Трансформация системы государственной безопасности в Словацкой Республике с 1989 по 1992 год (original) (raw)
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Вестник Томского государственного университета. История, 2018
The purpose of the article is to consider the process of developing ideas about the organization and appointment of security services in the Soviet state. The democratic forces that came to power after February Revolution proclaimed political freedoms and therefore they saw no need for the creation of bodies of political investigation. In the society there was a wide spread idea, that the time of the tsarist police and gendarmerie had passed. Their political opponents - radical socialists (the Bolsheviks) also supported it. The aims of the authors include the identification of the main stages in the formation of the Soviet state security agencies, a comparative analysis of their activities and the activities of the Police Department of pre-revolutionary Russia. The main methods of the article are comparison, analysis, deduction. The main sources of the article are the works of V. I Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Party, memoirs of F. E. Dzerzhinsky and M. Ya. Latsis, the employees of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, and first basic law of the USSR - the Constitution of 1924. The authors come to the following conclusions: that the state security services in Soviet Russia have evolved from a situational structure to a full-fledged state institution that actively participated in the socio-political life of the country. The new government quickly transformed their initial ideological attitude. For them it became clear that without political investigation, intelligence and counterintelligence it was not possible to effectively resist the political opposition. In December 1917, the Council of People's Commissars established the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (Cheka). This measure was considered extraordinary and temporary. However, the policy of war communism and the Civil War required further reforms of the special services. The number of employees of the Commission (chekists) increased, a centralized system of offices was established, and the authorities of employees were expanded. As a data prove the Commission had used some organizational and functional experience of the Police Department. Thus they restored political control over the administrative stuff of the railways; they reestablished institution of a foreign residence and an agent network inside the country. In some cases the former personnel were also involved in this work. In the repressive policy of the Commission such measures as a simplified procedure for judicial proceedings, revolutionary tribunals (as military courts in pre-revolutionary Russia) and political and counter-intelligence activity in the army were taken. Due to these measures, the work of the Commission was effective. The Civil War, where the soviet scouts were able to improve their skills, gave this opportunity. Besides, V. I. Lenin recognized that such structures were important and necessary for a young Soviet state. Later, the function of the United State Political Directorate, (the reorganized Commission), was officially enshrined in the Constitution of 1924. It was the final stage in the formation of state secret organization in Soviet Russia. The way of Soviet special services formation was fast and contradictory. Such structures were not planned in the new state. When they were required, it quickly became clear that there was no alternative to the pre-revolutionary police and could not be in this condition. Without any doubt, the Soviet state security services had their own special way of development; however, they occupied the same place in the society which had been taken by the tsarist police and gendarmes before.
Hronologija reforme sektora bezbednosti u srbiji
Milos Vasic , 2008
Ova publikacija predstavlja deo rezultata istraživačkog projekta "Mapiranje i monitoring reforme sektora bezbednosti u Srbiji", čija je realizicija bila moguća uz finansijsku podršku Vlade Kraljevine Norveške, Fonda za otvoreno društvo, Balkanskog fonda za demokratiju i Ženevskog centra za demokratsku kontrolu oružanih snaga.
Organi bezbednosti na teritoriji Dunavske banovine
Istraživanja, 2013
U radu se razmatra organizacija bezbedonosnog sistema na teritoriji Dunavske banovine, preko kog se može steći uvid u njegovo stanje na teritoriji cele Kraljevne Jugoslavije. Poseban osvrt je dat na odnos koji su pripadnici organa bezbednosti imali prema građanima i pripadnicima nacionalnih manjina. Vršenje njihove službe velikim delom bilo je uslovljeno pritiscima, kojima su i sami bili izloženi od strane centralnih upravnih organa. Korišćen je fond Kraljevske banske uprave Dunavske banovine Arhiva Vojvodine, kao i Službene novine Kraljevine Jugoslavije.
Реформування сектору безпеки Грузії: досвід для України
В даній статті здійснена спроба проаналізувати досвід Грузії щодо реформування сектору безпеки за останні 10 років та визначити можливі елементи для використання у процесі реформування сектору безпеки України. In this article the author tries to analyze Georgian experience in Security Sector Reform within the last 10 years and to crystallize possible elements to be used in the process of the Security Sector Reform in Ukraine.
Сучасна русиньска література по роцї 1989 на Словакії
РІЧНИК РУСКОй БУРСЫ 2019, P. 15, 2019
Contemporary Rusyn Literature in Slovakia after 1989 The turbulent history of European nations in the 20th century culminates in 1989, the year of the Velvet Revolution, which has resulted in many positive changes for big as well as for small nations on the continent. In the history of Rusyn literature this period is called the Literature of the Third National Revival as it sees a significant increase in the number of writers, literary works and various publishing activities. The first part of the paper presents the socio-cultural situation of Rusyns in this period and possibilities of publishing literary texts in their language. The second part contains thematic and genre characteristics of the Rusyn literature in Slovakia after 1989. The last part is an interpretation of a poetry collection by Daniela Kapraľová which belongs to the most interesting works in the contemporary Rusyn literature in Slovakia. Keywords: contemporary Rusyn literature in Slovakia, Rusyn literature after the 1989 year, Daniela Kapraľová, interpretation