Strategi Komunikasi Dakwah Kepada Muallaf DI Masjid Al-Hasanah DI Desa Marga Lestari Kecamatan Jati Agung Lampung Selatan (original) (raw)

Strategi Perencanaan Komunikasi Dakwah Masjid Peneleh Surabaya

Jurnal Kopis: Kajian Penelitian dan Pemikiran Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, 2021

This study discusses the da’wah communication planning strategy of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya. The purpose of this research is to describe, explain, and know the strategy of communication planning for the da'wah communication of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya and to describe, explain, and know the strategy for the communication planning of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya in a review of Talcott Parsons' functional structural theory. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data that has been collected are then analyzed, compared, and combined to form a systematic, coherent and complete study result. In this research, it is found that; (1) In the communication planning strategy of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya, it takes the subject of preaching from outside, the message design continues the walisongo method, the media used is face-to-face, and the determ...

Strategi Komunikasi Dakwah (Strategi Komunikasi Dakwah Majelis Dzikirdan Sholawat Jamuro Surakarta)


Islam merupakan agama yang mengajak kepada umat manusia untuk bertauhid kepada Allah. Dalam setiap seruannya, dapat dilaksanakan dengan berbagai cara, sehingga umat menjadi mengerti dan paham akan pesan agama Islam yang disampaikan. Ajakan tersebut bersifat kedamaian penuh dengan ketentraman, dengan rasa kasih sayang, tanpa ada gejolak terhadap umat pada umumnya. Kemajuan teknologi juga mempengaruhi metode dakwah, penggunaan media film, internet dan cara-cara yang bersfiat modern. Sehingga dakwah dengan konsep tradisional seakan tenggelam dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi dalam berdakwah. Jamaah Muji Rosul (JAMURO) Surakarta merupakan komunitas pengajian majelis dzikir dan sholawat yang masih menggunakan konsep tradisional. Konsep dakwah JAMURO membuat daya tarik tersendiri untuk diikuti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi dakwah yang diterapkan Jamuro dalam setiap dakwah Islam yang dilakukannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskript...

Strategi Komunikasi Takmir Dalam Memakmurkan Masjid Jogokariyan Yogyakarta


The magnificent mosque is not necessarily offset the spirit of the prosperity of the mosque. This is different from the Jogokariyan Mosque in Yogyakarta, in addition to congregational prayers it is also a center of social activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the takmir communication strategy to prosper the Jogokariyan Mosque. This study uses interpersonal communication theory with a descriptive qualitative approach. The informants of this study were four people from the Jogokariyan Mosque. The results of this study are the personal approach strategy is one of the keys to success in building the communication process. Mosque takmir communication with the surrounding community, worshipers, and mosque visitors is carried out persuasively. Takmir Masjid also often holds social activities with the community, both Muslim and non-Muslim. Efforts to make the mosque prosperous through a personal approach, through hobbies that are favored by residents who have not yet prayed. ...

Komunikasi Dakwah Antara Kyai Dan Santri Dalam Analisis Strategi Dakwah Di Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an Al-Mukhlish Kalirejo Lampung Tengah


Komunikasi dakwah antara kyai sebagai komunikator dan santri sebagai komunikan dalam proses penyampaian pesan dakwah dengan tujuan memiliki kesamaan makna pesan dakwah. Kesamaan makna akan timbul dari feedback antara keduanya sehingga stragegi komunikasi dakwah sebagai pengembangan dari strategi komunikasi dan strategi dakwah merupakan integrasi dalam perecanaan dan manajemen penyampaian pesan dakeah untuk mengubah opini, sikap, perilaku, dan sosial kepada sasaran dakwah ( mad’u /santri) dari pelaku dakwah ( da’i/ kyai) yang dilakukan oleh Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an Al-Mukhlish Kalirejo Lampung Tengah. Bagaimana komunikasi dakwah antara kyai dan santri dalam strategi dakwah di Pondok Pesantren tersebut dipandang urgen dalam berbagai aktivitas dakwah untuk pembinaan ibadah santri. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan berbagai pilihan macam-macam strategi komunikasi dakwah yang dapat digali dan dikembangkan dari macam-macam strategi komunikasi dan strategi dakwah dalam rangka mengemangkan teori keil...

