Drosophila glue protects from predation (original) (raw)
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“The glue produced by Drosophila melanogaster for pupa adhesion is universal”
ABSTRACTInsects produce a variety of adhesives for diverse functions such as locomotion, mating, egg or pupal anchorage to substrates. Although they are important for the biology of organisms and potentially represent a great resource for developing new materials, insect adhesives have been little studied so far. Here, we examined the adhesive properties of the larval glue of D. melanogaster. This glue is made of glycosylated proteins and allows the animal to adhere to a substrate during metamorphosis. We designed an adhesion test to measure the pull-off force required to detach a pupa from a substrate and to evaluate the contact area covered by the glue. We found that the pupa adheres with similar forces to a variety of substrates (with distinct roughness, hydrophilic and charge properties). We obtained an average pull-off force of 217 mN, corresponding to 15 500 times the weight of a pupa and adhesion strength of 137-244 kPa. Surprisingly, the pull-off forces did not depend on the...
Drosophila Glue: A Promising Model for Bioadhesion
The glue produced by Drosophila larvae to attach themselves to a substrate for several days and resist predation until the end of metamorphosis represents an attractive model to develop new adhesives for dry environments. The adhesive properties of this interesting material have been investigated recently, and it was found that it binds as well as strongly adhesive commercial tapes to various types of substrates. This glue hardens rapidly after excretion and is made of several proteins. In D. melanogaster, eight glue proteins have been identified: four are long glycosylated mucoproteins containing repeats rich in prolines, serines and threonines, and four others are shorter proteins rich in cysteines. This protein mix is produced by the salivary glands through a complex packaging process that is starting to be elucidated. Drosophila species have adapted to stick to various substrates in diverse environmental conditions and glue genes appear to evolve rapidly in terms of gene number,...
Entomological Science, 2006
The structure and mechanism of pupal attachment are described for the nymphalid Greta oto using electron microscopy, and high-speed and time-lapse photography. The cremaster is composed of a 3-D array of hooked setae that engage with silk fibers spun into layers in a pad on the lower leaf surface. Each seta comprises a shaft terminating in a strongly curved hook, tipped with two lateral barbs. These hook into the silk pad, which is densely laid and built-up in the central portion, flattening out peripherally. Timelapse photography showed that silk pad construction by fifth instar larvae is completed in four distinct spinning movements, producing a random fiber arrangement. It is proposed that such a fiber arrangement provides isotropic strength, giving greater flexibility to the attachment. The cremaster is attached to the silk pad by a series of lateral movements of the pupa's posterior abdomen. This movement, together with the shape of the setal hooks, is thought to be integral to the attachment process. Tensile loading tests showed that attachment failure is due to the breakage of the silk pad, which undergoes gradual destruction before releasing the cremaster. The attachment was found to have high tensile strength and fracture toughness, both of which suggest that it has evolved for the dual purpose of preventing the pupa being pulled from the leaf by a predator and preventing the attachment being weakened by wind, which causes the pupa to swing.
An Integrative Study of Insect Adhesion: Mechanics and Wet Adhesion of Pretarsal Pads in Ants
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2002
SYNOPSIS. Many animals that locomote by legs possess adhesive pads. Such organs are rapidly releasable and adhesive forces can be controlled during walking and running. This capacity results from the interaction of adhesive with complex mechanical systems. Here we present an integrative study of the mechanics and adhesion of smooth attachment pads (arolia) in Asian Weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina). Arolia can be unfolded and folded back with each step. They are extended either actively by contraction of the claw flexor muscle or passively when legs are pulled toward the body. Regulation of arolium use and surface attachment includes purely mechanical control inherent in the arrangement of the claw flexor system.
Insects, 2020
Leaf insects (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae) exhibit perfect crypsis imitating leaves. Although the special appearance of the eggs of the species Phyllium philippinicum, which imitate plant seeds, has received attention in different taxonomic studies, the attachment capability of the eggs remains rather anecdotical. We herein elucidate the specialized attachment mechanism of the eggs of this species and provide the first experimental approach to systematically characterize the functional properties of their adhesion by using different microscopy techniques and attachment force measurements on substrates with differing degrees of roughness and surface chemistry, as well as repetitive attachment/detachment cycles while under the influence of water contact. We found that a combination of folded exochorionic structures (pinnae) and a film of adhesive secretion contribute to attachment, which both respond to water. Adhesion is initiated by the glue, which becomes fluid through hydration, enabl...
