Jihad Digitale. Quale ruolo giocano i media nel terrorismo contemporaneo? Che cosa sono Infowar, Netwar e Mediawar? Che riflessioni effettuare sulla cultura del crimine e sulle sue relazioni con la tecnologia? Che cos'è l'Open Source INTelligence? Oggi il criminologo deve conoscere l'importanza della cultura digitale, così come egli necessita di un possedere un bagaglio di conoscenze relativo alle tecnologie dell'informazione e delle comunicazioni al fine di prevenire e reprimere il crimine. Egli utilizza le sue competenze anche nell'oceano dell'open source per prevedere i trend del crimine del futuro.
Automatic justice? Technology, Crime and Social Control
This paper examines how forensic science and technology are reshaping crime investigation, prosecution and the administration of criminal justice. It illustrates the profound effect of new scientific techniques, data collection devices and mathematical analytical procedures on the traditional criminal justice system. These blur the boundary between the innocent person, the suspect, the accused and the convicted. They also blur the boundary between evidence collection, testing its veracity and probative value, the adjudication of guilt and punishment. The entire process is being automated and temporally and procedurally compressed. At the same time, the start and finish of the criminal justice process are now indefinite and indistinct as a result of the introduction of mass surveillance and the erosion against ‘double jeopardy’ protections caused by scientific advances that make it possible to revisit conclusions reached in the distant past. This, we argue, indicates a move towards a system of ‘automatic justice’ that is mediated by technology in ways that minimise human agency and undercuts the due process safeguards built into the traditional criminal justice model. The paper concludes that in order to re-balance the relationship between state and citizen in an automatic criminal justice system, we may need to accept the limitations of the existing criminal procedure framework and deploy privacy and data protection law which are now highly relevant to criminal justice.
Impact of emerging technology on recent criminal scenario
IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences
Today the world is fully acknowledged by the digital Technology with a constant dependency of staying connected with everything. In this era of world and after the world experiencing covid pandemic, a new dimension of use of digital/ cyber technology and digitalization in all area including home to office work in day-to-day life emerged with broad spectrum. Technology has given a significant contribution in societal change with digital world in all aspects such as the medical instruments used in surgical treatment of various cardiac, pulmonary diseases orthopedic as well as carcinogenic diseases; cellular connectivity with accuracy &consistency and timeless feasibility of data transfer and money transactions from one hand to another hand. With advancement of technology on a daily basis a significant impact can be seen on the society. This also creates a major impact on the current criminal scenario as well as it has imposed new challenges in the criminal justice system. The present ...