Strategi Dan Manajemen Dakwah Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (Ldii) Kecamatan Tugu Kota Semarang

Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah

The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy and the management of the Indonesia Institute of Islamic Dawah (LDII) in District Tugu Semarang. In this study, the writer used an interview method toward the LDII Chairman of the district. Indeed, she also used the literature method by using the books, the documents, the articles and the reports to complete this study. The findings showed that as an organization, LDII uses good strategy and management in conducting Islamic da'wah. The strategies include some aspects of religion, sport, and cadre to the LDII congregations. Its activities are usually conducted daily, weekly, and annually. This study, then, gives some recommendation to conduct a sustainable research on the strategy and management of LDII in District Tugu Semarang. In addition, it is proven that LDII can socialize with other Muslims in carrying out religious practices, so people do not need to consider this group as an Islamic Jamaah because in some cases, most people still think about it. *** Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi serta manajemen yang digunakan Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia di Kecamatan Tugu Kota Semarang. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara dengan Ketua LDII Kecamatan Tugu. Selain menggunakan metode wawancara, juga menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Penulis menggunakan buku, dokumen, artikel serta laporan untuk melengkapi penelitian ini. Temuan dari penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Sebagai sebuah organisasi, LDII menggunakan strategi dan manajemen yang baik dalam melakukan dakwah Islam. 2) Strategi dakwah yang digunakan oleh LDII mencakup strategi di bidang keagamaan, di bidang olahraga, serta pengkaderan bagi jamaahnya. Kegiatan di dalam LDII bersifat harian, mingguan sampai tahunan. Rekomendasi dalam penelitian ini antara lain:1) Adanya penelitian yang berkelanjutan terhadap strategi dan manajemen LDII di Kecamatan Tugu. 2) Dalam menjalankan ritual keagamaan, LDII bisa membaur dengan umat Islam lainnya, sehingga masyarakat tidak menganggap LDII sebagai Islam Jamaah. Sebagian masyarakat masih menganggap bahwa LDII adalah Islam Jamaah.

Strategi Komunikasi Politik Muhammad DI Madinah

Avant Garde, 2017

The influence of the Prophet Muhammad as the bearer of the Islamic message is known plural. It is also about his prophetic and apostolic. The thing that is rarely discussed is Muhammad's position as a political communicator. In this case Muhammad is certainly an actor in the process of political communication in Medina. History calls the long journey of forming the Medina State under the reign of Muhammad starting from zero to become an area that was calculated at that time. It is not excessive for Muhammad to be called as a political actor in the establishment of Medina as well as political communicator in the government of Medina. In political communication, it is mentioned that political actors can form a public opinion, which then becomes consensus and mutually agreed. Thus, Muhammad has fulfilled that element in his leadership over Medina. In the process of political communication, there are important elements such as political communicators, messages delivered, and targets to the political communication effect that made Muhammad in Medina. The interesting thing for studied is Muhammad's political communication strategy. Where is as a political communicator, Muhammad was able to unite the heterogeneity and pluralism of the community who then agreed and want to be under his leadership in Medina. This paper is a literature study with an analytical descriptive approach as a way of describing and explaining historical facts relating to the role of Muhammad as a political communicator. From the results of the research, it was found that Muhammad had a brilliant political communication strategy. These strategies are: 1) The credibility of political communicators; 2) Create culture together and the elimination of racism as a political message; 3) Medina Charter as a target of political communication; 4) The practice of negotiation in political communication; 5) Selection of appropriate media in political communication. The entire political communication strategy of Muhammad can be seen from the elements of political communication. The author mentions that the Prophet Muhammad as the leader of Medina at that time has a communication strategy that goes far beyond the existing contemporary theory.

Strategi Komunikasi Dakwah Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Kota Bandung dalam Memberdayakan Ekonomi Umat Islam

Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Broadcast Communication

Da'wah is an important part of social life. The implementation of a more regular and targeted da'wah requires a process, such as approaches, strategies, methods, techniques and tactics. MUI as a non-governmental organization that accommodates scholars who are not only engaged in the fatwa sector, but can also work in the economic field. The economy is very important in the development of the people, therefore the progress of the people depends on the economic progress that is built. The economic empowerment of the people carried out by the MUI of Bandung City through the establishment of a Mosque-Based Syari'ah Cooperative. Da'wah strategy is an important thing that can affect the economic empowerment of the people. This study aims to determine the da'wah strategy carried out on the economic empowerment of Muslims. The research method used is a qualitative method with an emphasis on descriptive analysis. Data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the da'wah strategy of the MUI in Bandung City in empowering the people's economy is considered successful because it shows an increased welfare when joining the Mosque-Based Syari'ah Cooperative.