Literacy of Our Youngsters: Results and Restraints from Pisa (original) (raw)
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Indonesia PISA Result and Impact on The Reading Learning Program in Indonesia
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
This study aims (1) to describe the PISA program, the function of the PISA program, the objectives of the PISA program, the PISA program objectives, (2) explain the PISA results obtained by Indonesia, especially reading competence over the period 2000 to 2015, (3) describe the impact of the PISA on Indonesia such researches related to PISA and the government programs about school literacy regulations related to Permendikbud Nomor 23 Tahun 2015 about Penumbuhan Budi Pekerti. Data collection by literature observation. Data analysis with qualitative descriptive method. Research results as. First, the competencies tested in PISA are Mathematics, reading, and science for 15-years students, the program done by the OECD every 3 years, started from 2000's until 2015. Second, the average score results of student reading competency in Indonesia during 2000 until 2015 generally has decrease and make Indonesia ranked on 60th out of 72 countries. Third, the impact of PISA on the development of reading learning in Indonesia is the large number of researches about the reading learning development in Indonesia i.e. PERMENDIKBUD Nomor 23 Tahun 2015 about Penumbuhan Budi Pekerti which obligate students to read some books for 15 minutes before the class begins.
Portrait of Education in Indonesia: Learning from PISA Results 2015 to Present
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2023
This study aimed to analyze Indonesia's low Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) scores among PISA-participating countries in the world, using the qualitative Spradley model method. Data collection involved studying PISA results documents, curriculum documents, newspapers, and television news. Observations and interviews (both formal and informal) with teachers and prospective teachers who were studying at private tertiary institutions were also used considering that the main researcher has been a lecturer since 1986 until now. Data analysis techniques included domain analysis, content analysis, narrative analysis, and critical discourse analysis. Data analysis related to the implementation of the educational curriculum from the Dutch colonial era to the present. It was found that not all teachers used higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and teachers complained that the curriculum was often changed by the Ministry of Education. Even distribution of the quality of education is also not optimal and experiences difficulties. This is because Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, with the population spread over 17,000 islands separated by sea. This study recommends that the Indonesian Government make solid short-, medium-and long-term education master plans so that teachers are not bothered with curriculum changes on a regular basis. If participation in PISA by Indonesia is continued, this study recommends that the practice of PISA questions be increased and that PISA participants be selected using purposive sampling considering that the quality of education is not evenly distributed.
Diagnosing Weaknesses of Indonesian Students’ Learning on the Basis of PISA 2012 Survey Results
A paper presented at PISA 2012 Symposium, RECSAM, October 2014
Based on a series of PISA surveys since 2000 performance of Indonesian students in mathematics, science, and reading have been lower compared with their peers in almost all PISA participant countries. However, there have not been comprehensive studies conducted to reveal weaknesses of Indonesian students in terms of their mathematics, science and reading abilities, from which corrective actions to those problems can be determined. This study explores students’ proficiency profiles in each mathematics, science and reading competence aspects to describe specifically what they can do and cannot do on the basis of PISA 2012 results. Besides, this study also examines opportunity to learn experienced by students in school learning based on its index of exposure to some aspects of learning in order to find out main points of weaknesses of learning process may responsible for the low performance of Indonesian students in PISA survey 2012. Some corrective actions are proposed to improve students’ learning process as well as learning achievement in Indonesia as an implication of this study.
OUR NATION IS AT RISK: A global perspective of Indonesian students' literacy achievement
This paper is aimed at exploring the results of the international benchmarking studies of PIRLS and PISA and identifying factors influencing our students' performance in reading literacy. The trend analysis is used to portray the students' performance in a period of 2000 to 2009. The study shows that very little improvement has taken place during this time. The students who can achieve higher level are less than 0.1% while 63.2% are at level 1 and below. They were not able to demonstrate the ability of the most fundamental knowledge and skills tested in the PIRLS & PISA. In a global perspective, our students are in fact susceptible; and consequently, the future of our nation is truly at risk. The result of this study has reminded us that we need a new education system to prepare our students facing the challenge of globalization.