Drosophila pupation behavior in the wild
Evolutionary Ecology, 2010
We investigated pupa distributions of D. simulans, D. buzzatii, D. melanogaster, D. immigrans and D. hydei on a number of natural breeding sites. Pupae of all five species showed aggregated distributions, which prompted us to examine these aggregations in a more detail for two species that commonly co-occur in breeding sites, D. simulans and D. buzzatii. We found that pupae of both species tend to be aggregated in conspecific clusters. Subsequent experiments revealed that both species are attracted to the odors of other larvae, though only D. buzzatii differentiated between conspecifics and heterospecifics (they preferred conspecific). Furthermore, third instar larvae of both species preferred more alkaline substrates. Altogether, our results demonstrate that Drosophila species form conspecific pupa aggregations in natural breeding sites, and that pupation site selection depends on interactions among conspecific and heterospecific larvae and on chemical characteristics of the breeding sites.
Closely related parasitoids induce different pupation and foraging responses in Drosophila larvae
Oikos, 2009
Few examples exist where parasites manipulate host behaviour not to increase their transmission rate, but their own survival. Here we investigate fitness effects of parasitism by Asobara species in relation to the pupation behaviour of the host, Drosophila melanogaster. We found that Asobara citri parasitized larvae pupate higher in rearing jars compared to unparasitized controls, while A. tabida pupated on or near the medium. No change in pupation site was found for three other species. A follow-up experiment showed a non-random distribution of parasitized and unparasitized pupae over the different jar parts. To test the adaptiveness of these findings, we performed pupal transfer experiments. Optimum pupation sites were found to be different between host individuals; wall individuals survived better than bottom individuals, but bottom individuals did worse at the wall. Two parasitoid species that alter pupation site significantly showed high rates of diapause at their 'preferred' pupation site. For one of them, A. citri, pupation occurred at the optimal site for highest survival (emergence plus diapause). From literature we know that pupation height and foraging activity are genetically positively linked. Therefore, we implement a short assay for rover/sitter behavioural expression by measuring distance travelled during foraging after parasitism. For one out of three species, foraging activity was reduced, suggesting that this species suppresses gene expression in the for pathway and thereby reduces pupation height. The parasitoid species used here, naturally inhabit widely different environments and our results are partly consistent with a role for ecology in shaping the direction of parasite-induced changes to host pupation behaviour. More parasitoids are found on the wall of the rearing jar when they originate from dry climates, while parasitoids from wet climates pupate on the humid bottom.
Journal of Insect Physiology, 2008
The arolium in Lycorma delicatula is shaped as a truncated pyramid, tapering proximally. The base or the terminal area is corrugated, forming parasagittal wrinkles (period 1.5-5.0 mm), which are supported from inside by cuticular dendrites. Side faces of the arolium are made up of sclerotized dorsolateral plates. When claws slip on a smooth substrate and pronate, the dorsolateral plates diverge and expand the sticky terminal area. The real contact area with the glass plate was recognized by light reflection on its periphery. This area was measured and shown to be smaller when the leg was pressed perpendicularly to the substrate (0.02 mm 2 ) than when it was sheared in a direction parallel to the substrate (0.05 mm 2 ). Attachment forces were measured with the aid of dynamometric platforms during pulling of active insects from horizontal or vertical glass surfaces. Normal adhesive force (about 9-12 mN) was much less than friction force during sliding with velocity of 6-17 mm/s (50-100 mN); however, when expressed in tenacity per unit contact area the difference was less pronounced: 170 and 375-625 mN/mm 2 , respectively. Sliding of the arolium during shear displacement was shown to be oscillatory in frame-by-frame video analysis. Relaxative oscillations consisted of periodical sticks-slips of the arolium along the glass surface.