Indonesian Education, Pisa Scores and 3 Reading Strategies That Work
This presentation introduces me and my engagement with Indonesian contexts of teaching and learning. I then introduce the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) “Programme for International Student Assessment” (PISA), noting the challenges facing Indonesia in this period of reform. Publically acknowledging the challenges is an important step in narrowing the agenda and effecting positive future changes. Based on this information from the PISA data, I introduce three effective reading strategies that can be used in all years of schooling: (i) summarising non-literary texts to get the main detail; (ii) reading figurative language in literary texts; and (iii) actively reading to make meaning from the unwritten ellipses.
The purposes of the study 1) describe implementation steps of student's ability to solve children problems of mathematics PISA type, 2) describe the results analysis of the students ability to solve problems mathematics PISA type, 3) supporting and inhibiting factors of students in solving mathematical problems PISA type. The methods of the study 1) test, 2) observation,3) interview. The results of the study 1) implementation steps of students ability to solve problems mathematics PISA type can be known with the stage of preparation, data collection, analysis and the ability of the students work on the problems and analyzing capabilities into categories based literacy and levels that have been made. Data analysis was carried out starting from the scoring and analysis of students answers, 2) The results of the analysis of the students ability to solve problems of mathematics PISA type ability of mathematic content, the ability of mathematic process, ability of mathematic contexs ...
This study was aimed to find out the descriptions of students’ PISA reading literacy performances in English and Bahasa Indonesia and whether or not there was a significant difference between students’ performance in PISA literacy reading test in English and Bahasa Indonesia. The population of this study was state senior high school students in Ilir Barat I district in Palembang and the sample of study was selected by using purposive sampling. PISA reading literacy 2009 tests written in Bahasa Indonesia and English were used to collect the data which were analyzed statistically by applying Descriptive Statistics and Independent Sample t-test. The result showed that the avarage scores of students’ PISA reading literacy test 2009 in Bahasa Indonesia and English were 39.18 and 24.86, respectively, suggesting they were far below from the standard of National Education in Indonesia (75.00). The result also showed that the students’ PISA reading literacy performance in Bahasa Indonesia wa...
Diagnosing Weaknesses of Indonesian Students’ Learning
What Can PISA 2012 Data Tell Us?, 2016
PISA is an international comparative study on students’ performance in Mathematics, Reading, and Science Literacies. The PISA survey is carried out on a sample of 15-year-old students in each OECD countries as well as other participating countries in a three year cycle to measure students’ performance and some other factors related to the performance.
Improvement of primary school education in Indonesia has been sought since a national standardized curriculum was established in 1976. Curriculum reform centered on requirements for teaching and learning materials, libraries and library books, and other learning equipment. School management and teacher performance have also been emphasized. The need to improve the quality of primary education was reaffirmed in 1986 and is included in the Fiftn Five-Year Development Plan. The aim of this study was to produce information and policy recommendations on how to improve primary schools. This study examined communities and schools to estimate primary school attendance, identify factors that influence participation, measure sixth-grade achievement, gauge the progress in different provinces, rank schools by achievement, and identify factors responsible for differential achievement in schools. Four major research questions were posed in this study: (1) What is the quality of Indonesian basic education? (2) What causes educational differences within the country? (3) How is the primary school system responsible for test results? and (4) What factors influence school quality? In addition to an introducticu, this study includes chapters on problem: and issues in primary education, disparity in academic achievement, school quality and academic achievement, and conclusions and recommendations. An appendix contains a list of variables used in the analysis. (Contains 30 references.) (JPT)
The Struggle of Indonesian Students in the Context of Timss and Pisa has not Ended
IAEME, 2019
This study provides reports that Indonesian students are still struggling from underdevelopment. TIMSS and PISA is a challenging vehicle in the 21st century. TIMSS and PISA as a very comprehensive evaluation material in monitoring and providing information on the state of education in the form of mathematics and science of a country. Indonesia still lags far behind other Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Based on the results mentioned in 2015, Indonesia is at number 44 of 49 countries. The slumped condition makes Indonesian students still struggle to be at a better level. The weaknesses, for examples, are the distribution of education for educators, access to places of education and limited learning facilities. Indonesia is an archipelago country that stretches with thousands of islands from Sabang to Merauke so that education is still not evenly distributed. Limitations do not make Indonesian students break up. The implication of this paper is to give an overview of the major Indonesia's achievements obstacles that is not able to achieve a better ranking in TIMSS and PISA